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  • 2181-2188

    here it short....we have

    *gene splicing
    *the VW
    *2 new bases
    *war with the university
    Attached Files
    Welcome to the DBTSverse!
    God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
    'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us

  • #2

    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok GT i am going to talk to zak now so please pay attetion CHAT HAS BEGUN!
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt he is ambivalent....
    * GT^DoFA waits expectantly.
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt we knew that.
    * Mania^DTC fears.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt he has (2-1-2)
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt he WANT doc: loy
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Don't give it.
    created on Sat Nov 02 16:08:02 2002
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt sure?
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt he's threatening?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt He's in no position to threaten us and we're not supposed to give away those kind of techs.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok we have war with zak....
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt what?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt What!?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt and he is obstinate
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Did he actually declare war?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt yes
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt Ack
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt why?
    &ltJoeno^AT&gt Oh dear..
    &ltMania^DTC&gt How did we get his commlink again? Pod or Morgan?
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt pod
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt Pod
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt not good beginning
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt pod
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt @$$hole
    &ltMania^DTC&gt darn - so no map of him
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt and no tech
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Well, he's in no position to threaten us, but we aren't either
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt so now what end turn? or talk to morgan
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Shall we try to get peace this chat, before it all goes public?
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt hehe
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Does Morgan have anything to give us?
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt it goes public anyway
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt :S
    &ltMania^DTC&gt if we're planned, I wouldn't contact Morgan...
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt not yet in two turn he does
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt we are planned
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt We could get Morgan to declare war on Zakh . . . he'll be more likely to do it now than he would be later.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt and not changing right adam
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt so talk to morgan yes or no?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt I don't think that would be a good idea... it could get inconvenient.
    &ltMania^DTC&gt So at least nothing's keeping us from going Wealth.
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt Correct. The poll says stay with Planned.
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt About getting Morgan to attack Zak
    * Mania^DTC 2
    * ATG02_DSE nods
    * Lemmy^DEI no
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt Just putting the idea out.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok then we are ending turn?
    * Mania^DTC 1
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Yes. Don't talk to Morgan 'till he has the tech.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt for newbies 1=yes 2=no 3=abstian
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt k ending turn
    &ltMania^DTC&gt or 4=write-in
    * GT^DoFA 1
    * ATG02_DSE 1
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok gaian build HGP....everone started work on ME
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt f*ck the ME.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt that all that happened i will be starting terraforming rounds for this turn so talk with eachother
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Morgan get's Gene Splicing next turn, yes?
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Right.
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Can you talk w/ Zak next turn and try for peace?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Make it one with no strings attatched.
    &ltMania^DTC&gt we can always try - I doubt it'll work
    &ltMania^DTC&gt AdamTG: will we go Wealth this chat?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Nothing to lose.
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt are all units within territory?
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt oh, nm
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt No. The poll hasn't closed, and IO want to put off antagonizing Zakh for a while.
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt that's for FM
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt I only had one day to poll, so none of my polls are valid until the next chat.
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt No. we still have at least 1 explorer up north.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok what to do did all the former thingies
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Legal language because you don't want to go wealth?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt and i am ready to end turn
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt No. Exactly what I said. The poll hasn't closed.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt so talk to zak or not
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Yes. Nothing to lose.
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt I would have polled right after my election, but that would be unconstitutional. I wasn't Director yet.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok he want to talk
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Talk then.
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Then I'll propose an amendment.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt he want 150 Ec and i can tell only for 70ec for peace
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Reject it.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt if we say yes we could ask some techs?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt he's in no position to threaten us.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt reject? ok!
    * Mania^DTC 1
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt yes, reject.
    * GT^DoFA 1
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt he is quarrelsome and still at war
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt and ending turn or are there any other orders?
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt No orders for now.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt so?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ending turn now
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt yes, end turn.
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt Quick poll: Should we go Wealth now, before the poll in the forum has closed?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt is that allowed?
    * Mania^DTC Yes!
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt TBIBTU build probe.....13 turn until ME.....5 turn to VW
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt I don't know. That's why I'm asking your opinions.
    * DBTS^COM 3
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt Probes!!!
    * ATG02_DSE 2
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt I don't think it's allowed... we use quickpolls when something comes up that we don't have time to poll.
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt does wealth make a big difference in SE?
    &ltMania^DTC&gt We didn't have time to poll Wealth...
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Not huge, but it woulkd be a help in building SPs.
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt Okay, deadlock. I stick by my original statement and we stay with Survival for now.
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Maniac: We're in the process of doing it. It's not something that just popped up.
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt I think you're right, GT, but I wanted to see if the people here were strongly for going to Wealth now. If so, it was an error on my part for not polling earlier.
    &ltMania^DTC&gt In the future I'd like to propose the director immediately assumes power after election, because experience has proved the old directors don't poll anymore after the last chat of the month.
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt I agree.
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt wealth is clearly winning in the poll though
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt Makes sense. Would you like to write that as an amendment, or should I?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok new base is getting build and its named Terminal Dogma at loc (18.66)
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt where is that?
    &ltMania^DTC&gt You may have the honour.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt do i have to go to wealth or not?
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt 'kay, thanks
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt E of pandemonium
    &ltMania^DTC&gt "The Gieseler Amendment"
    &ltFurniture&gt Terminal Dogma!
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt DBTS: no, don't go wealth.
    *** Furniture is now known as Gendou_Ik
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt DBTS: yes, go on wealth
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt it's clearly winning in the poll
    *** Gendou_Ik is now known as Gendou
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Oh are we voting on Wealth?? If so: yes!
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt Adam?
    * DBTS^COM 3
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt Stay with Survival.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt aight then
    * GT^DoFA 3
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt Pol's not closed yet.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt am i ready to end turn
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt talk to zak?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Didn't we do that already?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Or was that last turn?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt not this turn
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt it 2183
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Do it, then.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt oh yes morgan has splicing talk or not?
    &ltMania^DTC&gt We'll only annoy him more by constantly calling.
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Yes.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt zak: 175 or 80 for peace?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt reject?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt reject.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt still war talking to morgan now
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Talk to Morgan, ask for Gene Splicing.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt he is obstinate too
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt That's what comes of using planned.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt he give 40 for zaks comm...yes or no?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt damn... tough one.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt GT?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt I'm thinking.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt quickvote all vote now
    * Mania^DTC 1
    * ATG02_DSE 1
    * DBTS^COM 2
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt yes, quickpoll.
    * Lemmy^DEI 1, maybe Zak declares on morgan too
    * Joeno^AT 1
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok doing it now
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt good. do it.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ind aut for gen splicing?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt or i can give doc: loy!
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt can we offer anything else?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt doc: loy
