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  • 2138-2152

    people there:

    tanx all it went pretty good next time we will have a protocol to follow

    2139-wester scout pop pod and got minerals||NA builds CP||TBIBTU builds former||UNPD builds former
    2141-wester scout pop pod in fungus and got Alien artifact||easter scout pop pod and got nutrients||NA build scout
    2142-wester scout attacks worm and wins got +1 morale||AA goes to TBIBTU
    2144-New Suez founded
    2145-NA build rectanks and starts WP||tech discovered starts research on mobility
    2146-AA in TBIBTU
    2148-TBIBTU build CP
    2150-TBIBTU builds scout
    2151-AA in NA
    2152-Antioch founded

    formers terraformed a bunch around all the time
    Attached Files
    Last edited by DeathByTheSword; October 3, 2002, 09:53.
    Welcome to the DBTSverse!
    God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
    'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us

  • #2
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt i think so but anyways i am starting the game ok?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt sure
    &ltPande^DoT&gt ok
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt ok
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Anybody fancy some Champagne for DBTS' first turn?
    &ltPande^DoT&gt nice homepage, Maki lol
    &ltMaki^DoBP&gt heh, work in progress
    *** GT^DoFA has joined #smacdg
    &ltPande^DoT&gt Ill have a xenobrewerage, instead
    &ltDEdge^DoP&gt still with us DBTS?
    &ltDEdge^DoP&gt hey tacticus...
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt hi guys
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt rushed everthing
    &ltPande^DoT&gt Hy Gal Tac
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Here you go. Tonight it's for free.
    &ltPande^DoT&gt THe directorate councils actually take place at Maniac's bar
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt played out any turns yet?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt sending NA CP to location 4 or 5
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Vote?
    &ltPande^DoT&gt NA Cp goes eqst
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt I say 5 closer by
    &ltPande^DoT&gt *east sorry
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt just shout lemmy if you need me...
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt with scout?
    &ltPande^DoT&gt NA CP : goes east; TBIBTU CP : go west
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt CP+scout?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt If so we have to change the NA build order
    &ltPande^DoT&gt i think so, ask Darkness Edge
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt yes or no all vote please
    &ltManiaDIE&gt YES!
    * Pande^DoT votes : WITH THE SCOUT
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt mineral bonus from pod
    * DBTS^COM yes
    * Maki^DoBP sys + scout too (mindworm food, eech)
    &ltManiaDIE&gt was that pod on flat&moist?
    * Lemmy^DEI YES
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt mani yes
    &ltDEdge^DoP&gt what are we voting on?
    &ltDEdge^DoP&gt and what am i being asked about?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok then with scout and NA building scout but no rushing
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt What are the options?
    &ltPande^DoT&gt do we get mineral benefits if we settle on the minerals ?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Yes
    &ltDEdge^DoP&gt isn't that in the orders?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Is this the 5th base we're talking about building?
    &ltPande^DoT&gt DBTS, what kind of tile is the tile SW of the pod at west ?
    &ltPande^DoT&gt 5th base/ Canal base --&gt from NA CP
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt thought so
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt fungus and west is fungus+pod
    &ltPande^DoT&gt 4th base/ monolith base --&gt from TBIBTU CP
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt LEMMY pop pod?
    * Pande^DoT prays for its not a fungus field spreading
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Remember what happened to our previous fungus poppers...
    &ltPande^DoT&gt we have to shout at lemmy
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt LEMMY!!!!
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt lemmy pop or dont pop
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt pop
    &ltManiaDIE&gt He's drunk too much...
    &ltDEdge^DoP&gt always pop
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt i odn't drink
    * Pande^DoT shouts as Lemmy and throw s water at him
    &ltPande^DoT&gt oops too late
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt and i said POP
    * Lemmy^DEI goes to wipe the water off
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok then i pop
    &ltPande^DoT&gt ok DBTS, pop it
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt alien artifact!
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt w00t
    &ltPande^DoT&gt Yeehoo !!!!
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt cool
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt and scout in NA what to build now?
    * Maki^DoBP cheers *
    &ltMaki^DoBP&gt rec tanks!
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Second rec tanks.
    &ltDEdge^DoP&gt DBTS - what's going on?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt wester scout got nutrients and start building rec tanks?
    &ltDEdge^DoP&gt what did the people say?
    *** TKG has joined #smacdg
    &ltTKG&gt hi!
    &ltDEdge^DoP&gt hey tkg..
    &ltManiaDIE&gt ??
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt we have pop a podd west and east (east=artifact and west=nutrients
    *** TKG is now known as TKG^DoR
    * Pande^DoT waves hello TKG
    * TKG^DoR waves back
    *** DEdge^DoP is now known as DE^DoPO
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok everybody I build RECtanks in NA?
    &ltPande^DoT&gt whihc one poped minerals then, DBTS ?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Yes.
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt now, what are we doing?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt yes no?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Vote yes, that is.
    &ltDE^DoPO&gt DBTS - are you logging this stuff as it happens?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt yes!
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt sure
    * Maki^DoBP sys yes of course
    &ltDE^DoPO&gt remember you need to do a turnlog
    * Pande^DoT votes no
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt pande the one before that read report for inof later
    * DE^DoPO votes no
