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Worker placings for our first base

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  • #16
    I would start right there. I believe those rainy tiles TKG refers to are those of the Pholus Ridge, miles away.

    Disclaimer: I have almost never played on the Huge Map of Planet, most of the time on the normal sized one.

    Normally I'm against building rec tanks, but this starting location is rather special, with its rocky mineral resource etcetera. So perhaps we should build one, but only if it can be finished before we reach Centauri Ecology. Otherwise we're wasting precious turns that could be used to terraform & farm a tile.
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


    • #17
      Originally posted by Maniac
      I would start right there. I believe those rainy tiles TKG refers to are those of the Pholus Ridge, miles away.
      heh, well, i drew a crude map...

      there are rainy tiles far south of the ridge. but which "here?" are we at?


      • #18
        place the base right there, square II for the worker and the secong base due east as a suez/panama canal. that what i think but poll on the baseplacements would be in order here!
        Welcome to the DBTSverse!
        God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
        'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


        • #19
          I´d prefer going one step south to have much Freshwater Sea in Range and an early Base.

          How about fixing the screenshot with numbers or letters on the edge squares.
          I know Siegfried's Sohn.


          • #20
            one step south is fungus

            i agree that we do need at least ONE base on the sea so we can make a sea base or 2 in the sea its self.


            • #21
              liking the input of the new guy! ( keep posting we need more active members ) but south would mean fungus! south-east is better but DTC start a poll about it or something
              Welcome to the DBTSverse!
              God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
              'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


              • #22
                yeah ok, it looked a bit light on the screenshot.

                ok, now I´m for southeast, too !
                I know Siegfried's Sohn.


                • #23
                  i vote to put the pod 1 tile south-east. it looks like it has more potential borehole tiles. move the extra pod northwest. if we have time for a 1 or 2 day poll, that'd be great pande.


                  • #24
                    Or why don't we send one pod two tiles east to the presumed canal, and the other north to pop a pod and found a base somewhere in that direction. I wouldn't send the pod northwest because it might not be able to cross the fungus. Every year is vital now.
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • #25
                      or just poll second pod but put the first one where the most people want we need to get this game started and IF everone (espially DE) i can start a thread for every director to post there orders and where everone can read what happend...?
                      Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                      God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                      'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                      • #26
                        agree wit Maniac about the year thing
                        Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                        God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                        'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                        • #27
                          I say the first order of business is to send our Scout one tile north and see what's there.

                          Assuming it's nothing special, I say we found our first base where we are, working that 1-1-0 square, farming/solaring that to 2-1-2, using that to jump to size 2, then using the (eventually) mined/roaded minerals for no growth at size 2, but 9 production to quickly finish off any Colony Pod being built. It'll be an excellent SP base, not even needing a Recreation Commons since it'll reach 10 production at size 2 with a Recycling Tanks, enough to finish an early SP in 20 years, a remarkable time.

                          The other base I suggest we send out two or so squares to the east...if there's nothing special (no river, nothing), I'd be rather disappointed (since, in my limited Huge Map of Planet experience, there seems to be quite a few Nutrient resources in the Freshwater Sea), but if that's the case I think we should work a 1-1-0 square. We'll finish our Scout or whatever in 5 years, then get to 10 minerals in about 5 years, at which point hopefully we'll have Ecology and can hurry a Former to turn our land into a 2-1-1 at least. If we found the base only two tiles away, we can hopefully time our two bases to share the (eventually) mined Mineral bonus - while one is at size 2 finishing off the Colony Pod easily thanks to the 7 minerals, the other is at size 1 growing back on the 2-1-? square. That way we never waste those 7 minerals, more FoPs on one square than just about anything early on, even a Monolith .

                          Some of this should go in T&C, oh well.



                          • #28
                            10 minerals with pop 2?
                            Aren't there mineral caps at the start of the game, keeping you from getting full production at a base?

                            Oh, and i'm going for the pod north of us with the scout
                            <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
                            Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Lemmy
                              Aren't there mineral caps at the start of the game, keeping you from getting full production at a base?
                              Yes, but it's negated with a Mineral bonus ...hehehe...11 (or is it 12 for a Rocky Road/Mine?) Former-years away from a 0-7-0 square...the first Farms are more important, I think, though. We do need to get to size 2 before we can use that tile, or we'd be stuck at size 1 and unable to build any Pods....


