ARTICLE II: Government policy
Amendments to the Constitution can be submitted by any member of our faction. First in a form of a thread where exact lines can be discussed and after that in a poll. An amendment is passed and made official by a 2/3 or greater vote on the amendment's inclusion.
Office Terms:
All office terms shall last one month. A member can run for a different office at the end of his term, but he cannot change offices during it. If a member is elected three times into any government office, that member mat not run for any government office the fourth consecutive term. After the fourth term he may run for any government office that is available. If this rule let not have a fully seated government, the rule will be deemed invalid for that term.
Impeachment and Resignations:
Every ‘group of X’ members of our faction are recognized the right to bring foreword the issue of impeachment of any government official at any time.
The rules for the poll:
*there has to be started a one-choice-poll with the options: YEA, NEA and ABSTAIN
*5 days open
* 2/3 YEA vote to pass the proposal or under 1/3 NEA vote to pas the proposal
the rules for the first post:
*The unbiased reason why the person in question could be impeached
*The job of the person in question
*the time when the poll ends
If impeachment happens the alpha talent takes his place until a new election has been held
Every government official may resign from office the alpha talent will do the same as with impeachment. If the alpha talent has to take over 2 or more goverment places we will freeze the game until new election are held
Playing ahead:
No person is allowed to play ahead to:
*gain information about foreign factions
base names:
the alpha talent or the commissioner will pick 5 names from the name thread and will put them in a poll where a name for a new city can be chosen. this poll has to be open for atleast 2 days. the name with the most votes will be chosen for the base and will be scraped from the list. the same counts for landmarks. if someone wants to name a place without a landmark a poll has started about giving it a name or not. this poll will also have minimum of 2 days.
Amendments to the Constitution can be submitted by any member of our faction. First in a form of a thread where exact lines can be discussed and after that in a poll. An amendment is passed and made official by a 2/3 or greater vote on the amendment's inclusion.
Office Terms:
All office terms shall last one month. A member can run for a different office at the end of his term, but he cannot change offices during it. If a member is elected three times into any government office, that member mat not run for any government office the fourth consecutive term. After the fourth term he may run for any government office that is available. If this rule let not have a fully seated government, the rule will be deemed invalid for that term.
Impeachment and Resignations:
Every ‘group of X’ members of our faction are recognized the right to bring foreword the issue of impeachment of any government official at any time.
The rules for the poll:
*there has to be started a one-choice-poll with the options: YEA, NEA and ABSTAIN
*5 days open
* 2/3 YEA vote to pass the proposal or under 1/3 NEA vote to pas the proposal
the rules for the first post:
*The unbiased reason why the person in question could be impeached
*The job of the person in question
*the time when the poll ends
If impeachment happens the alpha talent takes his place until a new election has been held
Every government official may resign from office the alpha talent will do the same as with impeachment. If the alpha talent has to take over 2 or more goverment places we will freeze the game until new election are held
Playing ahead:
No person is allowed to play ahead to:
*gain information about foreign factions
base names:
the alpha talent or the commissioner will pick 5 names from the name thread and will put them in a poll where a name for a new city can be chosen. this poll has to be open for atleast 2 days. the name with the most votes will be chosen for the base and will be scraped from the list. the same counts for landmarks. if someone wants to name a place without a landmark a poll has started about giving it a name or not. this poll will also have minimum of 2 days.
*PLEASE* feedback, typing errors,