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Id he building any SPs?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt yes ME
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt not me as in me but as in ME
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt :P
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt lol
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt so what to do?
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt ?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Dos: Loy seems to good trade, I'm just thinking if we lose the CN.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt btw lemmy probe is on its way!
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt yay
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt choice now GT
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt If we switch the ME to CN, we'll grab it, but it hasn't been polled yet.
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt do it.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt this is taking a bit long my cpu is going in to sleep mode :S
    &ltMania^DTC&gt lol
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt we need that tech, and we can still grab the CN if we try.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok did it and ending turn or something else with morgan? he hasnt got any other techs
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt we have it
    &ltMania^DTC&gt So he gave Gene for Doc:Loy?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt How long 'till the probe gets there?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt yes
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt yes.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt a lot of turns is it comming from TBIBTU
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt lot's of turns..
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt okay, anything else?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt atleast 8 turns
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ending turn2183
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt did we find the ruins yet?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt not yet
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt i am in turn 2184 moving everthing
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Q: have you rehomed the scout in Terminal Dogma?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt yes
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt i have moved everthing again and nothing special is happening talk to zak?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt when did we last do that?
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt meh, he'll only raise the price to 180/90
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt last turn
    &ltJoeno^AT&gt That seems likely
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt talk?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt don't talk, then. Give him a few turns to cool off.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt no talk?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ending turn
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt going to 2185
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt UNPD build node nothing more happend may i move everthing or does anyone have any questions?
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt We're making Command Nexus in New Suez now?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt No, ME. I'd like to, tohugh.
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt Okay, I misunderstood.
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt How do Morgan & Zak feel about us?
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Chats are boring when everyone has given orders.
    *** Gendou is now known as Zaks_Spy
    * Lemmy^DEI slaps Zaks_Spy around a bit with a large trout
    *** Zaks_Spy is now known as Zaks_Prob
    *** Zaks_Prob is now known as ZaksProbe
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt hehe, Zak can't probe
    &ltZaksProbe&gt There.
    &ltZaksProbe&gt I know, that's why I suck at probing :P
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt how to check that GT? wait one sec
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt check the intell screens.
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt That is one good thing about the Vendetta. Zakh makes a tempting target for our fledgeling probe teams.
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Or he would, if we knew where he was.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt how to check how they like us
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt check the faction info screens, from the commlink menu.
    &ltMania^DTC&gt rightclick on their names
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt gt how?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt h ok
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt zak: quarral and morgan: ambivilant
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt talk?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ending turn?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Wait another turn on Zak. Morgan ha snothing to give us.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt nothing is happening sorry guys
    &ltMania^DTC&gt 2 & 1
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok ending turn
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt what year is it?
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt 2002 silly
    * ZaksProbe tries to take a log but has so bad probe rating he falls on his computer breaking it to pieces
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt That's not funny, Lemmy.
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt 2186 i think
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Lemmy
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt it is now at the end of 2186
    &ltZaksProbe&gt Add a new charge? "Use of incredibly bad humour"
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt tadaa
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Ok, thanks.
    &ltZaksProbe&gt 2186? I'm 200 yrs old
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt lol
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt so now talk to zak now?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ha i am 202 years old
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Have you ended the turn? If so, yes.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt zak talk or not to talk thats the question
    &ltJoeno^AT&gt 201, right in between
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok next turn?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt have you ended the turn yet?
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Don't tell me I'm the oldest here?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt then i am ending turn now
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt no not yet
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt I don't know, are you over 21?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt End turn, then talk.
    &ltMania^DTC&gt nope
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt mania you are not the oldest here happy?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok
    &ltMania^DTC&gt yes
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt lol
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt morgan build new base
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt 41.101
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Where is that relative to us?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt i am going to probe that one
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt :evel:
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt YES!!!
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt his outborder is touching ours near NS
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Is it going to interfere with our base placements?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt I have a SC in TBIBTU where to put it and what to do with it?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt GT no
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt SC...?
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt One square west of eastern coast, half a square south of the latitude of Mysidia
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt supplycrawler thingy
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt ow
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt oh.
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt did dmm give any orders about that?
    &ltMania^DTC&gt rehome it to NA, put it on the rocky minerals and switch the minerals worker on a forest?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt adam what?
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Or send it directly to NS?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt no he did do anything about them
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt That's where 41,101 is, as far as I can tell.
    &ltATG02_DSE&gt Might be wrong about the coast since I'm working from the 2175 map.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt i am a waiting your orders i will be abstain
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt oh adam you are right
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Who his orders?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt but where to use the crawler from TBIBTU for?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt I say send it to NS to harvest tyhe minerals there.
    &ltMania^DTC&gt I held some poll about that in a far past...
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt i need that before i can procede....oh yes build Deus Ex Machina in 4.102 west of ZG
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Should I dig in the directory?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt we could stop now but i still need to talk to zak going to do that now
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt now just for this one we need an option
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt yes, talk.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt he want 225
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt no
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt right?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt reject.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt looks like your military buildup might be of use after all.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt so what to do stop or give crawler orders?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt @GT
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Poll says rehome it to NA and send it to rocky minerals.
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt crawler rehome at NA or NS and put on minerals
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Question remains: what rocky minerals?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt I'd say NS, it needs them more.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok doing that then
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt the rocky minerals N-NW of NS?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt NS or NA
    &ltMania^DTC&gt Quickpoll: rehome where? 1=NA 2=NS
    * Lemmy^DEI 1
    * GT^DoFA 2
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok moved it and ending turn! next turn last turn?
    &ltMania^DTC&gt rocky minerals where? a=near NA b=the free near NS
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt 2
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt yes.
    * Lemmy^DEI b
    * Joeno^AT b
    * GT^DoFA b
    &ltMania^DTC&gt b is clear apparently
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt .
    &ltMania^DTC&gt remains 1 or 2
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt 2
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Huh?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt 2 is fune
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt i have moved it and i am ending turn
    &ltMania^DTC&gt GT?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Yes?
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt Maniac?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ..........we..........have.......the......VW!
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt what were you saying about 1 or 2?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt .
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt arty:
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt .
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt .
    &ltMania^DTC&gt quickpoll about the crawler
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt weren't we using a/b?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt moving all units and ending session!
    <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
    Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


