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Discussion about Darsnan's metagame

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  • #16
    Originally posted by vyeh

    For the training cadres, how about independent elite and commando units, both conventional and probe, initially located in bunkers far from any bases? Give the probe teams plasma armor. How about giving the Spartans enough initial energy units so they can subvert some Hive units?
    I can do that. I also think this would fit in well with the theme of the Maquis rising in rebellion: they've been hording weapons and ECs for the day that that they will have the opportunity to rise in rebellion and reclaim their planet!

    Originally posted by vyeh
    While we want the Hive to initially have their elite units occupying all the land bases, the Spartan training cadres will produce some flux (small Hive bases falling to the Spartans and then being retaken by the elite Hive forces or hordes of newly generated lower morale forces), which will make for a more dynamic game.
    I think thats going to be an "easier said than done" situation. I'm working on that. Question: how large a spread do you want for your drop troops?

    Originally posted by vyeh
    I'm inclined to say no to the free Covert Ops center to Spartan bases built after the beginning of the game. It might be interesting if the Spartans had a sea base with an initial Covert Ops center (this was their Probe Team training center), a sea base with an initial Command Center (land forces training center), and a sea base with a Naval Yard (naval academy).
    OK, I can do that. Also some terraformer units to start with?

    Originally posted by vyeh
    No to special units (otherwise the Hive could build them too). Just give them high morale units built in the Unit Workshop.

    One final question: since this was formerly a Spartan world then they therefore should have a scan of the planet. However if I give them the map then you would very quickly end up with it. Do you want this, or perfer to have the map remain unexplored?



    • #17
      Originally posted by Darsnan
      I think thats going to be an "easier said than done" situation. I'm working on that.
      I think it would be enough if some of the outlying bases had only one Hive combat unit and low mineral production. That would create a situation where the Spartans captured some bases and create a situation where the central Hive units are buzzing around.

      Originally posted by Darsnan
      Question: how large a spread do you want for your drop troops?
      I think they should drop in a large oval with the long axis pointed toward the shuttle's crash site. I think that would fit in with the scenario.

      Originally posted by Darsnan
      OK, I can do that. Also some terraformer units to start with?
      If there is a base with a command center, it should not be a sea base. How about a land base out in a desolate area (like the Great Dessert) far from anything else? (the Spartans are great on survival training!). The bases should have everything they would have had to be self sufficient. Supply crawlers and terraformers would have been part of it (as well as recycling tanks, rec commons, children's creche ... whatever makes sense given the size and production of the bases.) I think the sea bases should have thermocline transducers. Let's suppose the Spartans believed that every base had to float on its own, as far as being able to pay for their own facilities. (They are survivalist.)

      For the sake of making the game interesting, we can make those surviving bases rather nutirient and mineral poor. A good surplus of energy will give the Spartans a shot at subverting units and other good probe actions.

      Originally posted by Darsnan
      One final question: since this was formerly a Spartan world then they therefore should have a scan of the planet. However if I give them the map then you would very quickly end up with it. Do you want this, or perfer to have the map remain unexplored?
      Of course, the Spartans shold have a scan of their planet. Let's start the game with Unity survey off and no contact with either the Hive or the Spartans. As soon as their is contact with the Spartans, there would be a high incentive to get their map. Also, one would be able to steal the Hive map.

      And there is always the possibility that the Spartans are initially hostile or ambivalent!
      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


      • #18
        Originally posted by vyeh

        I think it would be enough if some of the outlying bases had only one Hive combat unit and low mineral production. That would create a situation where the Spartans captured some bases and create a situation where the central Hive units are buzzing around.
        I can do that.

        Originally posted by vyeh
        I think they (PK Drop Units) should drop in a large oval with the long axis pointed toward the shuttle's crash site. I think that would fit in with the scenario.