    &ltManiaDIE&gt How do you do such a * plus message?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt wait, what have we just finished?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt pod?
    &ltPande^DoT&gt u type /me before ur message, Maniac
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt just like on poly
    &ltManiaDIE&gt aaaaaaaaaah!
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt what are we voting for?
    * ManiaDIE says aaaaaaaaaah
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Whether to build rec tanks at NA
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt killed mindworm
    &ltPande^DoT&gt we are voting for building rec tanks at NA
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt what's the name of the canal base?
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt what does the DBP say
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt i allready building it TKG what tech is nexted?
    &ltPande^DoT&gt how many credits in planetpearls ?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt east/west?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt let me see...
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt health of scout?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ot build yet and i will name it new Suez for the time beign
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt 20
    &ltPande^DoT&gt ok
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt 10% and ha=one morale
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt did we attack it?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt Mobility or Plan nets tied i think
    &ltManiaDIE&gt So you may decide!
    * Pande^DoT nods at TKG
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt ok, scout needs to repair at UNPD, if it hasn't been there yet
    &ltDE^DoPO&gt mobility!!!
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt TBUTU is building CP ok? and yes we attacked
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt one second
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt wait, what scout almost died?
    * Pande^DoT PlanNets
    &ltManiaDIE&gt PlaNets!
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt emmy monolith is closer by
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt someone may have broken the tie
    &ltMaki^DoBP&gt wait and see which tech actually comes up
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt damn slow poly!
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt hurry up poly!
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Pande made a thread
    &ltPande^DoT&gt NA Former mines minerals, then road them, then forest the nut Nw of the minerals
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt i cant go on with out Terra options for NA
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok
    &ltMaki^DoBP&gt it's still 7/7 PlanNets/Mobility
    * GT^DoFA votes Mobility
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt ok, we'll vote now
    * Lemmy^DEI duh
    * DE^DoPO votes mobility
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt mobility VS plan nets
    * Pande^DoT Plan Nets
    * GT^DoFA votes mobility (again)
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt new suez build what to make there?
    * ManiaDIE vote Planets
    * Maki^DoBP Mobility
    * DBTS^COM mob
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Former?
    * TKG^DoR mobility it is!
    &ltManiaDIE&gt How many credits do we have?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt what to build in NS?
    &ltMaki^DoBP&gt garrison/formers/cp+ scout for New Suez?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt We've already got a garrison.
    * Pande^DoT nods at Maki
    &ltMaki^DoBP&gt k, start with the formers then
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt i can build a scout ther right now so we would have an explore more
    &ltPande^DoT&gt then skip the garrison
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt wasn't the garrison a s?cout
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok
    &ltManiaDIE&gt How many credits do we have?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt how long till we finish indus base DBTS?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Everyone's shouting at DBTS.
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt With good reaso
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt we have indus base and we are working on mobility !
    &ltDE^DoPO&gt kickass
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt oh i missed it
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt where was indus base?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt how long till mobility?
    &ltPande^DoT&gt hold on DBTS, someone voted on the science poll
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt was that the monolith base?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt wasn't it closed?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt pand it ended hours ago
    &ltManiaDIE&gt And how many credits do we have?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt artifact in TBUTIBU
    &ltPande^DoT&gt oops
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt we have an artifact?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt 57
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt TKG: yep
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Then should or shouldn't we rush the former?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt heal and +2 morale for scout in the west
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt use it for the WP i'd say...
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Is a former or scout being built in Suez?
    &ltPande^DoT&gt plz rush the former at New Suez
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt 14 turns for monility
    &ltPande^DoT&gt the artifact's use must be polled
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt former
    &ltManiaDIE&gt How many minerals still to go?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt duh pand
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt rush former?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt for former completion?
    * Pande^DoT YEA
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt how much will it cost?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt 8 min. and 4 turns
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt how many turns do we save?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt 8
    &ltPande^DoT&gt 13 credits, IIRC
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt 19
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt 19 credits for 4 turns?
    * GT^DoFA votes YEA
    &ltManiaDIE&gt You can have a forest on 4 turns
