Report: sorry it took so long but not much happend we got the laser from a pod and we lost a former to a +1 worm for the rest we build one CP that is currently underway to build a new base and that is all. oh yes the University started the VW
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Last edited by DeathByTheSword; October 7, 2002, 10:40.Bunnies!
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05usTags: None
a three part chat log this time...
<DBTS^COM> ok first point of order! QUICKVOTE: UNDP starts building CP? 1=yes 2=no= 3abstain (currently building nothing and at size 3)
<DBTS^COM> TKG all of us
* Lemmy^DEI 1
* ManiaDIE 1
* GT^DoFA votes 1
<TKG^DoR> 1
<ManiaDIE> May I request the word?
*** TKG^DoR is now known as TKG
<DBTS^COM> ok next quickvote: TBIBTU starts building CP? (currently building rectanks)
<DBTS^COM> maniac?
<ManiaDIE> former rush. I thought that would be an easier vote before discussing TBIBTU
<ManiaDIE> seeing there is disagreement about TBIBTU
<ManiaDIE> but whatever
<TKG> does TBIBTU already have a former?
<DBTS^COM> ok first rushing former at antioch? money:92 costs:25 vote now!
<TKG> what is it?
* GT^DoFA votes 1
<ManiaDIE> Yes, rush 13 ec.
* Lemmy^DEI 1
<TKG> 1
<TKG> god i've had too much hive mind stuff
<ManiaDIE> but not 25 ec
<DBTS^COM> it is with me (latest patch)
<TKG> DBTS, can we "bargain buy"?
<Lemmy^DEI> bargain buy?
<GT^DoFA> How many minerals are there left?
<DBTS^COM> i think we can make it 20 and get it in one turn let me check
<TKG> where you caclulate how many minerals are left and then multiply by 2 (or whatever) so its just enough to be finished in 1 turn rather than paying for the whole thing
<ManiaDIE> 13 is sufficient as the base produces 5 mins a year
<TKG> we save money
<DBTS^COM> maniac is right
<ManiaDIE> I did my research.
* Lemmy^DEI 1 on bargain buy
* GT^DoFA votes 1 on bargain buy.
<TKG> is that what you're talking about maniac?
<TKG> it 2, or 4?
<DBTS^COM> ok listen up
<DBTS^COM> ok next! CP in TBIBTU instead of Rec tanks (no mineral lost)
<TKG> 1
<DBTS^COM> vote now
* ManiaDIE 1
* GT^DoFA votes 2
* Lemmy^DEI 1
<TKG> 3
<ManiaDIE> yes a majority
<DBTS^COM> it passes
<DBTS^COM> ending 2152 now
<Lemmy^DEI> scouts moved?
<ManiaDIE> NA worker adapted?
<TKG> turns till breakthrough?
<DBTS^COM> antioch build former lemmy were already moved last time
<DBTS^COM> tkg 5 turns
<DBTS^COM> ok moving units now what to terraform in antioch
<GT^DoFA> What are we researching?
<TKG> road ->TBIBTU
<TKG> forest 1 tile
<DBTS^COM> mobility
<ManiaDIE> I'd suggest moving NE and build a road, then E
<DBTS^COM> i say forest south east
<TKG> forest/road E
<Lemmy^DEI> i'm for a forest
<DBTS^COM> E is fungus
<TKG> oh...
<TKG> then NE
<ManiaDIE> and SE roling&rainy
<DBTS^COM> SE is rainy rolling
<DBTS^COM> NE is flat moist
<Lemmy^DEI> Forest NE
<DBTS^COM> what do you want?
<DBTS^COM> forest NE?
<TKG> forest NE
<DBTS^COM> vote now
<ManiaDIE> first road it before foresting, it only takes 1 turn that way
* ManiaDIE 1
<TKG> road/forest
* Lemmy^DEI road 'n forest NE -> 1
* GT^DoFA votes 1
<TKG> then road, E of that
<ManiaDIE> but no forest there
<DBTS^COM> people VOTE!
<ManiaDIE> about?
<TKG> we have a monolith though
<GT^DoFA> we've already had 4 votes.
<DBTS^COM> what to build in antioch
<TKG> we dont need another forest
<Lemmy^DEI> now, where will the CP go?
