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Centralis Governor's Office

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Archaic
    That was before the TF's were built I hope?
    oh yes, that was a looong time ago.


    • #62
      STEP will love to hear this. Fungal blooms are NOT inevitable. You simply have to wait with constructing boreholes until our production techniques are sufficiently eco-friendly, in other words the clean mineral limit has risen.
      Which, as Archaic said, will take a very long time, and in any case, they will occur whether or not we build boreholes. They are an inevitable byproduct of industrial development at this stage, and I have no intention of crippling Centralis industry because you havbe some kind of romantic attachment to Planet.

      Exactly. STEP wishes to show its dismay at the actions of The Governor of Centralis. There should be very few, if any, fungal blooms. We do not need them Akiria will have no fungal blooms for at least the next 50 years, and will have less than 5 fungal blooms (all will be the product of oversights or things happening in turnchat) throughout the whole time I am Governor.
      While fungal blooms are certainly not desirable, the price of avoiding them is, for the moment, unacceptably high, unless you wish to go into the Primary Industrial Zone in Tacticus Academy and explain to the factory workers there why their livelihoods must be sacrificed in the name of Planet.

      That was before the TF's were built I hope?
      Like TKG said, ages ago, although NS has had reduced industrial production for decades because of how long it's taken to clean it up. The fugnus wasn't cleared until the last chat.


      • #63
        One must wonder anyway Drouge......and this is an RP arguement do you know that our mineral production is harmful to planet? You say it's damaging the eco-system, and all I see is the mineral production rising to a level where the native plant life is actually encouraged to grow. What was pollution back on earth might for all we know be just what this planet likes. Certainly seems a more reasonable arguement than your "planet is rising up against us!" pleas.

        Think about it for a minute.
        • Where do you see the biggest concentrations of fungus? Around high mineral areas.
        • Where do you see the biggest concentrations of worms? Near inhabited areas. Why? Because the worms are attracted to people because they can feed on us.
        • The rapid breeding of Mind Worms is a natural side of the speeded growth of Xenofungus, which itself is a side effect of our "pollution".

        Or in other words....

        Mineral Production ==> Encourages Native Flora ==> Encourages Native Fauna

        Sounds a lot different when you take it out of the perspective of your ecoreligion, doesn't it?
        Last edited by Archaic; January 21, 2003, 09:34.
        Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


        • #64
          Originally posted by GeneralTacticus I have no intention of crippling Centralis industry because you havbe some kind of romantic attachment to Planet.
          Hé? When did I ever speak extreme-green pro-Planet talk?

          Archaic: Perhaps Drogue's centauri empaths tell him that? Or wait, we haven't discovered CentMeditation yet.
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #65
            Hé? When did I ever speak extreme-green pro-Planet talk?
            I was referring mainly to the STEP. Sorry if it offended you.


            • #66
              PRELIMINARY ORDERS AS OF MY 2235:

              Build Queue Orders:
              New Apolyton:
              Insert Aerospace complex at start of build queue, followed by Missile tactical.

              No changes.

              Tacticus Academy:
              No changes.

              Insert crawler at start of build queue.
              Insert Command Centre after crawler.

              Worker Placement Orders:

              Crawler Orders:

              Former Orders:
              Tacticus Academy former (7, 91), SSW of Tacticus Academy, no orders.
              - Build farm then solar.
              - Move to 8,82, clear fungus, then drill borehole.

              Tacticus Academy former (6, 90), SSW of Tacticus Academy, no orders.
              - Build farm then solar.
              - Move to 8,82, clear fungus, then drill borehole.

              Antioch former (7, 91), SSW of Tacticus Academy, build farm.
              - Build farm then solar.
              - Move to 8,82, clear fungus, then drill borehole.

              ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (7, 91), SSW of Tacticus Academy, build farm.
              - Build farm then solar.
              - Move to 8,82, clear fungus, then drill borehole.

              ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former New Apolyton, move to 18,92.
              - Continue moving to 18,92.
              - Drill borehole.
              - When done, move to 18,88 clear fungus, build road, and plant forest.

              New Apolyton former (18,92) drill borehole.
              - Continue drilling borehole.
              - When done, move to 18,88, clear fungus, build road, and plant forest.

              ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (13,83), no orders..
              - Move to 12,82
              - Clear fungus, build road, plant forest.
              Last edited by GeneralTacticus; January 24, 2003, 08:00.


              • #67
                Ok things have changed. I asked for volunteers ( bases) to include proto-type AAA units and/or needlejets
                and interceptors into the build Q. I would like your region to volunteer something.
                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                • #68
                  I've already inserted an Aerospace Complex and Missile tactical into the New Apolyton build queue.


                  • #69
                    PRELIMINARY ORDERS AS OF MY 2242:

                    Build Queue Orders:
                    New Apolyton:
                    Insert crawler at start of build queue.
                    Insert Centauri Preserve at end of build queue.

                    Delete current queue.
                    Insert Hab Complex, Fusion Lab, Biology Lab and Centauri Preserve, I that order.

                    Tacticus Academy:
                    Insert Centauri Preserve at end of build queue.

                    Insert Centauri Preserve at end of build queue.

                    Worker Placement Orders:
                    New Apolyton:
                    Move 1 forest worker to mine on 17,89 (N of NA).
                    When crawler arrives, switch workers back to forest.

                    When borehole is complete, switch one forest worker over.

