The current candidates for that position are:
Questions are welcome. For now I'll just copy and paste what I wrote in the nominations thread.
Early game I personally stand for one heavy nutrient tile per base for the first worker, the others forest. I also give a high priority to creating a road network. I stand for thin expansion, so I give high priority to producing formers and CPs. Once we have crawlers, condensers to max nutrients on certain suitable tiles are also a good idea. This approach gradually changes once the production limits are gone, but that's not for right now. Besides, I believe the people have the word in deciding what to do. The Director is just their servant and his personal opinion is unimportant. More important is how good he is at organizing polls and referenda. A quote from yours truly:
After some more thinking I'm with DE. The proposed system will create more and more complex polls compared to the system I'm currently using. Pandemoniak wants to reinstitute the system of polling every square of every base. Just like I have made some more general polls such as what should be the focus: nutrient/minerals and at what size should the focus switch, Pandemoniak should create some more general polls for his directorate. For example, he could make polls every month asking:
What should be the standard terraformation in the following tile:
rolling&rainy above 1000 metres, rolling&rainy below 100, flat&rainy above 1000... All those combinations with the option of farm&condenser, farm&solar, forest etcetera... The same can be done for rocky terrain and sea tiles etcetera. The Director should only have to do this once a month and can therefore concentrate on polling other matters such as colonization, special bonus tiles, how much former power to concentrate on what task... To know what tiles he should terraform first around a base, he could refer to the polls of D of IE regarding nutrient, mineral and in a while energy and specialists focus.
That's at least what I would do if I was D of TC. Less workload for the Director and less repititous polls but clear general decision making for the citizens.
So I would organize one poll in the beginning of the month to decide default actions for the most frequent tiles, and decide what actions to give priority based on the actions of the next D of IE, presuming s/he continues my style of polling. Furthermore, I would organize polls 1) for special tiles, 2) where to colonize and 3) where to use our formers.
There has also been a question regarding boreholes from dmm1285.
Yes, I suppotr building boreholes. But only after we have researched technologies to remove our limits on mineral and energy production. Before that they're rather useless. I'd build them on rocky tiles where the lay of the land allows it. But naturally I'd poll for such major terraforming projects.
Questions are welcome. For now I'll just copy and paste what I wrote in the nominations thread.
Early game I personally stand for one heavy nutrient tile per base for the first worker, the others forest. I also give a high priority to creating a road network. I stand for thin expansion, so I give high priority to producing formers and CPs. Once we have crawlers, condensers to max nutrients on certain suitable tiles are also a good idea. This approach gradually changes once the production limits are gone, but that's not for right now. Besides, I believe the people have the word in deciding what to do. The Director is just their servant and his personal opinion is unimportant. More important is how good he is at organizing polls and referenda. A quote from yours truly:
After some more thinking I'm with DE. The proposed system will create more and more complex polls compared to the system I'm currently using. Pandemoniak wants to reinstitute the system of polling every square of every base. Just like I have made some more general polls such as what should be the focus: nutrient/minerals and at what size should the focus switch, Pandemoniak should create some more general polls for his directorate. For example, he could make polls every month asking:
What should be the standard terraformation in the following tile:
rolling&rainy above 1000 metres, rolling&rainy below 100, flat&rainy above 1000... All those combinations with the option of farm&condenser, farm&solar, forest etcetera... The same can be done for rocky terrain and sea tiles etcetera. The Director should only have to do this once a month and can therefore concentrate on polling other matters such as colonization, special bonus tiles, how much former power to concentrate on what task... To know what tiles he should terraform first around a base, he could refer to the polls of D of IE regarding nutrient, mineral and in a while energy and specialists focus.
That's at least what I would do if I was D of TC. Less workload for the Director and less repititous polls but clear general decision making for the citizens.
So I would organize one poll in the beginning of the month to decide default actions for the most frequent tiles, and decide what actions to give priority based on the actions of the next D of IE, presuming s/he continues my style of polling. Furthermore, I would organize polls 1) for special tiles, 2) where to colonize and 3) where to use our formers.
There has also been a question regarding boreholes from dmm1285.
Yes, I suppotr building boreholes. But only after we have researched technologies to remove our limits on mineral and energy production. Before that they're rather useless. I'd build them on rocky tiles where the lay of the land allows it. But naturally I'd poll for such major terraforming projects.