<ManiaDIE> will the base have grown when a CP is completed?
<DBTS^COM> I say another former
<TKG> NE N of monolith
<DBTS^COM> maniac no
<GT^DoFA> How long 'till Antioch grows?
<Lemmy^DEI> 10 turns?
<GT^DoFA> Ignore that.
<TKG> 11 turns-2=9?
<DBTS^COM> i say first a former or a scout!
<DBTS^COM> 10 turns
<TKG> former
* ManiaDIE former
* GT^DoFA votes former.
* Lemmy^DEI abstain
<DBTS^COM> former in Antioch? vote now
<TKG> we did
<DBTS^COM> ok!
<TKG> 1
* GT^DoFA votes 1
<DBTS^COM> ending turn ok?
* TKG nods
<Lemmy^DEI> where did the scout move?
<DBTS^COM> west= W and east=SE
<DBTS^COM> lemmy first pod for east en then S
<ManiaDIE> And what are you doing with other formers?
<Lemmy^DEI> the western scout should first find a suitable place for the CP from UNPD, then go and pop the pod
<DBTS^COM> UNPD one former is building road to NA
<TKG> roads!
<TKG> UNPD former should road south->new base site
<DBTS^COM> lemmy we have found a place for CP on the western part of the hill north
<Lemmy^DEI> ah, ok
<Lemmy^DEI> pop away then
<DBTS^COM> ok former NS build mine on minerals?
<TKG> 1
<ManiaDIE> sure
<TKG> no!
<TKG> let me see
<DBTS^COM> what no?
<TKG> ok go ahead
*** MrWIA has joined #smacdg
* Lemmy^DEI 1
<Lemmy^DEI> hey mwia
* TKG welcomes mwia
<DBTS^COM> ok building mine
<MrWIA> Hey! Am I 33 mins early or 27 late - the timezones have confused me thoroughly again.
<GT^DoFA> 27 late.
<MrWIA> Damn.
<ManiaDIE> Then I'd build a road to a base location as suggested in the poly thread
<GT^DoFA> Oh well, we haven't needed you yet.
<DBTS^COM> what to do with the former at UNPD that is now N of UNPD
<Lemmy^DEI> fuingus is cleared?
<TKG> road
<DBTS^COM> yes
<DBTS^COM> there!
<Lemmy^DEI> road 'n forest, what else
<TKG> no, move into UNPD
<TKG> we already have enough forest
<DBTS^COM> ok lemmys idea or TKG?
<TKG> 4 already
<ManiaDIE> I say either roadconnect it to the future base location on the western hills or help build the road to NA
<Lemmy^DEI> meh, we DO have enough forests
<DBTS^COM> or build a road to NA?
<TKG> isn't the other one doing that?
<TKG> what happened to the one on the farm?
<ManiaDIE> two do the job faster
<Lemmy^DEI> road to future base location sounds good
<DBTS^COM> no that is building a solar per pandes orders
<ManiaDIE> then who is roading to NA?
<TKG> ok
<DBTS^COM> ok vote road to future?
<DBTS^COM> me/1
* GT^DoFA votes 1.
* Lemmy^DEI 1
<TKG> 2-road to NA, former on farm road to future
<MrWIA> Other options?
<DBTS^COM> what TKG said
* MrWIA is lost.... abstains
* ManiaDIE one UNPD former road to NA, the other to future base
<Lemmy^DEI> wait, we got 2 formers there???
<DBTS^COM> maniac Mrwia?
<MrWIA> Ignore me until I can understand what the f*** is going on.
<TKG> screenshots
<ManiaDIE> great no? :-)
<TKG> they help
<DBTS^COM> lemmy yes one is building solar one farm per pandes orders other one is idle right now
<Lemmy^DEI> ok, TKG's plan is better then
<DBTS^COM> ok TKG plan again vote!
<TKG> 1
* Lemmy^DEI 1
* GT^DoFA votes 1 for TKG's plan.
* ManiaDIE 1 (TKG's plan is the same as I proposed right?)
<DBTS^COM> maniac yes
* MrWIA still abstains.<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!
part 2
<TKG> idle former roads to NA farm former roads to future
<TKG> base site
<MrWIA> I'll sit here until I can figure out where things are.
