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Peacekeepers, 2116-2124

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  • Peacekeepers, 2116-2124

    2118 - Rover discovers mindworms
    2120 - Rover killed by mindworms
    2120 - U.N. Pizza Delivery founded
    2121 - U.N. Pizza Delivery builds garrison
    2121 - Mindworms that killed rover back off in other direction, away from UNPD
    2123 - Scout hits pod, infested with mindworms
    2124 - Scout killed by mindworms

    MrWIA ()
    Darkness' Edge

    This playing session wasn't a good one, and ended with both scouts dead at the hands of mindworms, which is why we've stopped earlier than we probably would have.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Yeah, we took quite a beating there. And there wasn't too much people there. Where did you disappear? We started a bit late since DEdge slept a bit too long. No matter, didn't affect the result too much.

    DEdge> thanks
    Kass^DoSE> Ok, so it's 2116.
    TKG^DoR> shall we begin?
    Kass^DoSE> *nods*
    * Kass^DoSE slaps MrWIA around a bit with a large trout
    Kass^DoSE> Wakey wakey rise 'n shine
    TKG^DoR> vlad's orders:
    DEdge> it's up and running...let's go
    Kass^DoSE> The poll isn't due yet but the majority seems big enough, so I
    guess we can go with that?
    TKG^DoR> New Apolyton
    TKG^DoR> Worker 1: Nutrient tile (3/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 2: Rolling/moist tile (1/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 3: Mineral tile (0/3/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 1: Nutrient tile (3/0/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 2: Rolling/moist river tile (1/1/1)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 3: Any rolling/moist tile (1/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> Base 3
    TKG^DoR> Worker 1: Sea nutrient tile (4/0/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 2: Any rolling/moist tile (1/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> New Apolyton
    DEdge> two days is enough, considering the constitution is about to be
    changed to that, and this is something of an emergency...
    TKG^DoR> Worker 1: Nutrient tile (3/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 2: Rolling/moist tile (1/1/0)
    DEdge> and it IS an official poll
    TKG^DoR> Worker 3: Mineral tile (0/3/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 1: Nutrient tile (3/0/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 2: Rolling/moist river tile (1/1/1)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 3: Any rolling/moist tile (1/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> Base 3
    TKG^DoR> Worker 1: Sea nutrient tile (4/0/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 2: Any rolling/moist tile (1/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> New Apolyton
    TKG^DoR> Worker 1: Nutrient tile (3/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 2: Rolling/moist tile (1/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 3: Mineral tile (0/3/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 1: Nutrient tile (3/0/0)
    Kass^DoSE> Errrr?
    TKG^DoR> Worker 2: Rolling/moist river tile (1/1/1)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 3: Any rolling/moist tile (1/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> Base 3
    TKG^DoR> Worker 1: Sea nutrient tile (4/0/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 2: Any rolling/moist tile (1/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> New Apolyton
    TKG^DoR> Worker 1: Nutrient tile (3/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 2: Rolling/moist tile (1/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 3: Mineral tile (0/3/0)
    Kass^DoSE> FLOOD
    TKG^DoR> Worker 1: Nutrient tile (3/0/0)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 2: Rolling/moist river tile (1/1/1)
    TKG^DoR> Worker 3: Any rolling/moist tile (1/1/0)
    MrWIA> Aaaawwww.....
    TKG^DoR> Base 3
    TKG^DoR> Worker 1: Sea nutrient tile (4/0/0)
    MrWIA> IS this all we have!
    TKG^DoR> Worker 2: Any rolling/moist tile (1/1/0)
    TKG^DoR> i guess so
    TKG^DoR> whoa? WTF
    DEdge> erm, we have a problem...
    TKG^DoR> sorry 'bout that....
    TKG^DoR> ahhhh!
    -> *MrWIA* Oy, can you use the private msg function?
    TKG^DoR> the dead walks!
    Kass^DoSE> MrWIA is alive!
    MrWIA> Ha ha.. I feel dead.
    TKG^DoR> and why are there 2 of you?
    DEdge> yay!!
    DEdge> late night mwia?
    MrWIA> Hold on - stargin SMAC
    TKG^DoR> MWIA, you're not president here
    DEdge> our rover just got splattered by mindworms
    DEdge> that affects things a bit...
    TKG^DoR> noooooo lemmy will be mad
    DEdge> oh well
    DEdge> we can build him a new one soon, right mwia?
    DEdge> that also could pose a security threat to U.N. Pizza Delivery, which
    is about to be founded..
    TKG^DoR> fu....dge
    Kass^DoSE> Eep
    MrWIA> you damn straight we can
    DEdge> that was lucky
    DEdge> UNPD founded, scout built, mindworms flee in other direction
    DEdge> 12«11MWIA12» do you want to wait for next session to build a rover, or
    slip it in somewhere now?
    DEdge> argh i hate this client sometimes.... mwia - do you want to wait for
