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The View from Above

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  • #46
    Most seem to emanate from a single planetary point
    The hive apologises for the pollutants.

    Keep up the good work Googlie.



    • #47
      "Honored H’rvath! Honored H’rvath! Come quickly to the DeCon chamber, Quickly, Quickly! We've got one of the aliens you wanted for interrogation - it's talking, we think, but the translation module is missing the half of it - but it's a real alien, a real live alien, isn't that exciting, right here in the ship?", blurted out Tlotl all in one breath and still ready to chatter on some more, had not 'Vath raised a hand.

      "Do you now, dear Tlotl?" came the res/reply.

      "Yes Honored H’rvath! it seems to be communicating in low frequency atmospheric resonances, but not random noise, but patterned emissions, punctuated even - with synchronized movements of the extremities, very vigorous movements sometimes and even dangerous for those with a lowered alertness quotient. . . . Here we are . . . I don't know what to say on such an historic and momentous occasion . . . what do you think it is trying to comm?"

      "Me Baretta, you Jane, . . . , Awwkkk!!"
      "Take me to you #*^&$#in' leader, . . . , Awwkkk!!, you &*^$##in' %#$$@#s. . . . , Awwkkk!! The *&%# $%##ed Cuspidore will have your @$$#$ for (*^%in' lunch . . . , Awwkkk!!. . . , Awwkkk!!. NameRank%^&$%^#in'SerialNumber, . . . , Awwkkk!!. . . , Awwkkk!!. . . , Awwkkk!!"

      "So what do you think, Honored H’rvath?"

      "Stupid ^%$%#$@in' Aliens, . . . , Awwkkk!!. . . , Awwkkk!!. . . , Awwkkk!!"


      • #48
        "An excellent speciment, although smaller than I expected. Now once we picked their minds and weaknesses, we shall conquer and enslave these noisey aliens befouling Manifold 6."
        Promoter of Public Morale
        Alpha Centauri Democracy Game


        • #49
          are the gnats mindworms?


          • #50
            Originally posted by dmm1285
            are the gnats mindworms?
            No - they are not indigeneous to Chiron.

            They are from Harmony, the Progenitor home planet in the Tau Ceti star system. An alien avian, mutated, genetically modified, and enhanced through a bio-engineering process that uses bioadaptive resonance techniques to produce reversed digital sentience

            The technology to "manufacture" them has been lost in the famous Succession Wars that left Harmony blighted and the great Progenitor battle fleet scattered and factionalized. Only a handful have been nurtured and are now in the Emperor's retinue. Two are attached to the Eminence



            • #51
              LOL, jdm

              Maybe 'Aqila would handle the "interrogation" though, recognizing a like species?