                    Crawler Orders:
                    When NA crawler is complete, send it N to 17,89 and crawl minerals.

                    Have 8,92 crawler switch from energy to minerals.

                    Former Orders:
                    Tacticus Academy former (8,82), W of Antioch, drill borehole.
                    - Continue drilling borehole.
                    - When done, move N to 8,80 and clear fungus, then build road, then plant forest.

                    Tacticus Academy former (8, 82), W of Antioch, drill borehole.
                    - Continue drilling borehole.
                    - When done, move N to 8,80 and clear fungus, then build road, then plant forest.

                    Antioch former (8, 82), W of Antioch, drill borehole.
                    - Continue drilling borehole.
                    - When done, move N to 8,80 and clear fungus, then build road, then plant forest.

                    ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (8, 82), W of Antioch, drill borehole.
                    - Continue drilling borehole.
                    - When done, move N to 8,80 and clear fungus, then build road, then plant forest.

                    ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (18,88), NNW of New Apolyton, no orders.
                    - Clear fungus.
                    - Build road.
                    - Plant forest.
                    -Move to 16,86 and repeat.

                    New Apolyton former (18,88), NNW of New Apolyton, no orders.
                    - Clear fungus.
                    - Build road.
                    - Plant forest.
                    -Move to 16,86 and repeat.

                    ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (12,82), E of Antioch, no orders.
                    - Plant forest.
                    - Move NW to 10,80.
                    - Build road.
                    - Plant forest.

                    Rush Requests:

                    Hab Complex at New Apolyton for 110 ECs (optimal price)
                    Research Hospital in TBIBTU for 182 ECs (optimal price)
                    Research Hospital in Tacticus Academy for 60 ECs (optimal price)
                    Research Hospital in Antioch for 72 ECs (optimal price)

                    Total: 414 ECs.


                    • #70
                      PRELIMINARY ORDERS AS OF MY 2249:

                      Build Queue Orders:
                      New Apolyton:
                      Add former to beginning of build queue.
                      Add former to build queue after Fusion Lab.


                      Tacticus Academy:
                      Insert Hybrid Forest at end of build queue once PE is discovered.
                      Insert Aerospace Complex after that.


                      Worker Placement Orders:
                      Tacticus Academy:
                      Switch one Empath to an Engineer.

                      Crawler Orders:
                      Have 16,88 crawler cash in at NA for AV.

                      Former Orders:
                      Tacticus Academy former (9,79), NNW of Antioch, clear fungus.
                      - Continue clearing fungus.
                      - When done, build farm, solar, then soil enricher. Next move back and build soil enrichers on every condenser square in Centralis.

                      Tacticus Academy former (8, 84), SWSW of Antioch, construct soil enricher.
                      - Continue current project.
                      - When done, carry on building soil enrichers on every condenser and farm square available.

                      Antioch former (9,79), NNW of Antioch, clear fungus.
                      - Continue clearing fungus.
                      - When done, build farm, solar, then soil enricher. Next move back and build soil enrichers on every condenser square in Centralis.

                      ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (9,79), NNW of Antioch, clear fungus.
                      - Continue clearing fungus.
                      - When done, build farm, solar, then soil enricher. Next move back and build soil enrichers on every condenser square in Centralis.

                      ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (16,86), SE of TBIBTU, no orders.
                      - Clear fungus.
                      - Build road.
                      - Plant forest.
                      - Move W & repeat.
                      - Move NW & repeat

                      New Apolyton former (16,86), SE of TBIBTU, clear fungus.
                      - Clear fungus.
                      - Build road.
                      - Plant forest.
                      - Move W & repeat.
                      - Move NW & repeat

                      ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (10,80), N of Antioch, plant forest.
                      - Continue current project.
                      - Move NE, build road, then forest. Next move back and build soil enrichers on every condenser square in Centralis.

                      Rush Requests:
                      (Excluding cost of AV in NA)

                      Fusion Lab in Antioch for 128 ECs (optimal price)
                      Centauri Preserve in TA (after Biology Lab) for 144 ECs (optimal price)
                      Hybrid Forest in TA (after Centauri Preserve) for ~420 ECs (optimal price)

                      Total: ~672 ECs.


                      • #71
                        Regional Announcement:

                        As of the last chat, Centralis is now completely ecodamage-free. The Centauri Preserves being built will help ensure that it remains that way.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Archaic

                          Think about it for a minute.
                          • Where do you see the biggest concentrations of fungus? Around high mineral areas.
                          • Where do you see the biggest concentrations of worms? Near inhabited areas. Why? Because the worms are attracted to people because they can feed on us.
                          • The rapid breeding of Mind Worms is a natural side of the speeded growth of Xenofungus, which itself is a side effect of our "pollution".

                          Or in other words....

                          Mineral Production ==> Encourages Native Flora ==> Encourages Native Fauna

                          Sounds a lot different when you take it out of the perspective of your ecoreligion, doesn't it?
                          What does the point two make in that equation, then ?
                          "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                          "I shall return and I shall be billions"


                          • #73
                            Which one is point two? The one about mindworms being found most often in inhabited areas?


                            • #74
                              yes. The one that comes after the first and before the third
                              "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                              "I shall return and I shall be billions"


                              • #75
                                Given that they're not numbered, it's kind of hard to tell which set of points you're referring to, or even what you're counting as a point.

