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Official: Tech #15

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  • Official: Tech #15

    techpoll, techpoll. it's everyone's favourite time. that's right, it's techpoll time!

    Your choices for this week's techpoll are:
    • Docrtine: Flexibility - Foil (M4) Troop Transport, Pressure Dome.
      Leads to: Doctrine Initiative, Doctrine: Air Power
    • Intellectual Integrity - High Morale, Non-Leathal Methods, Citizen's Defence Force
      Leads to: Planetary Economics, Cyberethics
    • Environmental Economics - Tree Farm, ENERGY RESTRICTIONS LIFTED
      Leads to: Advanced Ecological Engineering
    • Polymorphic Software - Heavy Artillery.
      Leads to: Advanced Subatomic Theory, Optical Computers
    • Secrets of the Human Brain - Hypnotic Trance, FUNDAMENTALIST
      Leads to: Neural Grafting, Centauri Empathy.
    • High Energy Chemistry - Plasma Steel (D3) Nerve Gas Pods.
      Leads to: Advanced Subatomic Theory, Synthetic Fossil Fuels.
    • Nonlinear Mathematics - Particle Impactor (A4).
      Leads to: Superstring Theory

    Research Progress:

    Tech List

    Morgan's Research Progress

    our situation is war with the university. do we want to bulk up our military? ignore them? as you can see, we'll probably be getting Doctrine: flexibility from morgan soon, so we should be building some nice probies to hack the University's knowledge soon.

    Please vote for TWO techs
    you have 5 Days
    Docrtine: Flexibility
    Intellectual Integrity
    Environmental Economics
    Polymorphic Software
    Secrets of the Human Brain
    High Energy Chemistry
    Nonlinear Mathematics

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    Enviromental Economics

    Intellectual Integrity.

    Conquer techs can wait, firstly we have to:
    1) find Zak
    2) infiltrate Zak
    3) steal him techs or even interrupt his EG progress (is it possible with PT's?)

    Tree Farms will give us boost in population and energy, and that's what is needed. More cash from now, more rushbuilding of combat units later...

    I assume that we will gain D:Flex from Morgan.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Kirov
      3) steal him techs or even interrupt his EG progress (is it possible with PT's?)
      if by PTs you mean probe teams, then yes. i'd rather just let him build it, and conquer it from him


      • #4
        Originally posted by TKG

        if by PTs you mean probe teams, then yes. i'd rather just let him build it, and conquer it from him
        The same turn he builds EG, he will start elections, and will have nice chances to be elected, esp if he bribes someone else. Even if we grab EG turn later, for 20 turns we will not have a chance to change the governor. I think we should either try to stirr up his production, or just give up this whole affair for a while.


        • #5
          We'll have support from Morgan, assuming we don't manage to lose it via Planned, which gives us a significant edge over Zakh in vote totals even with the EG, and it's rather unlilkely that any other factions will take sides in the elections.


          • #6
            I picked environmental economics to help with energy gathering and for Tree Farms, and High Energy Chemistry so we can go for missile weapons.


            • #7
              we can get flex from morgan so i voted high enegry chemistry and environmental eco
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              • #8
                EE to lift energy restrictions - we need breakthroughs to come much more often than every 16 years.

                Getting Flex from Morgan will be a huge boost for our war effort (see what Zak can "give" us). And plasma is on a line to missiles - we'll be ready for Zak if he lands.


                • #9
                  EE is needed, i went for Intel Integ for CDF but HEC would be nice too.
                  For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                  But he would think of something

                  "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                  • #10
                    now, i voted HEC, but it was a few days ago so i don't remeber what my other choice was


                    • #11
                      I vote for intellecectual first becasue it has a fairlygood sp, leads to cyberrethics whichhas a fairly nice sp, and cyberethics leads to superstring theory with non linear math, which would give us a nice adavatega in conuqeinrg power without devoting our labs to it.


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          hmm, a tie! and but 45 minutes before the orders are due

