if my suggestion in this thread http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...49#post1217169
goes thru, every citizen can name ONE (1) of our Bases. post your suggestions here, and please keep this thread clean. and remember ONE name per Citizen.
(and please note that, if some one posts more than ONE(1) I'll ignore his suggestions. ymmm!)
and here are the suggestions thus far:
2)Tassandar5000: New Tassagrad
3)Vlad Antlerkov's Terrible Secrets Of Space UUUuuu...!!! *makes a scary sound*

4)General Tacticus: Tacticus Academy
5)Pandemoniak: Pandemonograd
6)jdd2007: Markopolis
7)Leland: Twin Peaks
9)Crisler: Antioch
10)Voltaire: Per-Ah
11)Darkness' Edge: U.N. Pizza Delivery
12)Mr. President: Hatikva
13)Main_Brain: HomeODrone
14)Bloody Baro: Fallout Center
15)TKG: UN Research Complex
16)Kauha: This Base Is Belong To Us
17)Capitan Garlic: Number 4
18)Kemal: Elskerdom
19)DBTS: Kensai's Grave
20)Haon: Big Crislers Re-Learning Center
21)MrWhereItsAt: Next Base Thing
22)Maniac: Poly Troll Penal Colony
23)Wojit: U.N. Beatable Base
24)FlameFlash: Flame Station
25)Proserpine: UN Corn Dolly
26)Gnool: Og
27)Diablero: The Academy of Transcendentalism
28)Mr. President: Mysidia
goes thru, every citizen can name ONE (1) of our Bases. post your suggestions here, and please keep this thread clean. and remember ONE name per Citizen.
(and please note that, if some one posts more than ONE(1) I'll ignore his suggestions. ymmm!)
and here are the suggestions thus far:
2)Tassandar5000: New Tassagrad
3)Vlad Antlerkov's Terrible Secrets Of Space UUUuuu...!!! *makes a scary sound*

4)General Tacticus: Tacticus Academy
5)Pandemoniak: Pandemonograd
6)jdd2007: Markopolis
7)Leland: Twin Peaks
9)Crisler: Antioch
10)Voltaire: Per-Ah
11)Darkness' Edge: U.N. Pizza Delivery
12)Mr. President: Hatikva
13)Main_Brain: HomeODrone
14)Bloody Baro: Fallout Center
15)TKG: UN Research Complex
16)Kauha: This Base Is Belong To Us
17)Capitan Garlic: Number 4
18)Kemal: Elskerdom
19)DBTS: Kensai's Grave
20)Haon: Big Crislers Re-Learning Center
21)MrWhereItsAt: Next Base Thing
22)Maniac: Poly Troll Penal Colony
23)Wojit: U.N. Beatable Base
24)FlameFlash: Flame Station
25)Proserpine: UN Corn Dolly
26)Gnool: Og
27)Diablero: The Academy of Transcendentalism
28)Mr. President: Mysidia