we recently go planetary networks, industrial economics, and ethical calculus from our good friend morgan. this means we're due to another tech 
Your Choices:
Tech List

5 Days

Your Choices:
- Doctrine: Loyalty - Permiter Defense, The Command Nexus, POLICE STATE Leads to: Intellectual Integrity
- Docrtine: Flexibility - Foil (M4) Troop Transport, Pressure Dome. Leads to: Doctrine Initiative, Doctrine: Air Power
- Gene Splicing - Research Hospital, NUTRIENT RESTRICTIONS LIFTED Leads to: Bio-Engineering, Synthetic Fossil Fuels, Ecological Engineering
- Industrial Automation - Supply Crawler, Planetary Transit System, Hab Complex, WEALTH
Leads to: Silkstell Alloys, Industial Nanorobotics, Doctrine: Initiative, Neural Grafting. - Polymorphic Software - Heavy Artillery.
Leads to: Advanced Subatomic Theory, Optical Computers - Secrets of the Human Brain - Hypnotic Trance, FUNDAMENTALIST
Leads to: Neural Grafting, Centauri Empathy. - High Energy Chemistry - Plasma Steel (D3) Nerve Gas Pods.
Leads to: Advanced Subatomic Theory, Synthetic Fossil Fuels. - Nonlinear Mathematics - Particle Impactor (A4).
Leads to: Superstring Theory
Tech List

5 Days
