Makahlua, could you please organize a poll about which SP we should build where? There is no consensus on whether we should build the VW, HGP, ME, PTS...
No announcement yet.
The Self-Aware Colony
Dmm1285, candidate for Director of Industry and Energy, has proposed that we build the Command Nexus before the Hive. I agree, but think it should be built in Tacticus Academy.
This thread has the whole story.
Basically, my point is that we probably can manage an SP from scratch if we divert several bases to crawlers, and have them supply that base. The Command Nexus should be built in Tacticus Academy to honor our Director of Foreign Relations and first Director of Peacekeeping Operations.Adam T. Gieseler
I'd like to propose some adapted build orders with some more supply crawlers in it. This means a temporary slowdown in expansion and infrastructure build-up, but I think the industrial exponential expansion will make up for it.
New Apolyton: Virtual World, Recreation Commons!!! (look at its pop)
New Suez: Merchant Exchange, Supply crawlers ad nauseam
Mysidia: Rec Tanks, Cp, Scout (as it is now)
UN Pizza Delivery: Supply Crawler, Probe Team (as it is now)
Zanarkand Gate: CP, scout, CP, scout
ThisBaseIsBelongToUs: Former, Supply Crawlers ad nauseam (this base hasn't got even one former)
Tacticus Academy: Supply Crawlers ad nauseam
Antioch: Rec Tanks, Supply Crawlers ad nauseam
Concordia: Supply Crawlers ad nauseam
Pandemonium: Rec Tanks
I presume rushing a former is still the first build order for new bases?? (Gotta lobby for my own directorate as well)
What is the optimum ratio of supply crawlers to base size? Leaving off the idea of talent-heavy special mission bases, my SP rule of thumb has been two crawlers for a pop 6-8 base, maybe 4 for a pop 12, etc. I've never set up a proper analysis, but a 1:3 crawler/pop ratio seems to work for me.
I only mention this because "ad nauseum" sounds like we're shooting for mass numbers of crawlers.
In terms of balancing our development, even if we want the minerals to support a large standing army or the nutrients to support a lot of talents, we shouldn't neglect base improvements and colony pods completely. We only need numbers of crawlers appropriate to our current size.
I'm with Maniac - boost mineral production to simplify infrastructure construction. There will be a number of essential SP's looming on the horizon; if most of our bases can churn out crawlers in 2 years then we will be more likely to secure those SP's. In the meantime, bases with higher min production can support those with lower production by providing crawlers to re-home.
Time to bump this thread again.The results for my latest polls are almost in. Among other things I asked how the citizens stood against building extra formers, sea formers and sea colony pods. On all points there's a majority for building them. May I therefore ask putting the followings items on the build queue as soon as reasonably possible?
Extra formers. My poll indicated a majority for letting each base with a production of 5 or more minerals support two (sea) formers.
Two or three sea formers in the Freshwater Sea.
Two Sea Colony Pods. Also for the Freshwater Sea.