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Official: Which secret project in New Suez?

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  • Official: Which secret project in New Suez?

    Two Directors have come to me to request a change in our secret project at New Suez, so i put it before the people! Shall we keep going on the Mercahnt exchange, switch to the Planetary Transit System to accelerate our growth, or in light of the Vendetta pronounced on us by the University - change to the Command Nexus?

    Some numbers:
    Time to complete ME: 8 turns
    Time to complete CN: 8 turns
    Time to complete PTS: 19 turns

    Vid-screen of our SP data is attached below

    And our infiltraion indicates Morgan has 20 turns to go to complete the ME - no dta is known of our other competitors.

    And the poll will run for 3 days as usual
    Attached Files
    Keep the Merchant Exchange (8 turns left)
    Switch to the Command Nexus (8 turns left)
    Switch to the Planetary Transit System (19 turns left)
    Write in
    Xenobanana! :cute:

    The poll is expired.

    But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
    PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!

  • #2
    Command Nexus!


    • #3
      normally, i'd say PTS, but, being at war as we are, i'd go for the command nexus. great to deprive the hive of too. they're scary with it


      • #4
        I like the video for the Merchant Exchange.
        Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


        • #5
          but we don't get to see it. only DBTS does


          • #6
            New Suez has a great position. It has 2 min bonuses and access to Freshwater Sea. In the future it could be neat place for both production (think of changing these bonus tiles into boreholes), and energy output (nice quantity of Tidal Harnesses on water). That base just cries out to have Supercollider, Theory of Everything, Longevity Vaccine and, last but not least...

            ...Merchant Exchange!


            • #7
              Being able to grab the ME would be nice, but the CN is way more important.


              • #8
                GT, I don't agree. Here's why:

                As Kirov pointed out, Panama^H^H^H^H^H^H New Suez is ideally located to be our SSC. The ME is the first step on that long-term effort. It can safely trawl energy from all of the freshwater sea that don't fall into coastal city radii - that's gonne be HUGE.

                Now, CN is nice, but we don't really need it for this war. Most of the action is going to happen through probes - and our friend Zak sucks on probes anyway. As for the rest - lets recall this isn't Transcend - Zak won't be pumping units out like it was nobody's business.

                Yang, finally, is welcome to his CN if we get a SSC going. He can try to match his brainwashed scouts to our shard rovers anyday!
                "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
                "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


                • #9
                  As Kirov pointed out, Panama^H^H^H^H^H^H New Suez is ideally located to be our SSC. The ME is the first step on that long-term effort. It can safely trawl energy from all of the freshwater sea that don't fall into coastal city radii - that's gonne be HUGE.
                  Wouldn't it be more efficient to build bases in it and let them work it, rather than spending masses of minerals on trawlers?

                  Now, CN is nice, but we don't really need it for this war. Most of the action is going to happen through probes - and our friend Zak sucks on probes anyway.
                  Not if we go ahead with plans to mind control 1 or 2 of his bases - then we will need a morale edge over his troops.

                  As for the rest - lets recall this isn't Transcend - Zak won't be pumping units out like it was nobody's business.
                  All the better.

                  Yang, finally, is welcome to his CN if we get a SSC going. He can try to match his brainwashed scouts to our shard rovers anyday!
                  By the time we can get a SSC up and running, with all the necessary SPs and facilities, it probably won't matter if Yang has the CN or not. We'll have our tech lead over him or we won't, regardless of whether we have a SSC or not, and in the meantime the CN will give Yang a significant edge over us or whoever is unfortunate enough to be located on his continent.


                  • #10
                    I voted for Command Nexus, but belive we could get both by builindg the ME at New Suez as well as using the AA at New Apolyton to hurry the Command Nexus there.
                    Last edited by dmm1285; November 5, 2002, 17:03.


                    • #11
                      While we could have deduced the stuff you mentioned about Morgan quite easily, I'm afraid that it does seem to be considered playing ahead, so please edit your post and remove it. The rest of the stuff is fine.


                      • #12
                        While I agree with Kirov about the New Suez being a great energy base, io think the CN is more important, the morale bonus is simply too good to ignore so i say.... go CN!
                        For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                        But he would think of something

                        "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                        • #13
                          CN cancels out Wealth Penality :=)
                          Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


                          • #14
                            CN cancels out Wealth Penality :=)
                            Actually it doesn't, Wealth halves all Morale bonuses in addition to reducing levels by 2.


                            • #15
                              But the CN lessens the overall morale effect of wealth without having to build loads of command centers. The sooner we can effect that SE switch, the sooner we benefit from extra energy, quicker production, and increased goodwill of our nearest neighbor. The complete package of benefits is worth more now than the extra energy afforded by the ME.

                              And we can always go build the PTS later, since no one else is currently trying. However, we need to get some crawlers ready to hasten its completion it once we complete VW and CN - since others may switch right to it when deprived of these two . . .