<Lemmy^DEI> 3 vs 1 vs 1?
<DBTS^COM> ok but first finishing the solar! start moving one to build road to NA
<DBTS^COM> yes around that i am doing it now
<DBTS^COM> 2155
<DBTS^COM> nothing new build
<DBTS^COM> may i start moving things?
<TKG> how long till WP?
<MrWIA> should be 14, I think.
<GT^DoFA> that quick?
* TKG parties
<DBTS^COM> ok can i move?
<ManiaDIE> You have my permission. ;-) What's the TBIBTU former doing btw?
<Lemmy^DEI> where are the scouts now? how far from popping
<TKG> we have a 7 mineral tile
<DBTS^COM> just build a farm per pandes orders NW
<TKG> which we need to crawl!!!
<ManiaDIE> oh :-(
<DBTS^COM> lemmy east is going to pop right now!
* MrWIA hopes..
* TKG hopes for not worms
<ManiaDIE> that tile already is farmed.
<Lemmy^DEI> ok, pop it!!!
* GT^DoFA puts on anti-mindworm gear and picks up a flame gun.
<Lemmy^DEI> w00t!!!
<DBTS^COM> applied phycies
<Lemmy^DEI> your welcome
<MrWIA> DE should be here for this.
<ManiaDIE> now let the Hive come
<TKG> so we're finished level 1 techs now!
<DBTS^COM> can i end the turn?
<TKG> maniac don't scare me! i though the hive was comming
<MrWIA> SHould we check workere allocations?
<TKG> yes we should
<DBTS^COM> lemmy east has another pod just E of it?! what to do?
<DBTS^COM> i am checking right now!
<Lemmy^DEI> pop!
* TKG holds breath in anticipation of pod
<ManiaDIE> besides switching the nutrient forest between NA-TBIBTU there aren't much worker troubles
* GT^DoFA hunkers down in psi-war bunker.
<DBTS^COM> all workers are ok!
* Lemmy^DEI wonders if we should be pushing our luck by popping two pods in a row
<MrWIA> Of course we should ^_^
<DBTS^COM> i am going to pop it!
<DBTS^COM> nothing yet couldnt move in fungus
<DBTS^COM> ending turn
<MrWIA> Awww... all that tension
<DBTS^COM> ohoh a +1 worm attack our former from TBIBTU
<Lemmy^DEI> yikes
<DBTS^COM> is is destroyed the former that is
<MrWIA> Where did THAT come from?
<TKG> the fungus, silly
<DBTS^COM> what to do?
<DBTS^COM> TKG is right
<GT^DoFA> Build another one.
<Lemmy^DEI> kill the fungus!!
<ManiaDIE> how many worms do you think?
<DBTS^COM> what to do just let it be?
<MrWIA> Dammit - we need a sensor next time.
<DBTS^COM> only one i think
<MrWIA> DBTS - do we have the option of attackin git?
<TKG>@kill the fungus
<ManiaDIE> how much is it damaged?
<GT^DoFA> Kill it.
<DBTS^COM> no we havent
<DBTS^COM> 80% left
<MrWIA> what more can we do?
<ManiaDIE> oh :-(
<DBTS^COM> we cant attack it
<Lemmy^DEI> nothing at this point
<TKG> let it move closer and attack it. we stand better chances than if it attacks us
<DBTS^COM> it is +1 morale
<DBTS^COM> ok!
<MrWIA> agree with TKG.
<TKG> larval mass?
<TKG> or hatchling?
<GT^DoFA> Hatchling
<Lemmy^DEI> +1, does the name matter
<DBTS^COM> have a second former in antioch
<TKG> +1 could be pre-boil
<ManiaDIE> build completed?
<DBTS^COM> o damn other former (first one) from Antioch can be attack by the worm next turn and i can t move it
<MrWIA> Let us hope...
<TKG> can you send a scout to protect it?
<ManiaDIE> can you move the garrison on it?
<DBTS^COM> what to do with the second former just build in Antioch?
<MrWIA> I feel so hungoer - and I haven't been drinking!
<DBTS^COM> i could
<ManiaDIE> build road to TBIBTU or future base site
<TKG> yes
<MrWIA> Keep it in Antioch till danger passes?