        Originally posted by vyeh
        If there is a base with a command center, it should not be a sea base. How about a land base out in a desolate area (like the Great Dessert) far from anything else? (the Spartans are great on survival training!). The bases should have everything they would have had to be self sufficient. Supply crawlers and terraformers would have been part of it (as well as recycling tanks, rec commons, children's creche ... whatever makes sense given the size and production of the bases.) I think the sea bases should have thermocline transducers. Let's suppose the Spartans believed that every base had to float on its own, as far as being able to pay for their own facilities. (They are survivalist.)
        For the sake of making the game interesting, we can make those surviving bases rather nutirient and mineral poor. A good surplus of energy will give the Spartans a shot at subverting units and other good probe actions.
        I think Ihave created a situation which embodies the above, but will continually prove to be a challenge for the Demo Game Players!

        Originally posted by vyeh
        And there is always the possibility that the Spartans are initially hostile or ambivalent!
        I do see this conflicting with my previous comment that the PKs are not allowed to possess a base for longer than 5 turns (i.e. the PKs need to turn over their captured bases to the Spartans). This specifically applies to the initial turns in regards to the Spartans initial diplomatic stance, as the PKs will probably capture several bases in the opening turns (i.e. there will be initial heavy fighting) and will then need to turn these over to the Spartans in short order. I think one exception to the "base ownership" rule should be that the PKs be allowed to establish one base )and only one base), and that this is a defensive base protecting the spaceship wreckage that has crashlanded onto Calon 1.0. Your mission then becomes to a) evacuate all your surviving units to the spaceships wreckage in order to evacuate them from Calon 1.0, and b) assist the Spartans in regaining control of Calon 1.0.

        An observation I am going to make now as I am beginning playtesting is that I am placing huge amounts of AI controlled units onto the map. This then introduces a huge variable to playtesting which I have absolutely no control over whatsoever (i.e. these initial AI units will randomly react to initial situations, and so their initial outcomes are completely random). Therefore I am going to state that once I establish this game, that I will playtest it to ensure that it is designed to do what I intend, however because of the outcomes of initial encounters why I cannot guarrantee that the situations I intend will actually occur in the game that actually transpires.



        • #19
          Originally posted by Darsnan
          I do see this conflicting with my previous comment that the PKs are not allowed to possess a base for longer than 5 turns (i.e. the PKs need to turn over their captured bases to the Spartans). This specifically applies to the initial turns in regards to the Spartans initial diplomatic stance, as the PKs will probably capture several bases in the opening turns (i.e. there will be initial heavy fighting) and will then need to turn these over to the Spartans in short order. I think one exception to the "base ownership" rule should be that the PKs be allowed to establish one base )and only one base), and that this is a defensive base protecting the spaceship wreckage that has crashlanded onto Calon 1.0. Your mission then becomes to a) evacuate all your surviving units to the spaceships wreckage in order to evacuate them from Calon 1.0, and b) assist the Spartans in regaining control of Calon 1.0.
          I think we should still have the rule that the PKs are not allowed to possess a base for longer than 5 turns. Bases can still be starved and either burned or used to produce a CP with their last population point.

          Mission Point b) seems to be an expansion of the original proposal. If the shuttle crashlanded and PK Central is not giving orders, then their must be some standing order that says it serves PK Central's purposes that Calon 1.0 be returned to the control of the Spartans. Considering that on Sanctuary, we've just finished conquering the Spartans on behalf of the Hive, I'd like to see this explanation!

          Originally posted by Darsnan
          An observation I am going to make now as I am beginning playtesting is that I am placing huge amounts of AI controlled units onto the map. This then introduces a huge variable to playtesting which I have absolutely no control over whatsoever (i.e. these initial AI units will randomly react to initial situations, and so their initial outcomes are completely random). Therefore I am going to state that once I establish this game, that I will playtest it to ensure that it is designed to do what I intend, however because of the outcomes of initial encounters why I cannot guarrantee that the situations I intend will actually occur in the game that actually transpires.
          That will make it more interesting.
          Last edited by vyeh; March 24, 2007, 02:07.
          Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


          • #20
            Hi All,

            Just posted the follow-up game
            here . Pleasse note that I am going to post the following observations:

            1. the game is probably very variable: there are a lot of AI units placed into the game. From my experience this means a large amount of variability in gam results.

            2. Game crashes: I've experience quite a bit of this in the iterations I've tested. I'd recommend saving after every turn.

            I hope you do enjoy this!


