Adam, TKG... I'm here, and currently being racked by the fence...
Lucky's comment actually drove in an interesting point for me... the P4 was originally rather extreme (or painted that way) but are now showing more moderate views which, to me, is why they've been inspired by the recent idea to offer a merge to us... from the political compas I'm almost as extreme a Libertarian as one can get... a few social issues notwithstanding, but economically I've always preferred the laize faire attitude...
One reason I've always been friendly with Pandemoniak and the rest of the CCCP, however, even with my feelings of economics being more in line with Free Market... I can see the failings in both systems... equality is a nice ideal... but neither one is going to give the world equality once and for all.
Anyway, I've begun to rant... I'm going to sit back and see if the CDC responds, and also hear out GT's thoughts, before I make up my mind one way or another... because as I said... I'm being racked by the fence currently...
I did, however, like the 3D idea for a name if this does go through... but I'll also need some kind of an organizational thread or chat or something prior to the merge for us to actually hammer out a future political stance before we actually commit to the merge. A common ground may not be found after all, simply because on the surface we're seeing common issues doesn't mean they'll stay common or that others won't creep up.
Lucky's comment actually drove in an interesting point for me... the P4 was originally rather extreme (or painted that way) but are now showing more moderate views which, to me, is why they've been inspired by the recent idea to offer a merge to us... from the political compas I'm almost as extreme a Libertarian as one can get... a few social issues notwithstanding, but economically I've always preferred the laize faire attitude...
One reason I've always been friendly with Pandemoniak and the rest of the CCCP, however, even with my feelings of economics being more in line with Free Market... I can see the failings in both systems... equality is a nice ideal... but neither one is going to give the world equality once and for all.
Anyway, I've begun to rant... I'm going to sit back and see if the CDC responds, and also hear out GT's thoughts, before I make up my mind one way or another... because as I said... I'm being racked by the fence currently...
I did, however, like the 3D idea for a name if this does go through... but I'll also need some kind of an organizational thread or chat or something prior to the merge for us to actually hammer out a future political stance before we actually commit to the merge. A common ground may not be found after all, simply because on the surface we're seeing common issues doesn't mean they'll stay common or that others won't creep up.