<DBTS^COM> ok doing that
<DBTS^COM> i support mwia
<DBTS^COM> vote!
* GT^DoFA votes 1
<TKG> 1
* Lemmy^DEI 3
* MrWIA votes 1 - keep safe
<MrWIA> 3?
<TKG> 3=abstain
<DBTS^COM> ok done
<GT^DoFA> DBTS: why do you keep posting "."?
<ManiaDIE> 4=write-in then?
<Lemmy^DEI> 5=xenobanana?
<DBTS^COM> ending turn pod still not poped
<TKG> synthbanana!
<Lemmy^DEI> bugger...and the western pod?
<DBTS^COM> because i cpu is slow and doesnt always post your posts
<DBTS^COM> is going south
<TKG> should we design a recon rover?
<ManiaDIE> noooooooooo!
<DBTS^COM> ok wait and listen
<TKG> not build it, but design it?
<DBTS^COM> nobody say something
<DBTS^COM> univeristy started buildin VW and we have mobility
<DBTS^COM> nothing else happend
<DBTS^COM> what to do next TKG?
<TKG> <sub>yay</sub>
<TKG> planetary networks
<MrWIA> Nice. Except for the VW part.
<DBTS^COM> tech?
<DBTS^COM> PN isnt in the choices
<MrWIA> Ethical Calc is after?
<TKG> ethical calculus then
<ManiaDIE> IndEco
<DBTS^COM> isnt either
<TKG> let me check
<Lemmy^DEI> Flexinility then?
<ManiaDIE> I switch my vote from PlaNets to IndEco
<DBTS^COM> indeco/flex/mob/poly//human/high enegy
<MrWIA> Dang! OK - IndEco for me
<Lemmy^DEI> indeco or flex are both 3rd in votes
<DBTS^COM> vote? or TKG?
<TKG> let me see!
* GT^DoFA votes IndEco
<DBTS^COM> this is where TKG is for his choice right?
<TKG> doc flex/ind eco, and give high energy a chance
<ManiaDIE> ??
<MrWIA> Quickpoll! 1 IndEco 2. Flex 3. Abs 4. Something else OK TKG?
* GT^DoFA votes 1
* ManiaDIE 1
<TKG> ok mwia
* MrWIA 1 if OK by TKG
* Lemmy^DEI 2
<DBTS^COM> tkg?
<TKG> 4-high energy chemistry, but it doesnt matter
<TKG> ind eco!
<DBTS^COM> indeco it is
<MrWIA> 1 it is
<DBTS^COM> ok worm hasnt moved
<MrWIA> I love directorial decisions
<TKG> i'd like a synthetic fossil fuels beeline in case we meet the hive
<ManiaDIE> so can we attack it?
<DBTS^COM> maniac no
<TKG> SW SW of pod in the sea i say!
<DBTS^COM> what to do with: 2 former Antioch and CP UNPD
<DBTS^COM> i say north on the hill
<ManiaDIE> CP UNPD to future base site "Concordia?"
<Lemmy^DEI> yes, where it was supposed to go
<MrWIA> Do we have a second scout in UNPD?
<DBTS^COM> one formerstarts builing a sensor?
<Lemmy^DEI> no
<Lemmy^DEI> no @ mwia
<DBTS^COM> not yet building it now
<MrWIA> So we send the original scout with it?
<TKG> SW SW of pod in the sea, or SW SW SW of monolith on hill
<ManiaDIE> And send the scout along... Are the scouts in Antioch and NS rehomed btw?
<DBTS^COM> we can build infantry and rovers now!
<DBTS^COM> but all prototypes
<TKG> i said design a recon rover, but not build it!
<TKG> aren't we playing with auto-design off?
<GT^DoFA> What for?
<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!
part 3
<Lemmy^DEI> for fun!!
<MrWIA> Because Lemmy said so
<DBTS^COM> nothing build yet
<DBTS^COM> but starting a scout in UNPD for garrison
<MrWIA> So do we have a concrete location for the CP? Or do we vote?
<ManiaDIE> Are the scouts in Antioch and NS rehomed btw?
