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P4 policial thread
Hello P4...
After much (well, actually, very little) persuasion from a certain member, I have decided to officially join P4.
Please note, however, that this does not mean that suddenly I will conform to everything P4 decides. Neither will I blindly vote for the candidates the party supports. P4 just seems to be making the most sense right now, and I did vote for quite a few P4 candidates in the last election (TKG and Archaic are the ones that come to mind, I'm not sure I was conscious of part alignment when voting, just the candidates' views). I have read through the thread twice (yes, all 13 pages), and so I'm rather familiar with P4's stand on issues. So I might as well say how I differ.
First, on Social Engineering, I might as well save us time and just refer you to Archaic's speech, which I believe is posted on page 5 of this thread. The only thing I disagree on is the use of a Punishment Sphere - I propose we have a full-fledged specialist base, not just the size 1 specialist alternative proposed. Crawlers will make this easy - just 4-5 crawlers on Condensors will get us to pre-Hab Complex levels, with an equal amount crawling Rocky mines (if we have a signifigant military force, more minerals would be needed). In addition, the wording on Democracy in the speech is clear, so I'll clarify at least my position: no Democracy early. We cannot give up the extra Support minerals until we have reached our critical mass - we cannot waste time in the early years on Democracy; the people need a strong, powerful government to guide them early on. I see a use for Planned only when we wish to enter an era of incredible growth, soon after Automation or Environmental Economics.
I am completely against atrocities, Punishment Spheres included. We will fight our battles, whether they be domestic rioting or full-fledged war, "civilly" (seems an odd word to describe it).
So, until I find my views straying terribly from P4's, I would like to be part of the party.
well we (just yesterday) are tottaly against atrocities too and i like the idea of a special base without the punishment sfere and ofcourse welcome Zakharov VII.Bunnies!
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
well Z7, i just tried out the running market early on in SP (used morgan, and had no choice since he can't run planned) and it got my research rate down to 5 turns in 2150. while this proves it works, i still think we should go for planned anyway (nobody else will be for it).
i think we need to change our early SE choices with demo in to normal and late early to demo! what you think?Bunnies!
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
well, if we skip ethical calculus for later, then once we have demo, most of our expansion should be finished and thus who cares about 10 free minerals. i had no problem even with morgan's -1 support. in fact, morgan might just be my new favourite faction (but don't tell pandemoniak! as far as he's concerned, i still like the UoP better)
Originally posted by TKG
well, if we skip ethical calculus for later, then once we have demo, most of our expansion should be finished and thus who cares about 10 free minerals. i had no problem even with morgan's -1 support. in fact, morgan might just be my new favourite faction (but don't tell pandemoniak! as far as he's concerned, i still like the UoP better)
"Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
"I shall return and I shall be billions"
Originally posted by TKG
now now, you know my desire for free market is purely in the interest of research
sorry to burst your bubble, but morgan can't run planned
Originally posted by TKG
no...thats another thing that makes morgan hard to play...he can't pop boom without using GA's....
Sorry I don't have time to write up much on various things, I'm tired.
EDIT: With Zak or Lal, I do like Democracy/Planned/Wealth Golden Ages
I'm going to join this party. Gee, I hope somebody notices this post beneath 10 pages of debate. I also hope this was the right plave to put this. Better post in the party thread too..."The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
Former President, C3SPDGI