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt GT 19
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt YEA
    * ManiaDIE votes YEA
    * Maki^DoBP Yea
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt rush or not! vote now!
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt we already did
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt we are
    * DBTS^COM yea
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt so we rush in NS a former
    &ltDE^DoPO&gt what are we voting on?
    &ltPande^DoT&gt majority ; rush it now
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt rushing the former
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok?
    * DE^DoPO YEA
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok but what to terraform?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Anyone opposed?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt nothing good execpt a mineral bonus 2 tiles away
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Pande?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt already did it
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt or just farm one of the rolling/moist squares
    &ltPande^DoT&gt plant a forest between the base and the mineral bonus SOUTH of New Suez
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt well?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt everybody ok with pande? yes or no?
    * DBTS^COM yes
    * GT^DoFA votes YEA
    * Maki^DoBP ypu
    &ltMaki^DoBP&gt er ypu ;D
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt forest north, so we can build a road to POLY quicker!
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Yeah!!!!!!!!
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt NAY
    * DE^DoPO votes YEA
    &ltManiaDIE&gt to TKG...
    * GT^DoFA YEA
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Nay
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt 2 turns for CP in TBITBUT scout with it?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Yeah!
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt as escort?
    &ltPande^DoT&gt TKG, the former of NA will make this road
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok what do we terraform north or south?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt ok
    * Pande^DoT YEA for the scout with the CP at TBIBTU
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt GT yes
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Nothing wrong with working to eachother
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt then the TBIBTU former goest to NA
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt and the UNPD goes to NA
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok then scout with CP and south for NS terra?
    * GT^DoFA votes YES for scout/CP
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt YEA
    * GT^DoFA yes
    * Maki^DoBP yes
    * Lemmy^DEI yes
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt build rec tank in NA
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt ok...i mean YEA
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt what now?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt How do you change your nick?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt as opposed to?
    &ltMaki^DoBP&gt I hate watching good Cp become worm lunch
    * GT^DoFA votes yes to rec tanks in NA
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt how long for the tanks?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt and how long for the WP?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Maki: don't we all.
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt SP
    *** ManiaDIE is now known as Maniac^Do
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt tanks are build what now?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt WP
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt tanks are finished? then the WP!
    &ltPande^DoT&gt WP !!!!
    &ltMaki^DoBP&gt yep, Wp time
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt WP 22
    *** Maniac^Do is now known as ManiaDIE
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt That's settled then
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt and send the AA there but don't use it yet
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Who controls the AA?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt i have the artifact in TBITUTI send it to NA for polling or not?
    * Pande^DoT nods at TKG proposal for the AA
    * GT^DoFA agrees w/ AA proposal
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt what good does it do in TBIBTU? send it to NA
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt good question
    &ltPande^DoT&gt yeah, send it, and we'll poll it
    * Maki^DoBP agrees too
    * Lemmy^DEI wonders: how are the scouts doing??
    * TKG^DoR also wonders that
    * ManiaDIE drinks of his Xenobrew.
    * Pande^DoT ponders the meaning of life
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt hey! you have to pay for that!
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok AA is going NA
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok CP build ion TBITBU now scout
    &ltDE^DoPO&gt can we have a little update on what's going on?
    &ltDE^DoPO&gt how many turns have been played?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt good question
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt lemmy explorting nothing special
    &ltPande^DoT&gt yeah, DBTS, please hold on and update
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok i am building farms near TITBUTU
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt it is 2148
    * TKG^DoR hates farms early on
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ask away
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt but go on
    * GT^DoFA wonders why
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Is the forest NE of TBIBTU completed?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt take too long, not enough mineral production GT
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt building several roads and forests
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Because we don't need large bases early on
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt mania yes
    &ltPande^DoT&gt DBTS, its forest first, on the nut tile
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt i forest almost everything and then go back later and borhole/condensor
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt na terra is building road on forest NE from minirals
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt pand allready done
    &ltPande^DoT&gt ok
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok everybody ok? or other questions?
    &ltDE^DoPO&gt 2148??
