ok my last turnthread as commissioner...i need the orders....and maniac would you be so kind to please finish this term....i will try to follow them this time...the problem is that i have a very bussy life....i have school until 16.30 then i have to learn....i train 5 times a week and i work....besides that i have currently a school endproject that i am working on.....so when i play the game I am:
a) tired
b) kinda in a hurry
c)also working on how to alter gunpowder so that is it usable in rockets (school end project)
so i will do the last one every order exactly as you want me too this time but i could use those orders.....from everone
a) tired
b) kinda in a hurry
c)also working on how to alter gunpowder so that is it usable in rockets (school end project)
so i will do the last one every order exactly as you want me too this time but i could use those orders.....from everone
