Located in the Recreation commons this courthouse functions as a courthouse to hold the trial of citizens charged with category A crimes (most everything). Category B crimes would include for example breaking wind in public buildings and being xenobrewed and disorderly.
Anyhow this court is now handed over to Mr President for the conduct of Lemmy's trial. Pray silence for his Lordship: Justice Mr President. All stand.
*The defendant Lemmy is brought into the courtroom, escorted and watched over by two well built and armed marketing consultants from the security service.
* Mr President enters.
There is a gasp from the public galleries on the appearance of the prosecutor and the defence attornies
Anyhow this court is now handed over to Mr President for the conduct of Lemmy's trial. Pray silence for his Lordship: Justice Mr President. All stand.
*The defendant Lemmy is brought into the courtroom, escorted and watched over by two well built and armed marketing consultants from the security service.
* Mr President enters.
There is a gasp from the public galleries on the appearance of the prosecutor and the defence attornies