    &ltDE^DoPO&gt how the hell did you get to 2148?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Where will we built thay new base then? One or two SW of that western monolith?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt i am building an scout now in TBITUIT an Rec tank in UNPD and WP in NA and rectank in NS
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt have we built antioch yet?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt DE: we've been on for over 30 mins
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt plenty of time
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt two is on miniral
    &ltDE^DoPO&gt i know, but...hmm
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt no not yet build
    &ltManiaDIE&gt I thought it was CP in UNPD??
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt no CP in TBUTO
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt what?
    * ManiaDIE votes on minerals
    &ltPande^DoT&gt DBTS, remind us what is teh exact position of everything before we poll it
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt where the minerals?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Two SW of monolith
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt build synthgarr or scout in TBITUT?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt ok, on minerals
    &ltManiaDIE&gt scout!
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt scout
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt what mania said
    * TKG^DoR minerals, scout
    * GT^DoFA votes for on minerals
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt everybody for scout and not sybthgarr?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt yes
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt do we have a garrison yet?
    * GT^DoFA votes scout
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt sybthgarr????
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt sybth wuill take 10 and scout 3
    &ltPande^DoT&gt ARGH
    &ltManiaDIE&gt What's the population of TBIBTU and how many turns until growth?
    * Pande^DoT shouts calm down everyone !!
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt synthgarrison
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt it is 2 and next turn it will grow
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt that won't do much good against worms you now
    &ltPande^DoT&gt DBTS, have u founded antioch or not yet ?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt it is still 2148 i am waiting for you all
    &ltManiaDIE&gt What after the scout at TBIBTU is finished?
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt one thing at a time plz
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt pand no i want to be sure everybody is ok with on minirals and scout in TBUTI
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt first the base location?
    * Pande^DoT build Antioch between the two monoliths
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt ok everybody calm now?
    * GT^DoFA build it on the minerals
    * ManiaDIE would build it on the minerals
    * Lemmy^DEI between
    * TKG^DoR is calm
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt on the water on inland?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt on the river, you mean?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt on the water in mineral but one mono inland is not on miniral but 2 monos
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt what is the general location of the cp?
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt no just besides
    * Pande^DoT build Antioch just where the pod was, right in the middle of the two monoliths
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt one NW of TBUTUE
    * TKG^DoR what pande said
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt pande ok everybody ok?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Where is that, between the monoliths? Is that at the coast?
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt n
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt yes, yes
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt o
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt forest UNPD and NA linked cool
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt @UNPD linked to poly
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt mania yes and on the miniral i am going to it right now
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt tkg only forest
    * Lemmy^DEI abstain on base location
    &ltMaki^DoBP&gt now we get our pizza faster ^_^
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt if we build Antioch so it has both monoliths, it won't be on the coast.
    &ltManiaDIE&gt That will decrease the time for pizza delivery
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Too slow...
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt no move back to UNPD and forest to the south in anticipation of UNPD's pod
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt wait...only forest???
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt that sucks!
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt I thought you forrested everything
    &ltPande^DoT&gt I suggest we stop here
    &ltLemmy^DEI&gt mission year?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt no, i thought road AND forest
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt it is now 2150
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt Has antioch been built?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt build antioch first, then quit
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt IMO
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt not yet build antioch and stop?
    * Pande^DoT agrees with TKG
    * GT^DoFA says stop here, poll on Antioch
    * Lemmy^DEI stop
    &ltManiaDIE&gt What's the status of UNPD production in the meanwhile?
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt ABSTAIN
    * ManiaDIE doesn't care
    &ltPande^DoT&gt Antioch has already been polled
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt then why are we arguing now?
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Yea but before the mineral pop up
    &ltTKG^DoR&gt because i have to go soon and i might not be able to post the shots
    &ltGT^DoFA&gt ah
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt antoch build and saved
    &ltManiaDIE&gt Afterparty at the Rec Commons?
    * Pande^DoT everyone please vote : BUILD AND LEAVE, or JUST LEAVE, or KEEP PLAYING
    &ltManiaDIE&gt We're already there - very handy...
    &ltPande^DoT&gt ok
    &ltDBTS^COM&gt we are done tanx all
    <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
    Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


