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Turn Tracking Thread

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  • 2127 to University

    There was never any spam attached!

    I don't have to take these accusations!


    48 hours...
    Last edited by Kody; August 7, 2003, 09:31.


    • Thanks!
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • Umm the university's delay is probably my fault. I posted a fake turn labeled "acdg - uni," about a day after I posted the real turn. Inside the zip file was a collection of Hive spam. They didn't see the proper turn that I posted a day or so before.


        • Well I assumed the University had gotten the turn since it had been downloaded 9 times in total. I deleted the links at the 46 hour mark.

          At the 48 hour mark I also sent it to via email, but apparently that was not received.

          I've sent another email with the a link to the turn, but just in case I'll put it here again.

          University Turn 2127


          • This is all extremely confusing.
            Attached Files


            • Deleted - some insane ramblings.
              Last edited by Kody; August 8, 2003, 09:24.


              • Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • Awwkkk!! . . ., Hi Maties, Call me Baretta Awwkkk!! . . .

                  The Cuspidor asked me to tell you'alls that he an Cap'n Hercules are busy Awwkkk!! . . . on business Awwkkk!! . . . and that they may need more time Awwkkk!! . . . to finish the turn than the 48 hours Awwkkk!! . . . .

                  (Puffs Xenoweed) Awwkkk!! . . . Awwkkk!! . . . Awwkkk!! . . .

                  Actually Awwkkk!! . . ., there was a shipwreck they came upon and they rescued a Awwkkk!! . . . stunning damsel Awwkkk!! . . . Awwkkk!! . . . - she is calling herself Comrade Claire Awwkkk!! . . . and keeps saying: "I be defectress! Awwkkk!! . . . Where be place 'Miami'?" Awwkkk!! . . .

                  The Cuspidore and Cap'n Herc have pulled out the xenorum Awwkkk!! . . . and more jewelry than anyone thought they had in their seachests Awwkkk!! . . . and they are doing Awwkkk!! . . . business Awwkkk!! . . . belowdecks in "Miami" Awwkkk!! . . . Awwkkk!! . . . Awwkkk!! . . .

                  Don't know when they'alls be back fer sure.


                  • Comrade Claire would not defect from the Hive and we refuse to believe your propaganda!

                    In the interest of dipolmatic relations the Hive demands that Comrade Claire is immediately returned!

                    Unless ofcourse you pay the ECs required for a night with her.
                    Last edited by Kody; August 11, 2003, 09:54.


                    • It's a pity I couldn't make it pick the correct color too.

                      Oh well it looks rather cool.


                      • Gentle nudge to the Xenorum addicts:

                        You are approaching 12 hours in excess of the 48 hour deadline.


                        (and it's about time we started a new turn-tracking thread - this one is taking almost the full 48 hours to load now)


                        • People should delete their old turns.

                          That's probably the problem.

                          Also I'm suprised nobody has commented on my risque posting.


                          • the Cuspidore BrownBeard: Well, Cap'n Hercules, it's nice to see your face on the Bridge again; have you been having fun down there in 'Miami'?

                            Cap'n C alico Hercules: You should talk, BB; that woman does enjoy her 'Miami', now, doesn't she? Ha, Ha, Ha. . . . How does she put it? "Back in Hive, they don't do 'Miami' like is here, just be polls there, not 'Miami' enough", Ha, Ha, Ha. Well, have we gotten the bird from Tripoli, with the orders - what's taking them so long?

                            Cuspidore:: No, not yet, . . . I'll give them the *(&%@in' bird though (gestures) . . . last I heard, they're waitin' fer a bottle from someone; more likely they passed out after drinkin' the bottle an fergot ter send it, *(&*&%^%in' desk pilots, . . . , can't handle their xenogrog like they useter. . . . . Well Herc, now that yer back, I can flop out on deck there and do some justice to this here bottle, Psionara Cal, let me know when the orders get here.

                            (voice from belowdecks)Defectress Comrade Claire: Cuspidore, . . . , Cuspidore, . . . , please to come here! Time for 'Miami' now.

                            Cuspidore: Well I guess duty calls.


                            • Well, we have a new tardiness record - 84 hours

                              Did Baretta swallow the bottle-opener?



                              • Well, that's one full week between circulation, and the Pirates have now had the turn 94 hours...
                                We're back!

