Given the debate about the term limits clause, I propose an amendment that is intended to allow our veteran leaders to stay in the government while still allowing new blood a fair chance at their posts.
In Article II, change the text under "Office Terms" to read:
All office terms shall last one month. A member can run for a different office at the end of his term, but he cannot change offices during it. If a member is elected three consesutive times into a single government office, that member may not run for that office the fourth consecutive term. After the fourth term he may run for any office that is available. If no other candidates can be found for a post, the incumbent wil be eligible to run in that election, regardless of term limits.
This would allow Directors to run for another Directorate: Lemmy could run for Science again, GT could go back to Peacekeeping Operations. However, since they wouldn't be incumbent in the office, new blood has a fair chance of getting in.
In Article II, change the text under "Office Terms" to read:
All office terms shall last one month. A member can run for a different office at the end of his term, but he cannot change offices during it. If a member is elected three consesutive times into a single government office, that member may not run for that office the fourth consecutive term. After the fourth term he may run for any office that is available. If no other candidates can be found for a post, the incumbent wil be eligible to run in that election, regardless of term limits.
This would allow Directors to run for another Directorate: Lemmy could run for Science again, GT could go back to Peacekeeping Operations. However, since they wouldn't be incumbent in the office, new blood has a fair chance of getting in.