Originally posted by The Bloody Baro
Your a communist right PAndemoniak?
Your a communist right PAndemoniak?
I am actually more an anarchist, I belive hierarchy is something bad to mankind.
Well Communism is immorale because it is innatural.

Meaning it is immorale to kill someone, since it is against man physiology which makes all the best to survive.
From the begining of time ones needs and will to survive surpass everything else. Communism asks people to give up their hard earned wages and labor for some one who is to lazy to do it themselves. Do think Bill Gates would have earned all of that money for someone else?
With today's production (and Marx knew it would be like it, thats all his point about globalization), we ARE able to provide EVERYONE with food, home where to sleep safely, health care, communications, books, culture, computers, etc...
Oh, and by the way, I dont consider someone who is only making money by stock exchanges as someone who "labors hard", neither can I say or let say that he has "hard earned wages". Who earns the more, between a miner and a golden boy ? Who deserves to be best paid ?
Capitalism allows people the OPPORTUNITY to succede.
Just try to explain that to a child dying in south america.
CAPITALIST : "But, you see kid, there was this volcano, and this plague, and this civil war, and we capitalist could have helped you by sending you engineers, medecine and not starting your civil war, but you gotta understand : capitalism gave you the opportunity to succede."
and the kid die
CAPITALIST : "You're just a damn communist anyway"
Unlike Communism which keeps everyone "in their place." Who among you and your party would give up everything they own for some one you don't even know.
I am not saying that I do not give charity. As a matter of fact I have 3 garbage bags full of clothes that I amgoing to give ,that I could have sold to make a profit, to the Salvation Army. But to ask someone to giveup everything is just wrong.
Wasnt it some 6 years old vietnamese children ? You re so good to provide them a job.