    • #3
      DBTS: I like the order of that summary! You're growing into the role of a real politician!

      Anyway, it's great we got the VW! Regrettable this war with Zak, but the blood is on his hands.

      Sea probes just got an upped priority, me thinks.
      "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
      "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


      • #4
        New format for screenshots today!

        Table of Contents

        UN Peacekeepers
        ----New Apolyton
        ----UN Pizza Delivery
        ----New Suez
        ----Tacticus Academy
        ----Zanarkand Gate
        ----Terminal Dogma
        ----Deus Ex Machina
        ----Research Progress
        ----Tech List
        ----Base Operations
        ----Secret Project Report
        ----Social Engineering
        ----All Scans
        Morgan Industries
        ----Base Operations
        ----Research Progress
        ----Security Nexus
        ----Intelligence Files
        University of Planet
        ----Intelligence Files
        World Map

        UN Peacekeepers


        New Apolyton:

        This Base is Belong to Us:

        UN Pizza Delivery:

        New Suez:


        Tacticus Academy


        Zanarkand Gate



        Terminal Dogma

        Deus Ex Machina


        Southern Exploration:

        Eastern Exploration

        Northen Exploration:


        Central territory

        Eastern Territory

        Northern Territory

        Other Northern Territory

        South-western territory


        Research Progress:

        Tech List

        Base Operations

        Secret Project Report

        Social Engineering

        All Scans

        Morgan Industries


        Morgan's Territory


        Morganic Base Operations

        His Research Progress

        His Security Nexus

        Our Intelligence Files

        University of Planet


        Our Intelligence Files

        World Map

        now, should i make a new thread just for screenshots, or just keep posting them here?
        Last edited by Method; November 2, 2002, 22:05.


        • #5
          Zakh's building the EG from the VW? Oh ****.


          • #6
            Yup. That's bad.

            Or perhaps it's a reason to actually wage this vendetta for real... Let's have Zak build US that nice SP. Let's go get it. After all, we're entitled to some reparations over his insulting and totally uncalled for vendetta!

            Edit: a real interesting typo.
            Last edited by moomin; November 2, 2002, 20:20.
            "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
            "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


            • #7
              TKG, what happened to all those tags?
              "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
              "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


              • #8
                There remains the problem, though, that we don't know where he is. All the more reason to get the probe foils out there as fast as possible.


                • #9
                  i can honestly say i don't know. it's all good now