    next session to build a rover, or slip it in somewhere now?
    MrWIA> What are we cuilding right now?
    MrWIA> *building
    DEdge> TBIBTU - CP
    DEdge> NA - Formers
    MrWIA> Where's the save thread?
    DEdge> UNPD - Formers
    DEdge> save thread?
    MrWIA> I ahhh, haven't directly looked at it yet
    MrWIA> for 2116
    MrWIA> nm - found it.
    DEdge> geez, it's been so long since that session it's probably long buried
    DEdge> ahhh good
    DEdge> TKG? Kass?
    Kass^DoSE> What?
    DEdge> didn't know if you were still with us :P
    Kass^DoSE> I'm here
    * TKG^DoR wakes up
    TKG^DoR> still here
    Kass^DoSE> It's 1:15 in the morning but I'm still going strong
    DEdge> perhaps we could change the CP in TBIBTU to rover?
    TKG^DoR> gtg
    * TKG^DoR has quit IRC
    MrWIA> What are we building?
    MrWIA> CP in TBIBTU and what in NA?
    DEdge> 2124: Mindworms kill scout
    DEdge> this isn't our day
    DEdge> NA: Formers
    MrWIA> Don't worry - we can't be blamed - the worms attacked, rigth?
    DEdge> from a pod...
    DEdge> perhaps we should consider terminating the session...
    MrWIA> Which base is closest to the worm..?
    DEdge> we now have two units that need replacing, somewhere...
    DEdge> the worms that killed the rover disappeared, TBIBTU is closest to
    the 2nd one
    DEdge> you're the one with the that enough to stop a
    MrWIA> I would say, if we think we can handle it with an emergency
    change in queue, we can keep going, BUT we need to look at the CoL to
    make sure we don't HAVE to stop.
    DEdge> we don't have a COL...just a constitution :P
    DEdge> wrong game
    MrWIA> CoL is easier to type.
    MrWIA> I called the CoL a Constitution in the Civ3 games so I think I can
    reverse it again here
    Kass^DoSE> semantic nonsense
    DEdge> lol..
    MrWIA> Ultimate decision to stop or continue would be you though, DE. I
    will support wholeheartedly whateverr you decide to do when you decide it.
    Kass^DoSE> ditto
    MrWIA> Wait a sec.
    DEdge> yeah?
    DEdge> i'm just going to find the constitution
    MrWIA> Commissioner has the right of Acting as he deems fit if there is an
    MrWIA> From the CoL
    MrWIA> Over to you DE - no chance of impeachment for this...
    Kass^DoSE> Go by the gut?
    MrWIA> And quickpolls etc.
    MrWIA> Someone tell me exactly what square the mindworm came from
    and how many turns it has been?
    MrWIA> Or as close to exactly as you can.
    DEdge> the mindworm just killed the scout then
    DEdge> as far as location goes...
    DEdge> there's a depression in our north border, where the line goes
    south a bit, then back to normal...see it?
    DEdge> it's five squares north of that
    MrWIA> So we are safe for the immediate moment.
    DEdge> oh yes, that shouldn't be a problem...
    DEdge> it's more getting our explorers back
    MrWIA> So the only issue is the dead scout?
    DEdge> dead scout AND dead rover
    MrWIA> BOTH?!
    MrWIA> How'd the rover go?
    DEdge> same...mindworms appeared, killed it...
    MrWIA> Sheee-it
    DEdge> yeah :S
    Kass^DoSE> Where's the DoPO when ye need 'im?
    DEdge> i don't know whether he could help us that much
    DEdge> they've just been appearing, killing our explorers, then
    disappearing into the never-never
    MrWIA> Um, as far as I am concerned, I have the power to order things to
    be built - I authorise a change to whatever you deem necessary in TBIBTU -
    how much resources will we lose?
    Kass^DoSE> yea but he'd be the only one responsible
    DEdge> lol
    DEdge> change to scout patrol in TBIBTU?
    MrWIA> What bout NA - how many res would we lose by changing to scout
    - do we have any new techs? LOL - It would be nice to look at the save.
    MrWIA> DE - how many res would we lose in both cases by changing?
    DEdge> 8 minerals in TBIBTU
    DEdge> 3 minerals in NA
    MrWIA> Damn... but in desperate times, desperate measures.
    DEdge> i think we should let the CP and former be built respectively...
    DEdge> they're both almost done...
    MrWIA> How many turns till they complete?
    DEdge> colony pod - 4 turns
    DEdge> formers - 2 turns
    MrWIA> build formers first, I think.
    DEdge> change colony pod?
    MrWIA> We could rush them..?
    MrWIA> I'll check the CoL again.
    DEdge> i agree...
    Kass^DoSE> how much dosh've we got?
    DEdge> thanks
    MrWIA> Technically it
    DEdge> 64 :S
    DEdge> technically it?
    Kass^DoSE> 64 creds? *shurg* not bd
    MrWIA> It's the DEI that orders rushing, but Commish acts :as he sees fit in
    DEdge> alright, this is too much for us to decide...
    MrWIA> Can we rush both/either?
    DEdge> i think this should go back to the people...
    MrWIA> Just deciding options here...
    Kass^DoSE> your call AFAIC
    MrWIA> OK - Can you post/send the save then?
    DEdge> we could, but i think the people should vote on course of action
    MrWIA> Probably best idead, DE
    DEdge> will do now
    MrWIA> So that was a short chat then.
    Kass^DoSE> O'
    MrWIA> But I MADE IT!
    DEdge> yay
    Kass^DoSE> I'll scrounge up the log, then throw myself at the bed.
    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


