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Chironian News Network - Starting Issue

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  • Chironian News Network - Starting Issue

    Chironian News Network

    CNN - Bringing Real News to Real People

    QuickNews Ticker (Paid for and brought to you buy the University of Planet): Losses by the Condordian Concordes at the National Gaming Tournament in New Apolyton Lead to Riots, Doctors Immediately Rushed in.............Disagreements over "Freedom of Information Flow" Policy lead to Protests in University.................CNN Revived By Peacekeeping Citizen Tassadar, New Layout Introduced..............Currently Peacekeeping Government Earning 44 Credits P/Year...................This is the CNN.................New Apolyton Hailed as most Productive Base, Citizens Celebrate in Huge Ralley......................Disputes lead to Peacekeeping-Hivonian War..............Human Hive Rated most Powerful Country in World............CNN Global Headquarters Move to New Apolyton..............University Leader calls Peacekeepers "Stupid".................Morganic Head of State says Peacekeeping Economy "Suxors".............This is CNN................Tassadarian Estate Estimanted to be worth over 10 Energy Credits........Haha, I have more money than you......................Huh? Human Hive Passes Law Requiring Non-Communist Dead Citizens to Apply for Party Membership Before Becoming One with the People.........................Darkness Edge' Public Display Gets Mixed Reviews.....................Quote of the Day: The Tides of Planet Come Forth from the Heavens of Chrion and Cast its Wrath on Those whom Abuse Her - Pandemoniak, Lest Forth Ye Cast Your Hand..........

    CNN Rebuilt!
    Tassadar Breathes New Life into the CNN

    Just hours ago, Chief CNN Editor Tassadar unveiled the new CNN Global Headquarters in New Apolyton, PEACEKEEPING FACTION.
    "Why did I open it there? It's quite simple: New Apolyton is ismply THE best city in the world, whats why." Tassadar said at the annual CNN Investors Meeting in Morgan Industries approxamately three hours ago as Morganic reporters flooded the room.
    "Oh yeah its great. It means that my money has been well spent." Said President Darkness Edge' when asked to comment about the new information to come out of the investors meeting. Citizens in New Apoltyon broke out celebrating as the buidlling was opened.
    "Yeah!!! Were better than the commies, geeks, and capitalists combined! WHOO HOO!!" One citizen was heard yelling as the buildling was flooded with people.
    "Now that we've opened up the Global Headquarters, I need to begin recruiting. Soon all of Planet shall recognize the Peacekeeping Faction as the freest faction with the best newspaper on the planet!" Tassadar said to CNN reporters as he got off of his rover from Morgan Industries.

    From our headquarters to your hands, we do hope you enjoy the new, developing legacy of the Chironian News Network - Bringing Real News to Real People.

    Citizens of the Peacekeeping Faction Uniting
    Amidst a Peacekeeping-Hivonian War, Peacekeepers Begin Banding Together to Form "Citizens Defense Force"

    A new craze is beginning to hit every person of every house of every community of every neighborhood of every base of every region of the Peacekeeping Faction: Militia forces.
    "Down, now! Give me 50! 1! 1...2....3! 2! 1....2....3! 3! 1...2....3!!" General Archancod of the Concordia Militia Defense Force yells to his troops every day at 0700 every day. What he is doing is not training a regiment which will go out and fight the enemy, but he is doing something perhaps more important than that. He is teaching every citizen of Concordia over the age of 15 how to be an effective defensive militia force.
    "We want to make sure these citizens are disciplined and skilled enough to defend this glorious city in the case the evil hive were to attack us, sir." Archancod told CNN reporters during "chow time".
    While each base has its own Militia Training Program, Concordia in specific has three levels: Glory, Hero, Minutemen. The "Glory" training program almost mirrors that of normal military training. It begins at 5 AM, and ends at 10 PM and lasts for 11 months each year, taking a break in December. The "Hero" program is much more toned down, and times are usually more accommodating lasting from 7 AM to 8 PM and lasts for 8 months each year taking a break in March, May, August, and December. The Minutemen program is the most basic, lasing only 6 months (later half of the year) and times are 10AM to 5PM. The military is also offering 24-Hour 12-Month Militia programs as well.
    However while most will agree that these programs, especially during war, are beneficial a small group called the "Peacekeeping Organization for the Elimination of the Spartans" has conducted meetings and is rallying for the government to end the militia program.
    "These people are literally ABUSED in these places! My god, you can't even take a shower for half an hour, you only have about a minute!!! This is inhumane!!!! I mean, these women who go into glory, they can't even...well...have fun at night! It is the governments responsibility to the PEOPLE of the peacekeeping faction to stop these crimes against humanity NOW!" Amaera BayLaurel, a spokesmen for POES. However, President Darkness Edge' disagrees.
    "Militia forces are the fundamental backbone of our defenses against Hive forces and work alongside our professional military men. If the cosmic forces of Nessus are not with us in battle, then we will be forced to rely on the backbone....but if there is none, then the base shall fall to the Human Hive and be enslaved for all time. Plus, this is a citizen-sponsored organization and I have no control over the matter." Darkness Edge' told us before touring the CNN Global Headquarters in New Apolyton.
    Currently the Militia forces of all the bases are attempting to form an organized force that they call the "Citizens Defense Force" and are currently applying for government recognition.

