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P4 policial thread

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  • #31
    network backbone

    we don't really need +5 econ, its the +2 thats important. i'd rather go for knowledge than wealth, especially withe the UNP's -1 effic and with eudaimonia


    • #32
      I'm quite fond of the economy bonus because of the overall boost of research and energy credits. But for sure, économy +4 is already sufficient.
      Thanks for the english's lesson
      Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
      Running for foreign affairs


      • #33
        i can understand how it might be a bit tricky translating the network backbone into english. in this case heart and backbone mean the same thing. what's it called in french?


        • #34
          It is "le coeur du réseau", literraly "Network's heart".
          It is interesting to see that the french use the heart for defining the center of a network and that the english use the backbone.
          Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
          Running for foreign affairs


          • #35
            Thou shouldn't think too much about the SE Choices yet..
            perhaps we end up in War with the first ones we meet which would make Economy >2 plain Stupid (No Commerce anyway)
            Also u shouldn't count to much on Future society's.. Most games are over then anyway
            Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


            • #36
              I would still support a Knowledge/Eudaimonia SE setting above Wealth or Cybernetic, as I intended when founding this party. That way we get +2 Research, +2 Economy AND + 2 Industry, another important stat for our builder goals. Also remember that our party stands, besides for technological and economic growth, also for equal chances for personal development and free education (hence Know/Eudai), as they are the engine for progress and prosperity.

              Btw, things are going bad. We gained no new members at all today, while the number of people supporting fundamentalist and war parties are still growing. I fear for our future.

              Edit: Is that Network Backbone that important anyway? If we are going Cybernetic, I suppose it would be in combination with FM, so our police rating will suck anyway.
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • #37
                but if we need to station units out of our territory for some reason, or if we have any air units, the +1 from ascentic virtues (if we get it) would bring us up to -4 which is only 1 drone per unit out of territory instead of -5's 2 drones. i'm ok with eudaimonia though, just IMHO, market/cybernetic is better for research.

                about PBs and atrocities. i would never launch a PB, in fact i'd never even build one. the AI has never launched one at me before with the charter in place, and then only once with it repealed. i wouldn't worry about it. as for nerve gas, i don't see us needing it. i only use it against aliens, or against humans when playing aliens in SP. i've never seen the AI build X units, except miriam once after i PBed her in a scenario. i never nerve staple except maybe with the charter out, and we've decided we want to keep it in place (right?)


                • #38
                  Ah yes you're right about the Ascetic Virtues. Let's hope then we can convince the community to divert resources to that project. Even the warmongers can't be against that SP.

                  Well personally I neither see the need for building PB's or nerve gas units in this un-alien game. But DBTS does, though he wouldn't use them. Let's just wait what a new member thinks before deciding on the party policy.
                  Meanwhile, is everyone ok with making "keep the UN Charter" as official party policy? I am.
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #39
                    with the ascentic virtues in place, we can grow to size 11 without hab complexes!


                    • #40
                      And size 18 with them. Who needs Habitation Domes!
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • #41
                        Is that Network Backbone that important anyway? If we are going Cybernetic, I suppose it would be in combination with FM, so our police rating will suck anyway.
                        Yes for sure, but during war-time, if we go for planned economy, it will be very usefull as our police, instead of -3 because of cybernetic, will be 0. And the police is especially needed during war-time.

                        he +1 from ascentic virtues (if we get it) would bring us up to -4
                        Even with ascetic virtues, the police will stay at -5 because SMAC is counting the malus even above the maximum. So, ascetic virtues, in FM and cybernetic, will be useless. Unless we build the network backbone.

                        For the SE, I'm quite flexible between wealth and knowledge / cybernetic and eudemonia. I think we will have to choose depending of the situation in the game.

                        I'm mostly agree with TKG concerning the atrocities, excepted one point. I usually build PB for discouraging the other factions to use their against us and I think it has also a diplomatic power during the negociations.

                        We should also try to agree on a general policy of the party.

                        As Maniac said, we should concentrate on strong economy and technological lead. And as a runner for the foreign affairs, I support only defensives wars and strong ties with our ideological friends ---> Morgan and Zakarov. I'm also against any destruction of any faction I'm pro make them sign a "pact to serve us" (?).
                        Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
                        Running for foreign affairs


                        • #42
                          in a war i'd rather go with green, because we'd be making more energy with +2 efficiency than with planned's -2. if we make it that far, thought control becomes the greatest wartime SE assuming we get the cloning vats (-3 support hurts! 2 mins per unit!).

                          also, in effect, living refinery cancels the negatives of democracy.


                          • #43
                            if we make it that far, thought control becomes the greatest wartime SE assuming we get the cloning vats
                            For sure but it is completely contrary at our party's policy. We support creativity and freedom and thought control is it's antithesis.
                            Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
                            Running for foreign affairs


                            • #44
                              I agree with Juliennew. In my personal games I also use Thought Control and Power sometimes when at war and having the Cloning Vats, but let's not do that here for the sake of roleplaying.
                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                              • #45
                                And it would beat everything being a democracy with psychic control.
                                Member of the P4 party in the SMAC democracy game
                                Running for foreign affairs

