OK, however I still think we need to wait until we can see how well defended it is.
No announcement yet.
Command Nexus: Hive War
2. If we adopt an offensive mindset against Yang, the value of the CDF will be more for holding his captured bases than defending our own. The competition is near for building CDF so I will agree we need to start on it, but we won't need it for a while. A more pressing need is morale and mobility of our navy, so I will add the MCC to our priorities. Our ability to intercept ships on their way to us will be more immediately important than resisting his landed troops or defending captuired bases.
4 before 3. And concentrate on beefed-up garrison (and counterstrike units/ probes) in northern bases, not faction-wide.
5., especially in ensuring probe capacity. To launch our invasion, the seaborne mobility given by the MCC will be crucial.
Priority One: Infiltration.
Priority Two: CDF.
Priority Three: Navy.
Priority Four: Seize the Nexus! Turn away all communications from the Hive once we start invading until we have accomplished this!
Priority Five: Garrisons!
Priority Six: Liberate the Hive, as a faction. Surrender possible? Doubtful.
Just on the matter of garrisons. They should be, at least until we have the ability to make clean units.
ie. Infantry unit with Best Armour and no weapon. Has as special abilities ECM and Trance (Drop Trance if no Grafting).Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
I would agree, but I think after our enemies discover flight, vulnerable bases (coastal or near the enemy) should have one unit as described above, and one 1-<(best)>t-1 unit, ie. an AAA trance garrison.Smile
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
Good plan but let's focus on beating them to flight.
Also, we should enlist Zakharov's help in this vendetta, once our military preparations have progressed sufficiently to start attacking. Having Zak open a southern front against Yang could distract the Hive from constructing a navy to challenge us.
I'm not so sure that's a good idea, Zak could be a great ally, especially for research trading, in the future, and if he attacks Yang, he'll almost certainly be taken over, giving Yang even more power. Zak doesn't have the biggest of armies and I don't think he could do much to help anyway.Smile
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
Good point, Drogue. But I'd suggest we wouldn't leave Yang time to take over Zak.
If we enlisted the University's aid only when we are readying our invasion, Yang will spring into action against the nearer foe (Zak). The objective would be to get Yang's troops mobilized and in the open, where they are more vulnerable to attack. By opening a second front, the defenses around the base with the CN will be easier to crack, and The Hive's counterstrike will take longer to organize (since Yang will have to reverse his armies from a march on University territories). If Zak loses some bases in the process, we can always recapture and return them as we eliminate the Hive.
That is true, *if* we get to the Hive early enough, and *if* we can hold him. Remember he won't be an easy foe (and i think he has gatling weapons) I wouldn't be surprised if he takes Univ bases before we can stop him, and then we have to use our forces to defend the Univ rather than taking the CN.
I think we should take the CN first, and then maybe enlist Zak. Or Pact him so we can launch attacks from his bases.Smile
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
Originally posted by Drogue
I think we should take the CN first, and then maybe enlist Zak. Or Pact him so we can launch attacks from his bases.
if we can probe yang soon, we might get HEC, meaning plasma steel, and a change of research goal
i think i'll start a new poll regarding changing next tech goal for wartime. in the last poll, fossil fuels came second, but it was conducted before yang declared war. i wonder if the public's opinion would change