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Industry Game

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  • #46
    Kody, my sincere apology. I was not trying to heckle you, really. I was taking this a bit far wasn't I? Trying to see how far you could go. I wasn't being serious. Just teasing you. Ok, shake hands now? Could we?

    And look what a mess I made in your neat industry game. I admit now that I was doing it kind of deliberately since there were not many people who take part in this. I thought I could make more fun out of it this way.

    Now I was merely trying to pointing out that your industry at turn 5 should be 15, as you correctly written down above, rather than 20. This is how I have been doing it. However, being new to your game, I'm sure I haven't been doing the right way. (May be the rule can be made a little detaily, perhaps?) I could of course wait until you post end of turn summary but I thought then we wouldn't have the back post since you would have updated your turn. Plus I thought more fight would be more fun. Ok that was wrong. I admit now.

    Don't be mad at me, ok?
    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

    Grapefruit Garden


    • #47
      Originally posted by Kody
      HongHu & Vev,

      Sorry I realised I've been rather testy during the last 2 hours.

      I think it was having to read through the 100 odd posts that appeared in our forum. At a rate of about 1 per minute. Also it's rather late and I was planning on heading to bed awhile ago.

      Hah now you admit that you do need to sleep! Ok I promise I'll stop teasing now.
      Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

      Grapefruit Garden


      • #48

        Remember my rules used to be double the length they are now. But after getting 4 comments of utter confusion I deleted alot of the detail.

        The remaining industry you post in your new turn should the same as from the end of company statictics. You might want to double check first that the game master hasn't made a mistake as I do sometimes forget to update somethings.

        No I'm not mad, just too tired to realise you were joking. If I was mad it would be difficult for me to apologise.

        I can't believe you and vev managed to make me make ... how many posts? I figure I've made about 70 posts today. My usual is like 5.
        *shakes head*



        Hey cool

        A: 12 | D: 99 | M: 99 | HP: 97

        I got my 99 move back



        Heh just checked my IRC window.

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        ∙ö∙ You have new email.
        ∙ö∙ You have new email.
        ∙ö∙ You have new email.
        [03:00am][@Kody(+iw)][Mail: 32]

        32 emails from apolyton in the last 2 hours.



        • #49
          Exactly how many moves are done from the start to turn 6?
          6 moves at the start of turn 6


          Sorry for some reason I was replying to a post a 2nd time.
          I'm just going to go to sleep now.



          • #50
            Originally posted by Kody

            Remember my rules used to be double the length they are now. But after getting 4 comments of utter confusion I deleted alot of the detail.
            Yeh, I agree. Actually I like "learning by doing" more. More rules just means that I could nick picking more.

            No I'm not mad, just too tired to realise you were joking. If I was mad it would be difficult for me to apologise.
            Looks like we have apologized about the same time. Isn't that a nice coincident?

            I can't believe you and vev managed to make me make ... how many posts? I figure I've made about 70 posts today. My usual is like 5.
            *shakes head*


            Hey cool

            A: 12 | D: 99 | M: 99 | HP: 97

            I got my 99 move back


            At least something positive came out from all these didn't it?
            Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

            Grapefruit Garden


            • #51
              Yeah learning while you play is more fun.
              That's why I haven't been enforcing the cheating rules. So people can easily play knowing they will make mistakes and without worrying about penalities.

              Turn 7 ready.



              • #52
                I'm keeping my history trace to avoid future confusion.
                Promoter of Public Morale
                Alpha Centauri Democracy Game


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Kody
                  I can actually list exactly what happened in the game right from the start off the top of my head. I've had to write it down in 3 different places every single time I make a move.

                  I started with 25 production

                  * these are end of turn values Company "Statictics"
                  * add +1 to industry for the player posts

                  Turn 0 (d7,1)
                  prod: 0, total: 0, Industry: 24

                  Turn 1 (d6,1)
                  prod: 1, total: 1, Industry: 23

                  Turn 2 (e6,1)
                  prod: 2, total: 3, Industry: 22

                  (production stays at 2 because you brought my square)

                  Turn 3 (e7,1)
                  prod: 2, total: 5, Industry: 21

                  Turn 4 (f6,5)
                  prod: 3, total: 8, Industry: 20

                  Turn 5 (e6,1)
                  prod: 4, total: 12, Industry: 15
                  Before we continue, how about each of us write down something like this to make sure the numbers so far are correct? I'll do it tomorrow when I regain some brain power.
                  Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                  Grapefruit Garden


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Kody
                    Yeah learning while you play is more fun.
                    That's why I haven't been enforcing the cheating rules. So people can easily play knowing they will make mistakes and without worrying about penalities.

                    Turn 7 ready.

                    So is the cheating part still there? I enjoyed it. But the question now is how do you differentiate deliberate cheating with simple mistakes?
                    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                    Grapefruit Garden


                    • #55
                      When I notice that many of the mistakes are subtle. Mistakes usually aren't subtle. Also after a player has played a while I'll stop making allowances.

                      Even if I notice cheating I don't need to do anything.



                      • #56
                        Well that's the problem. Say if I cheated (I have been using this word as a good word, you know a fun part of the game) and somebody noticed it. What should they do? Should they first wait to see if I correct it? But if it was a mistake how would I know if nobody reminds me? Then when somebody finally point out then would I be risk free because I could just say oh it was a mistake?

                        Another thing, the remaining industry, I used to understand that players calculate it themselves, and so they could cheat there too if they want. And if something falls off like he made a mistake and didn't display enough money then the game master makes adjustment. But sounds like now the game master is responsible for all the calculations and the player is only responsible to tell which square he buys? Sounds to me the cheating opportunity will be kind of limited this way.
                        Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                        Grapefruit Garden


                        • #57
                          Ok, my history, as far as I remember. If I was wrong please let me know.

                          Turn 0 (a2,1)
                          prod: 0, total: 0, Industry: 67

                          Turn 1 (b3,1)
                          prod: 1, total: 1, Industry: 66

                          Turn 2 (e6,5)
                          prod: 2, total: 3, Industry: 61

                          Turn 3 (d5,1)
                          prod: 3, total: 6, Industry: 60

                          Turn 4 (e5,5)
                          prod: 4, total: 10, Industry: 59

                          Turn 5 (f5,1)
                          prod: 5, total: 15, Industry: 58

                          Turn 6 (e4, 1)
                          Prod: 5, total: 20, Industry:57

                          This is also end of turn industry.
                          Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                          Grapefruit Garden


                          • #58
                            I have question about Vev's production 14, 15, 31. Also have question why your production is 15 instead of 25.

                            The production 6 is my mistake, for forgetting that you have buy back a square. That is a mistake. I swear! (Is that how we do it?)
                            Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                            Grapefruit Garden


                            • #59
                              4 + 10
                              5 + 10
                              6 + 25
                              Promoter of Public Morale
                              Alpha Centauri Democracy Game


                              • #60
                                I thought you cannot double count a square.
                                Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                                Grapefruit Garden

