Is it just me or has there been an inherent decline in party politics since the lading on planet? The party line issues of the early days have almost disappeared from what I can see (the CCCP’s still very active, but they always have been, and the age old debate of FM vs. planned economics continues), but there hasn’t been nearly as much party activity lately. I would think this a good sign since democratic ideals are easier to maintain when government officials operate on their own agenda based on that of the will of the people rather than party line, as well as since parties have become a non-issue elections can focus on the real issues rather than trivialities.
Granted that’s just my perception of things, and though I’ve tried to catch up on political affairs over my absence I still don’t have a clear view of the full picture.
Granted that’s just my perception of things, and though I’ve tried to catch up on political affairs over my absence I still don’t have a clear view of the full picture.