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Terraforming and Colonization's Agora

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  • #16
    North West, the Pholus Ridge will porvide extra enegy for research (vist the TSA for mor eon our policies for science! ) and it has a mountain so it will be very wet and Green on the west side.

    Pandemonik, you can download map of planet (but I think you should have one with your game) and use the scenario editor to reveal the map, you will be much more familier with the terrain. (most o fus already are)
    Proud member of The Human Hive, working for a better future on Chiron, today!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Pandemoniak
      Maniac, I agree with you, I just forgot to tell my secretary to post a multiple vote. ( I forgot to click). Anyway, this is a consultation vote, so I'm more listening to people's arguments and ideas than to straight results.
      In that case my suggestion would be:
      1) Either build one base where we are and send the second pod due east, or
      2) Send pod 1 two squares east to the isthmus. Pod 2 a square north to the unity pod.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #18
        I'm too late. To my surprise DE already played some turn. With the current HQ and CP location in mind, I would suggest building our second base on the nutrient bonus tile.
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #19
          We should take the Isthmus and then have one prong of expansion to the North West and the other to the East and South West simultaneously so as to engulf the Freshwater sea.
          What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?


          • #20
            south west is best the ridge is full with mindworms and around the sea is better with pods bonusses and rainy tiles after taking that area we need to go to the rigde not before that! i am just playing a SP game with the drones and started south of the sea and have excellent rainy tiles there!
            Welcome to the DBTSverse!
            God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
            'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


            • #21
              i'd move the CP north one tile so it can work the nutrient tile, and move more CP's west and southwest...ah héll, just go everywhere! (though south east there is a nice place with 2 rocky min bonus tiles and an energy bonus in the sea...or so the unity survery indicates )


              • #22
                /me must inform you that due to budge cut-backs, this post has been erradicated.
                Last edited by Method; September 4, 2002, 15:26.


                • #23
                  i agree with all the placements and would like to see the most southers sea to be settled to near that rainy part and river (bottomright of the screen) some day!
                  Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                  God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                  'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                  • #24
                    PANDE just order constructing a second base without polling it! may i remind him that this kind of orders need to be polled for the location! (espaiselly so early in the game)
                    Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                    God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                    'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                    • #25
                      I did that on the thread fro directors to post their orders. I choose NW of the Northern Large Nutrient Field, one tile away from the Pod's location at 2106.
                      "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                      "I shall return and I shall be billions"


                      • #26
                        yes i now you gave the order but no official poll has been made to comfirm that with all the citizens (demogame remember )
                        Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                        God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                        'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                        • #27
                          I'm pissed off.

                          TKG, please remove that picture of our starting location. I would like to have at least *some* fun with the exploration part. It is forbidden to play ahead. That includes having a look at the Map of Planet with the special purpose of searching for the best colonization sites.

                          Pandemoniak, you're acting like a dictator. If you don't change your current ways, I might consider entering the next T&C elections after all. The way some Alpha Talents and Directors are running this democracy game is scandalous!
                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • #28
                            I think we should set our first base just northwest of the second(northern) set of bonus nutrients, to take advantage of the food, and the sea.
                            Independant Member of the SMAC Democracy Game

                            "The universe is wider than our views
                            of it" -Henry David Thoreau


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Pandemoniak
                              I did that on the thread fro directors to post their orders. I choose NW of the Northern Large Nutrient Field, one tile away from the Pod's location at 2106.
                              Pand, this isn't your decision. its the peoples decision. Dont start going off choosing what you want. Voice your opinion yes, but if the people dont agree...Then dont override them.

                              This is a democracy! Let us not slip into despotism. Because, as the americans learned so painfully in earths final century....
                              Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                              Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Diablero
                                I think we should set our first base just northwest of the second(northern) set of bonus nutrients, to take advantage of the food, and the sea.
                                We also take advantage of the sea if we build the base right on that nutrient bonus. Plus, we would better make use of that nutrient source if we built on it, certainly before we have formers ready to plant a forest on that tile.

                                Consider the two following scenarios:

                                We build the base one tile northwest of that nutrient tile as you suggest. On the river mouth thus. As a consequence of that river the base tile produces 2-1-2. You say you want to take advantage of that nutrient resource, so I suppose you want to put our first worker there. This results in a production of 5 food, 1 mineral and 2 energy.

                                Now consider placing the base on the nutrient bonus. As a consequence the base tile produces 4-1-1. I suggest we put our first worker on the tile west of our base site. This would result in a production of 5 food, 2 minerals and 2 energy. In other words, a doubling of our industrial capacity!

                                An added advantage is our bases are placed a bit closer together. This way we don't loose the production of the valuable terrain in between and communications and transportation between our two bases will go faster.
                                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