<DBTS^COM> we have to vote on maniac position or TKGs one
<DBTS^COM> yes
<DBTS^COM> @maniac
<MrWIA> Let's wait until DBTS has time to answer all our queestions.
<DBTS^COM> ok we have to choice between SW SW from the pod in sea or maniac idea for the CP
<TKG> where's maniacs?
<DBTS^COM> what do you all want not anything else before this to debate
<GT^DoFA> where's the pod?
<DBTS^COM> maniac
<ManiaDIE> SW SW from the southern monolith
<MrWIA> 1 SWSW of Pod 2. Maniac's 3. abs 4 summat else
* Lemmy^DEI 2
<TKG> SW SW of sea pod, or SW SW SW of monolith on hill south of antioch
<DBTS^COM> 1 = maniac 2 = TKG
* GT^DoFA votes 2.
<TKG> hmmm
<MrWIA> scratch my poll then!!!
<DBTS^COM> 3xSW or 2xSw
<ManiaDIE> Did Lemmy and GT vote maniac or tkg?
<Lemmy^DEI> Wait, one poll please!!
<GT^DoFA> Maniac.
<ManiaDIE> repoll please
<GT^DoFA> Yes, repoll.
<DBTS^COM> 1= maniac 2= tkg
* ManiaDIE 1
* GT^DoFA votes 1
* Lemmy^DEI 1
<MrWIA> Start poll over: 1 Maniac's 2. Sw SW of pod 3. abs 4. somethign else
<MrWIA> 2
<DBTS^COM> passes maniac
<TKG> 3
* GT^DoFA votes 1
<DBTS^COM> ok so 2xSW of monolith?
<MrWIA> SORRY! I'll let someone else do it then
<ManiaDIE> and naturally the first worker should be that monolith...
<DBTS^COM> next thing
<TKG> oh, i wasn't thinking. 2xSW make much more sense
<DBTS^COM> build scout or synth garrisson in UNPD
<ManiaDIE> scout
<DBTS^COM> 1 = scout 2=synthgarr
<MrWIA> So I'm the only one who wanted SW SW of pod?
<Lemmy^DEI> synth = prototype?
<TKG> 1
* ManiaDIE 1
<DBTS^COM> yes
* GT^DoFA votes 1
<DBTS^COM> @lemmy yes
* Lemmy^DEI 1
<MrWIA> Doesn't matter anyway.
<Lemmy^DEI> wait a minute....what about the rovers?
<ManiaDIE> what rovers?
<Lemmy^DEI> we got mobility
<TKG> build one in suez after the pod i say!
<MrWIA> It'll be a prototype...
<DBTS^COM> lemmy first building a garrison for UNPD
<Lemmy^DEI> if the scout is for defense, then why not build a synth garrison
<DBTS^COM> after that new pol
<TKG> recon rover->it costs the same as a scout rover
<ManiaDIE> because it takes too long and doesn't help against worms
<DBTS^COM> because it is proto
<Lemmy^DEI> ok
<MrWIA> Good point Maniac
<DBTS^COM> ok every body ready for next thing?
<TKG> yes!
<MrWIA> Go for it
<ManiaDIE> sure
<Lemmy^DEI> yes
<DBTS^COM> next antioch former on forest/road 2 fungus tiles away from wounded worm build sensor?
<DBTS^COM> next antioch former on forest/road 2 fungus tiles away from wounded worm build sensor?
<DBTS^COM> oh sorry two times
<TKG> if escorted by scout
<MrWIA> safety first - as TKG says.
<ManiaDIE> what is Antioch building in the meantime?
<TKG> ONLY if escorted by scout
<DBTS^COM> it isnt but it can be!
<DBTS^COM> a formeragain! something else!
<DBTS^COM> **** is isnt roaded
<TKG> h
<ManiaDIE> CP or 1-2-2 rover?
<GT^DoFA> Why 1-2-2?
<TKG> 1-2-2? you mean 2-1-2?
<DBTS^COM> i say CP
<ManiaDIE> costs the same as 1-2-1. Two prototypes in one unit
<DBTS^COM> liking the idea
<Lemmy^DEI> good point
<TKG> synthmetal rover?
<ManiaDIE> and helps against the mind worm plague east of Antiochh
<DBTS^COM> yes
<TKG> make recon!
