the situation:
last time's winner was planetary networks, and the backup was ethical calculus. unfortunately, neither was available, so we went with industrial economics. we got applied physics from a Data Pod.
Current Tech List:

Your choices for 9th tech are........
Backup and first choice are in this poll. it is multi choice, so vote TWICE, ONCE FOR BACKUP, ONCE FOR FIRST CHOICE. DO NOT VOTE FOR THE SAME TECH TWICE.
this method is experimental, so we'll see how it works
you have --------->5<---------days
last time's winner was planetary networks, and the backup was ethical calculus. unfortunately, neither was available, so we went with industrial economics. we got applied physics from a Data Pod.
Current Tech List:

Your choices for 9th tech are........
- Doctrine: Loyalty - Permiter Defense, The Command Nexus, POLICE STATE Leads to: Intellectual Integrity
- Docrtine: Flexibility - Foil (M4) Troop Transport, Pressure Dome. Leads to: Doctrine Initiative, Doctrine: Air Power
- Ethical Calculus - Children's Creche DEMOCRATIC Leads to: Intellectual Integrity, Gene Splicing
- Planetary Networks - Probe Team, Hologram Theatre, The Virtual World, PLANNED, Librarian (specialist).
Leads to: Industrial Automation, Cyberethics. - Polymorphic Software - Heavy Artillery.
Leads to: Advanced Subatomic Theory, Optical Computers - Secrets of the Human Brain - Hypnotic Trance, FUNDAMENTALIST
Leads to: Neural Grafting, Centauri Empathy. - High Energy Chemistry - Plasma Steel (D3) Nerve Gas Pods.
Leads to: Advanced Subatomic Theory, Synthetic Fossil Fuels. - Nonlinear Mathematics - Particle Impactor (A4).
Leads to: Superstring Theory
Backup and first choice are in this poll. it is multi choice, so vote TWICE, ONCE FOR BACKUP, ONCE FOR FIRST CHOICE. DO NOT VOTE FOR THE SAME TECH TWICE.
this method is experimental, so we'll see how it works

you have --------->5<---------days