    • #3
      Here's a working version of the save.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Here we go :
        Attached Files
        But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
        PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


        • #5

          New Apolyton



          New Suez


          Southern Exploration

          Eastern Exploration

          Northern Exploration

          Tech List

          Tech Progress

          Map/Faction Dominance

          Who's Who?

          F4 screen

          Northern Territory

          Eastern Territory


          • #6
            I was there.....

            A point to make:

            with quick Directors' decisions, a quickpoll is a good, efficient idea. I noticed one poll took a few minutes and doubtless slowed things a little. If you give it the format:
            1. Option A 2. Option B 3. Abstain, then each person there just needs to vote for their number. It sure makes things fast and much easier to read.

            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


            • #7
              No file save works...
              "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
              "I shall return and I shall be billions"


              • #8
                Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
                I was there.....
                Well, maybe in spirit.

                Originally posted by Pandemoniak
                No file save works.
                Hmm. Strange...Poly seems to be corrupting our zip files. I'll have a word to Markos next time he's on.

                In the meantime, give me your email and I'll send it to you. (PM it if you like)


                • #9
                  Pande - it works. ANd here it is again just in case.
                  Attached Files

                  Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                  • #10
                    Outstanding work, gentlemen!

                    Did we poll for the landbridge city name? I so wanted Panama, but I guess I can live with New Suez as well.
                    "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
                    "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


                    • #11
                      no i named the base it can be changed if you want!
                      Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                      God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                      'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                      • #12
                        Archive is broken, sorry it doesnt work
                        "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                        "I shall return and I shall be billions"


                        • #13
                          updated with report maybe next time dont zip it but just attaches it?
                          Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                          God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                          'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                          • #14
                            dbts, the regular save file would be too big. tacticus mailed mine to me, so thats how i got it. i tried zipping in and attaching it and that still didn't work


                            • #15
                              maybe someone could upload it to their webspace?
                              or email a working sav to me, and i'll put it up.
                              <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
                              Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!