    If YOU would like to join the Militia Defense Force near you so that you may serve your patriotic duty, contact your local CNN Printing Building for more information.

    University Begins Hiring Empaths
    President Zakharov Made a Plea to the World: "Send us your misfits!"

    "So I plead with you, send us your misfits!" Concluded President Zakharovs shocking speech to the world pleading the leaders to send them empaths.
    "This is quite shocking, however I will comply with the Universities merciful request." President Morgan said in a reply speech as 10,000 people were shipped off from Morgan Industries, despite the war. While the idea of sending empaths to the University may be appealing to our allies, President Darkness Edge had more than a mouthful to say about it.
    "WHAT THE **** IS HE PLANNING ON DOING WITH THEM?! No.....What he suggests is genocide, and I will have NONE OF IT." Darkness Edge said. Just as he gave his speech, two CNN reporters asked him to comment about the University actually threatening war. Suddenly, Darkness Edge stepped back onto the podium, put his hand up in the air, and "lowered" fingers 1, 2, 4, and 5.
    "Go **** yourself, Zakharov." Darkness Edge finally said going back to his Presidential Headquarters in New Apolyton.
    However despite all the secrecy surrounding the University project, CNN has obtained reports and material that may be able to answer Darkness Edge's question.
    "We have obtained reports that, eh, the University is working on an "Empath Guild" where Empthas reach the minds of other factions...." Researcher Tumoi Jupon told CNN after inspecting a hand-written report obtained by the University, written in Russian. Darkness Edge has declined to comment.

    Are you sick of the big city live?...
    are you sick of all those people? talking about politics?....
    are you sick of thinking of new ways to get drunk in the Rec. rooms?....
    Come to the Aurillion province and get better.

    in the Aurrillion Province we have the cleanes forests where you can walk around and will not be bothered by workers or crawlers in the Aurillion Province we have nice and calm cities....come to the Aurillion Province and work on a better tomorrow for our faction...we could use your help!

    help us with the following projects:
    *Colonization projects
    *road improvement project
    *cultivation project
    *bank employees for the first national bank of the aurillion Province

    come and help you faction!

    Anti-Peacekeeping Sentiment on Rise in University, Morgan
    Demonstrations against Peacekeeping President Mark "Whats to Come", Experts Say

    All of these were signs during a jointly-coordinated protest against the Peacekeeping Faction in University Base and Morgan Industries last week, and Zakharov himself even held up a sign "University Uber Alles: UUA".
    "I did it because your country sucks bad compared to us. Go to ****." Zakharov told Univeristy CNN reporters. Relations between the Peacekeeping Faction and the rest of the world have gone down dramatically in the past few years. According to the P3 Study Group, the percent of the world population (excluding the Peacekeeping Faction) that have a favorable view towards New Apolyton is less than 1 percent and the main reason cited has been "They suck.".
    "That word 'sucks' seems to be used a lot by other factions both the leaders and the people." Soosmaya, Chairman of P3 Study Group, told CNN. "And I believe the true reason is our greatness. It's only so apparent to everyone that were just so much better than they are. And because we have planned economics."
    However, the P3 Study Group also says that the "Peacekeeping leadership must do something to rectify the situation lest they find themselves without allies amidst war.".
    "I would love to change to Free Market right away. Unfortunately the people are so blinded by stupidity that they simply refuse to switch." Anonymous commented. At time of writing, the University is seething with anger and Morgan Industries (A Peacekeeping Pact-Brother) is ambivalent towards New Apolyton.

    The Hive declares war on the UN Peacekeeping Nation
    By Unknown

    Chrironian News Network: Special Edition

    The Hive declares War on the UNN Peacekeeping Nation!

    1) Negotiation Failure

    Today, the recent rumours of a possible conflict with chairman Yang’s
    faction have become a reality. Since the very first day since the Hive
    faction was encountered, a lot of citizens were preoccupied on the fast
    growing tension between chairman Yang and the UNN Peacekeeping faction.

