Our party stands for economic and technological progress. Thus our keywords are Discover and Build. The way to reach these goals are equal chances and free education among other things.
Therefore our early game SE settings are:
Later we will switch to:
Future might vary between FM/Cybernetic and Green/Eudaimonic.
I want to stress that we are firmly against Fundamentalism, Power and Thought Control, as we believe in free thought and creativity.
On atrocities we support upholding the UN Charter. We do want to build one punishment sphere as a prison base. This will also serve as an energy park and the main base for our air fleet.
P4 is for the use of probes for defensive and inflitration purposes. But we're against any use of them for another mission, like framing or tech stealing, in peacetime. But during wartime, we think they can be used for all the missions we want, excepted atrocities.
We also give a high priority to the HSA as we would no longer need to build defensive probes and as it would make the -2 Probe for going Knowledge unimportant.
Besides infiltration and defence we will also use probes for exploring and pod popping. That way we can still expand our knowledge of the outer world without creating pacifism drones under Free Market.
[written by M@ni@c foundig member of P4]
M@ni@c - [founding member]
DeathByTheSword -
TKG - [director of Science]
Juliennew -
Archaic -
Tactical Marine -
The Bloody Baro -
Zakharov VII -
Thud -
Therefore our early game SE settings are:
Later we will switch to:
Future might vary between FM/Cybernetic and Green/Eudaimonic.
I want to stress that we are firmly against Fundamentalism, Power and Thought Control, as we believe in free thought and creativity.
On atrocities we support upholding the UN Charter. We do want to build one punishment sphere as a prison base. This will also serve as an energy park and the main base for our air fleet.
P4 is for the use of probes for defensive and inflitration purposes. But we're against any use of them for another mission, like framing or tech stealing, in peacetime. But during wartime, we think they can be used for all the missions we want, excepted atrocities.
We also give a high priority to the HSA as we would no longer need to build defensive probes and as it would make the -2 Probe for going Knowledge unimportant.
Besides infiltration and defence we will also use probes for exploring and pod popping. That way we can still expand our knowledge of the outer world without creating pacifism drones under Free Market.
[written by M@ni@c foundig member of P4]
M@ni@c - [founding member]
DeathByTheSword -
TKG - [director of Science]
Juliennew -
Archaic -
Tactical Marine -
The Bloody Baro -
Zakharov VII -
Thud -