    • #3
      sorry guys i couldn't stay till the end...i'll post the screenshots soon


      • #4
        sorry that i couldnt attend i will be there for the next one. maybe this weekend?
        Welcome to the DBTSverse!
        God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
        'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


        • #5

          New Apolyton:


          UN Pizza Delivery

          Northern Exploration:

          Southern Exploration

          Map and Who's Who Screen

          Faction Dominance Chart

          Research Progress

          Map (zoomed out a bit)

          F4 Screen

          too bad about our scouts


          • #6
            In the TBIBTU screen, the CP will be finished in four turns, while in the F4 screen, the CP will be finished in two turns. When will it be finished ?
            "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
            "I shall return and I shall be billions"


            • #7
              Pande - I believe the reason for it is this:

              notice in the TBIBTU base screen you see the second worker is working a one nut square. This can be better emploted working a river tile that gives an extra mineral and energy. This was pointed out before (once TBIBTU grew), and I suspect that the F4 screen may have been saved with this worker reallocation already made, whereas the Base csreen was saved beforehand. However, this change is not part of the save game, as when we noticed it it was the time we decided to stop.

              I don't know for sure, but you can check it out - the save is available, you know.

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #8
                Outstanding screenshot work, as ever, TKG.
                "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
                "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


                • #9
                  Yeah, sure. But I got two computers, and SMAC is installed on the other computer. The one Im not using now.
                  "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                  "I shall return and I shall be billions"


                  • #10
                    ofcourse i am sorry for those brave men that died for the glory of our faction. but i see there efforts were not in vain. they have discovered a great area with very rainy tiles + an energy deposit. i hope we can colonize that area some time soon. but priority now goes to exploring the east!
                    Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                    God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                    'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                    • #11
                      Have our workers harvested those useless 1/2 nutrient tiles for ten years?? Or are those pics just taken on a non-representable moment?
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Maniac
                        Have our workers harvested those useless 1/2 nutrient tiles for ten years?? Or are those pics just taken on a non-representable moment?
                        We've been having a few problems with the stupid AI resetting our worker placements whenever the base grows.


                        • #13
                          I find that if you accidentally double click a base, rather than single click it, the second click, if it is in the map area of the base screen, will be registered as a "move worker" command. I thought that the AI was moving things around in a multiplayer game I'm currently in but it just turned out to be me "clicking myself in the foot".

                          other than that - great work guys - though your battle luck seems to ... (how to put this mildly) ... suck.
                          What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Echinda
                            great work guys - though your battle luck seems to ... (how to put this mildly) ... suck.
                            "our" battle luck. Man oh Man!!! Our entire directorate is under-paid. :-)