    The diplomatic negotiations geared toward keeping a cease-fire between
    our peaceful faction and their have finally proved to be a failure.
    This did not seem to surprise the diplomatic delegation. They had to do
    the negotiations via planetary com-link communication protocol, as our
    government had feared they could be taken hostage by the Hive during the

    Besides, chairman Yang’s demands proved again and again to be
    presumptuous as he was asking for quite big sums of energy, scientific
    development from our databanks as well as some territory inside our border to
    ask the UNN to prove “its willingness and worthiness to live at peace in
    a world that is rightfully to property of the Hive who is the most
    adapted faction to rule planet” and that alone showed the unwillingness on
    part of chairman Yang to maintain peace between our two factions.

    2) Yang insults the ideology of the UNN Peacekeeping faction

    After repeated failures to come to an agreement and the refusal of the
    UNN diplomatic delegation to submit to Yang’s threats, the hive
    formally and officially declared war on our faction and promised a “long and
    brutal war that will last until the corrupting UNN ‘peacekeeping’ nation
    stopped their non-sense as well as their democratic failure and accept
    the reality of life on planet”.

    Yang also prided himself on the “Hive’s superior social engineering
    programming that will repeat the errors made on earth as the UNN is doing
    right now”. Of course, the UNN governments was deeply shocked to see
    the peacekeeping faction talked about in such a way and is firmly
    determined to prove chairman Yang how wrong and stupid his statements are.

    3) Revelation of the Hive’s true and evil nature by one of its own

    Speaking of this, the UNN Peacekeeping recently got a strong proof on
    how bad the social engineering programming was at the Hive as one their
    member defected and, after a long, dangerous and tenuous travel,
    finally arrived at New Apolyton and asked for Political Asylum. And as
    written in the constitution “Nobody will be refused the right to become a
    citizen”, it was granted to him.

    Though chairman Yang seems to think high about the way his society is
    ruled, this does not seem to be case of all their citizen as the
    defecting member wanted to “escape to brutal, selfish slavery with no future
    and go to another place where the future of citizen is taken into
    consideration and where I will be able to be a contributing member of a
    society … in the real, good way!”.

    These words alone reveal a lot of what is really happening at the hive
    and the mockery they are making of human rights. It even seems that
    they do not have the right to have identities and names as the refugee had
    to ask to create a full identity as he had none at the hive!
    The defector who is now know as “Aaron Blackwell” has been fully
    cooperative and willingly gave all the information he had from the hive, in
    order to help our military department to make the necessary preparation
    for the upcoming war.

    The CNN has been able to schedule an exclusive interview with Aaron
    Blackwell and should be available soon on our channels!

    4) The Military implication of the war.

    Shortly after the declaration of war, a lot of citizens have shown
    concern about our military forces and were surprised to find that few to
    none of our troops are equipped with something other than handguns and
    standards armour protection.

    The delegate of the military department responded to a few question in
    order to quell the fear of the citizens and to show them that the UNN
    faction is aware and prepared for everything that need to be done in
    order to have an army capable of thwarting chairman Yang’s forces.

    The military delegate declared, “ Up so far, the only military weapons
    that were needed were handguns and short range flame throwers to deal
    with the periodic mind worms. We also developed Trance technology in
    order to deal with the native life forms of the planet”.

    When asked if the preparation for a possible war with another faction
    should have been taken sooner, that same delegate answered “ Considering
    the big distance between us and the Hive, it will take some time before
    any actual conflict will occurs which will give us more than enough
    time for preparation.
    Beside, our scientists have made significant breakthrough in the
    manipulation of new energy sources that will allow us to develop new and
    powerful weapons for our armies.”

    Our scientist have already dubbed this new weapon calling it “Gatling
    laser” which is a rather radical improvement over the standard laser
    weapon as seen in other factions as it can discharge more than twice the
    power, can focus fire on one target for max damage or spread fire among
    different ones to disrupt several enemies.

    A prototype has been scheduled and its development should be quick.
    Also a big plan for upgrading our current troops is planned as we are told
    that new defensives feature have also been designed and also need to be

    The UNN peacekeeping government has justified the fact of not having a
    strong army sooner by saying that “ The energy and effort spent doing
    this have been thought to be more useful for the development and well
    being of our citizens and that the governments would only switch from
    that policy only in case of emergencies as it is the case now with the
    hive and go back to focus on citizens and infrastructure development as
    soon as possible.”

    The last concern about this war came from the University position in
    this conflict. Being a direct neighbour with the hive, this has generated
    a lot of concern between our citizens. Some feel that we should try to
    ally with them in order to be more able to deal with Yang. Other says
    that it is pure madness and would only give an excuse to Yang to attack
    the university, grab their cities and make the hive stronger.

    Some feel that, given the fundamental responsibility of the UNN that is
    maintaining peace and cohabitation between all the factions, we should
    intervene right now and send them troops to allow the university to
    defend itself.

    Finally, there are a lot of citizens that remember the how rude and
    hostile the university was at some as well as the fact that they seem to
    refuse any long term coalition with the UNN peacekeeping faction and
    that as such should defend themselves.

