congrats DeathByTheSword (i wont repeat the joke i made in OPD's thread
you'll find the admin options at the bottom of thread pages
please try your powers in some test threads:
you should be able to:
- open/close threads
- top/de-top threads
- edit thread info(title, icon, etc)
- edit polls
- post announcements (pm me for the way)
you should not be able to:
- delete threads
- edit/delete posts
chat powers:
in the civ3 room you should be able to use the following commands
- /modemoderated (put the room in moderated mode where only the mod and the people with voice can talk)
- /modeopen (put the room in open(=normal, non-moderated) more)
- /voiceUser (give voice to User)
- /unvoiceUser (take voice from User)
- /banUser (ban User from chat for 5 minutes)
- /unbanUser (un-ban User)
usefull notes on chat:
- click on a username in the userslist to copy it to the message entry box
- click on the + sign of a user with voice to copy an unvoice command(with it's username) in the message entry box

you'll find the admin options at the bottom of thread pages
please try your powers in some test threads:
you should be able to:
- open/close threads
- top/de-top threads
- edit thread info(title, icon, etc)
- edit polls
- post announcements (pm me for the way)
you should not be able to:
- delete threads
- edit/delete posts
chat powers:
in the civ3 room you should be able to use the following commands
- /modemoderated (put the room in moderated mode where only the mod and the people with voice can talk)
- /modeopen (put the room in open(=normal, non-moderated) more)
- /voiceUser (give voice to User)
- /unvoiceUser (take voice from User)
- /banUser (ban User from chat for 5 minutes)
- /unbanUser (un-ban User)
usefull notes on chat:
- click on a username in the userslist to copy it to the message entry box
- click on the + sign of a user with voice to copy an unvoice command(with it's username) in the message entry box