The fact that few candidates were in parties may have been a big part of the "quietness" of these elections. No more behind-the-screen PM diplomatic talks etcetera...
No announcement yet.
ELECTION: Commissioner
i itsnt in the constitution but i was thinking about next time starting on the 15th with nominations closing them on the 20th and starting elections on the 25 and end on the 29 (4days election) this way it is way more strected out and maybe it will increases voters. Heck as soon as we have an AT he can start a nomination thread on the first if he wants but i think what i said above (starting on the 15th with nominations) will do better as this time.Bunnies!
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'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
Couldn´t we have a real election campaign time next elections, in which the game stops for two days or so and the long prepared campaign threads are started.
This election days are announced a week before and - let´s say - at least a hlaf week before the elections.
Maybe we should lengthen the Directors' office duration.
It just gets so much to read all election thingies and also vote for the game polls at the same time for a man who can´t spend much time in this forum.I know Siegfried's Sohn.
MWIA: Hyping it up is a pretty good idea, really. It's not really my responsibility anymore, but it would be a good idea for the new administration.
DBTS: I like your idea. It might be a bit extreme...but it could work. Let's at least try it.
Schinkenjoe: I *think* the election dates are listed in the constitution. If they aren't, it's usually between the 27th and 30th of each month. I'd be really against lengthening the director's period in office. Two months is just too long, especially in a game such as ours. In the C3DG, they already have a problem with directors resigning mid-term because the job gets too much, even if they've done it before. And I know I wouldn't have been happy to have to serve another month as Commissioner - I just wasn't up to it.
With your idea of an election campaign - that should really be up to the campaigning directors. It's up until now always been there choice to create a campaign thread, and if they do, what form it should take, and I think it should stay that way. It makes campaigning a lot easier, and to the point. We're not managing the United States here.