<Lemmy^DEI> hmm, yes
<DBTS^COM> so build a 1-2-2?
<ManiaDIE> if the worm is still there of course... (?)
<DBTS^COM> vote!
<TKG> or better yet, 2-2-2
<DBTS^COM> yes it is
<DBTS^COM> regenereting
<Lemmy^DEI> is 2-2-2 possible?
<DBTS^COM> ok what to do?
<ManiaDIE> expensive!
<TKG> yes we got applied physics from a pod remember?
<DBTS^COM> to expensive
<TKG> i know, i was just joking
<DBTS^COM> what is hot-key for design
<Lemmy^DEI> yes, but it's to expensive, let's vote for 1-2-2
<TKG> u
* GT^DoFA votes 1-2-2 rover
* TKG votes for 2-1-2 rover
<Lemmy^DEI> U
<DBTS^COM> ok so we are building a 1-2-2 voting now
<ManiaDIE> 6 turns I presume
* Lemmy^DEI votes rover
* GT^DoFA votes rover.
* DBTS^COM 1-2-2
* MrWIA sees little point in either anyway.
* ManiaDIE 1-2-2 or CP
<TKG> oh, nevermind! colony pod!
<DBTS^COM> what do you people want
<Lemmy^DEI> everything
<MrWIA> DBP really needs to be here next time...
<TKG> yes!
* Lemmy^DEI NO
<ManiaDIE> I don't care...
* GT^DoFA votes no
<MrWIA> no
* TKG go faster!
<DBTS^COM> ok then i build the 1-2-2
<MrWIA> whatever - not caring.
<Lemmy^DEI> now what kind of attitude is that for a Director
<TKG> i may not have all day
<DBTS^COM> 7 turns for rover
<MrWIA> Until I get a SE choice to play with... ;D
<DBTS^COM> ok scout fallen tru demision gate landed around 12 S near a pod
<GT^DoFA> which scout?
<TKG> 12 S?
<GT^DoFA> the northern one?
<TKG> oh
<Lemmy^DEI> we could stop now, and do some more order next week, when we have more time to prepare
<DBTS^COM> east
<ManiaDIE> Perhaps we can let the Antioch formers road to "future base site" until the mind worm is destroyed?
<DBTS^COM> go for the pod?
<ManiaDIE> Lemmy
<GT^DoFA> How many turn have we played?
<DBTS^COM> ok we sto[
<DBTS^COM> it is 2158
<DBTS^COM> very little
<TKG> 1-stop 2-continue 3-abstain
<MrWIA> Ohhh boy...
<MrWIA> 3
<ManiaDIE> normal with this turnchat system
<GT^DoFA> So it took us 80 minutes to play 6 turns?
* Lemmy^DEI 1
* ManiaDIE 1
<Lemmy^DEI> we did only have 3 days to prepare
* GT^DoFA votes 3.
<TKG> 1
<DBTS^COM> ok i want to first take the pod
<Lemmy^DEI> ok, pop itt
<TKG> ok!
<MrWIA> Fair enough
<DBTS^COM> may i take the pod?
<TKG> yes!!!!
<MrWIA> Go for it
<Lemmy^DEI> well...
<Lemmy^DEI> i was planning on polling for it
<DBTS^COM> and finish the turn on with building the sensor?
<DBTS^COM> got a rover!
<ManiaDIE> yeeeeeeeeees
<DBTS^COM> sorry lemmy
<TKG> end now then?
<MrWIA> Ah.
<DBTS^COM> i will stop now for you all<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!
Point to note.....
DBTS used the Poly definition of GMT for this chat, and will likely continue to do so for the future. The Poly GMT is NOT real GMT, but is actually GMT + 1 (British Summer Time). If you don't believe me, check any online clock eg this one . You will see that GMT is currently one hour behind Poly GMT.
So, remember, when DBTS posts a GMT time, it is a POLY GMT time, which is to say it is REAL GMT +1.
Hence my being late when I thought I was early.
and every build in the bases because of absences of maki. it took ages but what we did we did good that is what i think only pity of the formerBunnies!
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
the 2 other favorite techs weren't available, so we had a director vote...didn't you read the chatlog?<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!