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Chief Librarian's Office

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  • Chief Librarian's Office

    This is a thread for posting you comments/suggestions regarding the directory. Do you agree with the layout? Font sizes? whatever! post it here

    Disclaimer: By posting your ideas here, always assume they will be copied by adaMada and H Tower, unless told otherwise

  • #2
    First suggestion: make a link to this thread at the top of the directory thread, so you don't need to bump it every ohter day.
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


    • #3


      • #4
        Just proposing...

        Oh yeah. I don't feel like PM'ing so here are two threads to add to the directory:

        For DIE: Poll: Official: A worker poll... Expires 17/9

        A citizen poll: Unofficial: How many months do you expect/want this game to last? Expires 21/9
        Last edited by Maniac; October 14, 2002, 16:43.
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #5
          anything? anything at all?

          (note: the link to here in the directory has recently been fixed. previously it pointed right back to the directory )


          • #6
            elections! not really
            Welcome to the DBTSverse!
            God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
            'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


            • #7
              fixing research diretorate so that the image is visible in Default Styles


              • #8
                Changes in ACDG Dir V2.2.0:
                • Planetary Archives modified in anticipation of term II's addition
                • Gameplay Settings moved to the ACDG FAQ Thread


                • #9
                  Could you list the members of the court? I'm on it and I still had to dig up a back issue of CNN to confirm who else was on it.

                  What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?


                  • #10
                    ok. soon. in the meantime, we're up and running for term III's version! DBTS, if you could top it, that would be great

                    Features in ACDG Directory V3.0
                    • The directory is now divided up into 5 sections: table of contents, general, directorates, term II archives, and term I archives
                    • "Back to table of contents" button at the top of each section
                    • Directorate graphics updated for term III
                    • Gameplay Settings moved to the ACDG FAQ Thread
                    • Suggestions for improvement may be made in the Chief Librarian's Office thread


                    • #11
                      Me likes the outlook very much. (Using Moo3-style fyi)
                      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TKG [*]Directorate graphics updated for term III
                        I don't notice a difference.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • #13
                          Shhh! do you want the whole damn forum to know?

                          i havn't gotten around to it yet


                          • #14
                            yessiree! ACDG dir V3.1 is OUT! updates are:
                            • The directory is now divided up into 6 sections: table of contents, general, directorates, planetary archives, term II archives, and term I archives
                            • Directorate graphics updated for term III (serious this time )
                            • Reincarnation of Planetary Archives: now contains old turn reports and CNN archive
                            • Content added

                            if i missed any threads, it's because you didn't PM them to me!

                            Grouch, is the court section to your liking? it's new


                            • #15
                              Something REALLY strange... has happened! The link for the third part of my Big Huge Poll has changed from 65951 to 65921. Try it out in the directory.
                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