    5) Conclusion

    Despite the widespread fear at the beginning, the preparation lay down
    by the government, the recent scientific break through and the
    defection and revelations of Aaron Blackwell have only strengthened the
    determination of our citizens and many feel ready for the upcoming conflict.

    Regional Comparison date 2004
    By DBTS

    regional comparision date 2204

    region 1:

    new apolyton
    Tacticus Academy

    mineral output:55
    netto nutrients output:3
    energy output:34

    notes: the WP and VW has been build in New Apolyton

    region 2:

    Terminal Dogma
    Sheathed Sword

    mineral output:35
    netto nutrients output:10
    energy output:14

    region 3:

    Zanarkand Gate
    Deus Ex Machina
    U.N. Pizza Delivery
    New Tassagrad

    mineral output:28
    netto nutrients output:5
    energy output:20

    region 4:

    New Suez
    UNP 1

    mineral output:23
    netto nutrients output:5
    energy output:12

    notes: PTS is build in New Suez

    mineral output:141
    netto nutrients output:23
    energy output:80


    *only region 2 has an psysh output because of a docter that is active in Tacticus Academy
    *region 1 wins on each front execpt nutrients and psysh output.
    *region 2 produce 10 units of nutrients this if far above average which is 5.75
    *region 3 and 4 are clearly less developed as the other regions

    Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
    Long live teh paranoia smiley!

  • #2
    Chironian News Network - Starting Issue

    Better Defenses Through Chemistry
    For Immediate Release

    The Directorate of Science is currently investigating the physics of extremely superheated gases. Intended to aid in the military campaign against the Hive, this research is based on the theory that normal metals, when superheated by contact with plasma, might be chemically transformed into much more durable materials. "Plasma steel" armor performs incredibly well in simulations, but scientists have as of yet been unable to produce a sample. Current research hinges on finding a way to contain the plasma, once it is created by superheating hydrogen using lasers. Researchers estimate that the initiative will take approximately a decade to complete, after which they look forward to beginning the incredibly popular program of finding means to preserve the environment that are economically useful.
    Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
    Long live teh paranoia smiley!


    • #3
      Re: Chironian News Network - Starting Issue

      Well? How'd I do?
      Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
      Long live teh paranoia smiley!


      • #4
        Wonderful! Especially those newsflashes are great. I'm also glad Concordia was mentioned three times in this issue. I hope this will encourage more people to immigrate into Jedinica Vrijstaat. *hint* *hint*
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #5
          Nice. Would've been good if you'd mentioned the fiasco with today's turnchat, though, and the threat to UN politicians' children.


          • #6
            Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
            and the threat to UN politicians' children.
            True! The politician's children in Terminal Dogma are threatened by mind worms!! What will happen when the worms attack!?! It would be a good way to get rid of the FM<->Planned discussions though...
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #7
              That discussion seems to have been mainly replaced by the FM <-> Green though, though. And letting the children die wont's top their parents from arguing...


              • #8
                Err no indeed. I was thinking about the more adult students in the politology department, who participate in the street fights etcetera. Bad remark...
                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
                  Nice. Would've been good if you'd mentioned the fiasco with today's turnchat, though, and the threat to UN politicians' children.
                  Exactly why I didnt want the turnchat to take place today.
                  Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                  Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                  • #10
                    Good work! Giving information to our people is a guaranteed right (constitution) but entertaining them by giving information is brilliant!!!
                    Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                    Let me eat your yummy brain!
                    "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                    • #11
                      great issue! i have nothing more to say then great issue
                      Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                      God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                      'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                      • #12
                        Kudos as ever... the news ticker is brilliant


                        • #13
                          Great relaunch. Like the news ticker.
                          On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                          • #14
                            Why! It's wonderful! Glorious! It's refined, clear-cut, well-written, and it contains a delightful set of...

                            Heavens, I enjoyed it most immensly. Except for the part in which I noted that Chairman Yang had declared war on us. That sort of made me feel, well, uncomfortable. Yes, you see...I spent two years in Hiveria while on my travels. Mistaken for some chap named Number 6. Sent away to 'the City'. There they told me that they wanted information. However, I soon escaped, and they realized that no man is only a number. However, though, I have a diary filled with notes about Hiverian life, military...experiments, etc.

                            Hmmm...might even consider writing for this mag myself...*eyes Tassadar's shredder pistol* Well...I don't have to, if you don't want me too...gulp...
                            Empire growing,
                            Pleasures flowing,
                            Fortune smiles and so should you.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by History Guy
                              Hmmm...might even consider writing for this mag myself...*eyes Tassadar's shredder pistol* Well...I don't have to, if you don't want me too...gulp...
                              Such a pathetic excuse for a "talent" would never replace my greatness.

                              However....If you want to help.....
                              Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                              Long live teh paranoia smiley!

