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Restart ACDG(2) ?

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  • Restart ACDG(2) ?

    In light of some problems that have arisen just recently there is the suggestion from Googlie, if I understand it correctly, that we could restart the game.

    New passwords would be issued, as passwords, as far as we know, cannot be changed once the game has started.

    For most we're just one turn in and it should be relatively simple to repeat the same moves, quickly. In fact Googlie can compare 2nd outcome with the first. I am not sure though about pod pop outcomes.

    Our rules? would be amended to ban defections.

    On the otherhand, we could accept Tass's and the Hive assurances of fair play.
    GT's co - mod function would be adjusted and another UoP player play the same Uop 2103 moves.

    In short we could just carry on.
    On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation

  • #2
    We're only a turn in, so yeah, I agree. Makes no significant difference, seeing as the same moves can be repeated. There are three discrepancies that need sorting out, and for the purposes of a few hours' game time, it seems pointless not restarting.
    We're back!


    • #3
      You could PW protect the ZipFile if you really want...
      then only the Teamleader of the Team moving before them and the Faction could access the Saves .. presto

      But OTOH it IS only one Turn.
      Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


      • #4
        Possibly a good move, though is it really necessary? I don't have much of an opinion on this, it would solves a few problems, but might mean we lose players who become disinterested because of it.

        Googlie has said restart might be a good idea, and as CMN, I will go with that.
        For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
        But he would think of something

        "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


        • #5
          I've prepped the restart, and assigned new passwords.

          Before posting the passwords in the appropriate faction threads, and hanging the first turn on the general turn reporting thread I'm awaiting confirmation from MarkG that GeneralTacitus is blocked from all but the UoP private forums



          • #6
            Let's get the restarted turn up to date while we're waiting for MarkG.

            We'll do it like a regular PBEM - I'll e-mail the passwords to the turnplayer with instructions to send the turn on by e-mail to the next in line, and send the restarted Hive, 2102 to Voltaire

            Don't post the passwords in your private forums until MarkG's confirmation.



            • #7
              I hope were not doing this because of me?
              Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
              Long live teh paranoia smiley!


              • #8
                Well, partly (from now on defections are banned - if a player leaves a faction, he leaves the game - but you are 'grandfathered')

                Partly as well as GeneralTacitus has moderator rights to all the private faction forums, and most have their passwords reported there, so to remove temptation we've asked MarkG to remove that privelege, and I've issed new, not yet posted, passwords.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Googlie
                  Well, partly
                  Thats not good, for I'm not going to reveal anything.

                  (from now on defections are banned - if a player leaves a faction, he leaves the game - but you are 'grandfathered')
                  I do not recall a vote on this

                  Partly as well as GeneralTacitus has moderator rights to all the private faction forums, and most have their passwords reported there, so to remove temptation we've asked MarkG to remove that privelege, and I've issed new, not yet posted, passwords.

                  Hmm.....I dont think GT would ever do such a thing.
                  Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                  Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                  • #10

                    I honestly believe that you will be honourable and reveal nothing, and that GT won't snoop, but if there is an easy way to ensure that safeguards are put in place to prevent it, I'd be derelict in my duty as a CMN not to do so.

                    This is a high profile game that is unleashing the creativity of many Aploytoners, spawning artwork, literature and philosophical discussions. And as the game progresses, the profile will increase, and in-forum needlings and bragging rights will get exercised.

                    You're right - it's not about winning a PBEM, but having fun in RPing and in creating a "virtual society", but let's not be naive - there will be kudos for the victors - and some gloating - and it's to forestall the very temptation to gain an advantage by "having a peek" that this restart is timely.

                    And better we deal with it now than in fifty turns' time

                    I've pontificated enough, let's get on with the game and the fun



                    • #11
                      MarkG has already made sure I can't enter other teams' private fora. I informed him some time ago, and he fixed it...


                      • #12

                        Great - then we're rolling


