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New Apolytonia ideas: Base Production, Terraforming, Growth

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  • New Apolytonia ideas: Base Production, Terraforming, Growth

    I have had a quick look at the save as way of a break from work, and noticed some odd worker placements again (stupid AI). I have taken the opportunity to look in detail at one base: arguably the most important - New Apolytonia, for the next 8 turns. In my calculations I have not counted possibilities with zero or negative nuts accumulation. Here goes:

    We are currently producing 4/3/3 surplus there (Nut/Res/NRG), will grow in 4 turns and produce the CP in 3.

    Turn 0 (2138AD)

    With max nuts: 4/3/3 (what we have) - growth: 4. CP: 3
    With max mins: 0/7/3 - growth none. CP: 2

    However, I propose a midway adjustment:
    2/4/4 - growth: 7. CP: 2.
    If so, things would go like this (all surpluses)

    Turn Nuts Nuts to growth Res Res to build NRG
    1--------2-----------10--------------4-------- 4----------4
    Here we build the CP, drop to 2 pop and (assuming we keep the current queue), change to Recycling Tanks. Also, the mine on the minerals will be done. I assume we will build a road here now with the former to get one more mineral (2 turns to completion).

    Now, we have
    With max nuts: 3/1/2 - growth: 3. RT: 40
    With max mins: 1/8/2 - growth: 8. RT: 5.

    I propose the max mineral option: 1/8/2. Then...

    Turn Nuts Nuts to growth Res Res to build NRG

    Here we build the road on the minerals bonus and thus get +1 more minerals with my proposed worker allocation. Whatever else the former does from here is not important, as I'm fairly sure that we won't find a better three tiles than what we will have by then. Our population will be less than 4 for my planning anyway,

    Now I propose we change to 2/8/2 surplus. Then...
    Turn Nuts Nuts to growth Res Res to build NRG
    7 growth to pop 3

    Here we have
    With max nuts: 4/3/3 - growth: 10. RT: 3
    With max mins: 1/10/3 - growth: 40. RT: 1.

    I propose 3/9/2, or growth: 14. RT: 1

    If we do this, then

    Turn Nuts Nuts to growth Res Res to build NRG
    Here we build the Recycling Tanks and add an extra 1 to all of Nuts, Res and NRG.

    Turn Nuts Nuts to growth Res Res to build NRG
    From here it will take 10 turns to grow again, and 20 to build the WP. After 10 turns, I estimate the new worker will add an extra +2 res to our production (eg if we emplot the worker on another forest). This means we will be at 3/12/4 and the WP will be built in another 9 turns. Thus with this plan we will build the WP after 27 turns from now.

    Feel free to critique, try different combinations (eg extra nuts in the worker placements) etc. I haven't tried with extra nuts because I don't know how many you need to grow an extra pop above population 3.

    I hope this is useful. There are lots of ifs here, but I think they are somewhat justified.
    Last edited by MrWhereItsAt; October 2, 2002, 11:19.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    You're talking Chinese to me. Instead of writing down some numbers, could you please post a screenshot and tell us what terrains you would like to see worked at what time?
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


    • #3
      Sure, I was hoping on some feedback about the plan before showing the exact worked squares, but here goes...

      Just need to download a freeware .jpg editor. For some reason Paint doesn't seeem to want to save in .gif or .jpg format anymore...

      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


      • #4
        Turn 0 (now)

        Scuse the trippy colours - I don't know WHAT does that.
        Attached Files

        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #5
          Turn 2 Kepp in mind we will be down to 2 pop, so that -1 food will be +1, and we will have the mine on the minerals bonus finished, so add an extra 4 res, making it +8 res in all.
          Attached Files

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #6
            Turn 4

            Once again we are still at 2 pop and we will have a road and a mine on the bonus minerals site, so add 2 food and 5 mins to what you see there.
            Attached Files

            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


            • #7
              Turn 7

              We will be back to 3 pop by now, and that bonus minerals square will have an extra +5 to it.
              Attached Files

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #8
                Re: New Apolytonia ideas: Base Production, Terraforming, Growth

                MWIA: When I went to "reply with quote" my questions were answered. Your column formatting was not preserved between the "writing screen" and the "output screen". Did you paste in some kind of hard tab from another word processor?
                If you are experiencing continued graphics issues, the table method will work very well once the formatting is resolved. Your road to the WP in 27 turns looks good, and will probably please most of the electorate. Nice job.
                *edit* Never mind about "graphics issues". Further nice job.


                • #9
                  I know my columns were screwed - I had them all nice in the post screen. And no, I didn't copy them over from anywhere, I just typed them straight in to the post screen. The colours thing is VERY weird.

                  Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
                    I know my columns were screwed - I had them all nice in the post screen. And no, I didn't copy them over from anywhere, I just typed them straight in to the post screen. The colours thing is VERY weird.

                    1 2 3 4
                    1 2 3 4

                    *if it matters for future valuable presentations, there is a "semi-space" at the very edge of the post screen. It should probably be evident if you just open this up in "reply with quote".


                    • #11
                      I was thinking of the following, now the NA CP will be rushed:

                      MY 2138:
                      NA workers: Freshwater nutrient and the two forests
                      TBIBTU workers: the two nutrient squares and the rolling/moist/river square

                      MY 2139:
                      NA workers (down to size 2): Freshwater nutrient and the Rocky minerals
                      TBIBTU workers: idem as MY 2138

                      MY 2140:
                      NA workers (back to size 3): Freshwater nutrient, rolling&moist nutrient and the Rocky minerals
                      TBIBTU workers: the flat&moist nutrient, the rolling&moist&river and the rolling&moist square

                      Then keep those workers until one of the TBIBTU terraformations are completed.
                      Last edited by Maniac; October 2, 2002, 13:43.
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • #12
                        I have done what I can to best align the numbers with their column headings. Any better?

                        Oh bugger. I think the fact the CP is being rushed invalidates most of my plan.

                        Can't we not rush it and wait the two turns just so my carefully though out plan works?

                        OK then.

                        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                        • #13
                          see above, hope this isn't spam.

