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SMAniaC Succession Game: Yarrr!

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  • SMAniaC Succession Game: Yarrr!

    Or in other words, a pirate game.

    Same procedure as the first game started by Kataphraktoi. Play ten years, describing what happened, and post the save here for someone else to continue.

    Big difference though: this game is using the SMAniaC modification pack, and thus must be on your computer to play this succession game. In case you don't know SMAniaC yet, or want more information about it, check the download and thread links in my signature.

    The Super AI files have been used for stronger opponents.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Maniac; April 3, 2006, 19:02.
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

  • #2
    Here's our starting position. Should I play the first ten turns, or does someone else want the honours?
    Attached Files
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


    • #3
      You play the first 10, as it is your mod. You could draw attention to the things that are different in those first 10 turns than they would be in normal smax (soc. choices etc)?


      • #4
        In that case, the first thing you'd probably notice, what with you playing an aquatic faction and all that, is that foils now have 5 movement points! Faster exploration, which is neat.

        MY 2101

        First pod results is an Isle of the Deep unfortunately. The gun foil easily deals with it , but you can then immediately see another difference with standard SMAC: your units fight with a -15% Planet penalty. So the changed social engineering already comes into play:

        Three of the basic choices already give effects.
        Unitary Democracy gives +2 Probe, +1 Talent and -2 Police. Meaning you can't use police for drone control right now (you need police state for that), but you do get an extra talent in each base.
        Technocrats are your ruling elite at the start. They give the same effects as Knowledge Values in standard SMAC. Means faster research in the beginning.
        Faster research and the free talent meaning you don't need to build garrisons right away mean the early game is sped up a little.
        Finally the Frontier society gives -1 Planet, explaining the combat penalty our gun foil received. Now also with a 15% instead of 10% penalty per level of negative Planet. So unless you prepare for it, expect Planet to give you a little more troubles than you're used to in SMAniaC. With the opposition between Green and Anthropocentric societies (not yet available for us now), Planet is more a "You're for us or against us" affair now.

        Anyway, two bases already established in the first turn. One, our headquarters in the middle of the nearby Geothermal Shallows; the second has the nutrient bonus in its base radius. Both bases' production set to a gun foil for early exploration. One rushed with the credits of the IoD.

        MY 2102

        We need to pick our tech to research.

        As you can see the SMAniaC tech tree pretty much resembles the original one in the beginning. So you should still be somewhat familiar with it all. I'll just go with the classical Centauri Ecology as research project. Due to starting near the Geothermal Shallows, it won't take long.

        Unity pod gives 100 credits! Used to hurry the other gun foil.

        MY 2103

        Centauri Ecology researched! What did I tell you?

        As next research project I've chosen Biogenetics. This is in SMAniaC together with centauri Hydrology (which we already start with) the prerequisite for Gene Splicing. A quick b-line which will sharply increase our kelp farm production!

        MY 2104

        50 credits from a pod. Exploration with our three gun foils continues in all directions...

        MY 2105

        I pop a materials pod near Port Svensgaard completing a transport foil. I had switched production in that base from a colony pod to a transport because you can never get materials pods when the closest base is size 1 and producing a colony pod. (Ugh I forgot. I'd better have put a sea formers in production for completion... )

        Oh yeah, we're also close to the Garland Crater. A good place to found some land bases while we don't have the industrial power yet to build expensive sea colony pods.

        Another pod gives an IoD, damaging our foil 90%. seems that will take a while repairing...

        MY 2106

        Biogenetics researched. Proceeding with Gene Splicing.

        Transport foil ready. It sails to Safe Haven to pick up a scout rover under production.

        Another IoD popped... It's hiding somewhere in the fungus, so I'm fleeing as far as possible.

        MY 2107

        Okay, that Isle of the Deep I popped is heading towards Safe Haven. Fortunately I just rushed the scout rover there.

        75 credits popped.

        MY 2108

        As expected, the IoD hardly doesn any damage this early in the game. The treat averted, the trannie sails towards the Crater continent.

        we get the commlink frequency from the Gaians out of a unity pod! She's pretty friendly... Wants to sign a treaty. Doesn't offer any tech trades herself. I suggest it, and she asks 100 credits for Military Know-how. I refuse. Currently not interested in that.

        MY 2109

        Nothing special happens.

        I'll stop here already with the 2109 endturn, because next year we'll research Gene Splicing, and I'd like to give the next player the opportunity what b-line to start following now.

        We currently have three gun foils, a transport foil and a scout rover. No sea formers I'm afraid. We do have a large treasure of 266 credits. All that shiny gold! Yarrr!

        Attached Files
        Last edited by Maniac; April 5, 2006, 15:47.
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #5
          Hey, why dont' my screenies work?
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #6
            Because you're using link.php instead of view.php
            "Cutlery confused Stalin"
            -BBC news


            • #7
              I downloaded turn, going to play
              Map creation contest
              WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


              • #8
                • Gene Splicing completed. Next renewable energy sources.
                • I disembark rover, pop a pod on river, nut bonus+mindworm. Won, morale to disciplined+10EC.
                • Time for chat with Deirdre, she's magnanimous. Demands Biogenetics. Nope.
                  Wants 140 EC for 3 yearly (300). Nope.
                  Reminds me, that friendship is two way street.
                  Asked for techs, Military-KH for 100, nope.
                  She refuses Pact.
                • Colony pod in PS hurried for 34 EC.

                • Next in PS, scout.
                • The same chat with Deirdre
                • Scout rover recovers from recent mw fight.

                • Pop a pod NE. sea farming planted kelp.
                • I disembark colony pod on the nutrient bonus.
                • Chat with Deirdre, but she is more annoyed now.

                • Deadman Tavern established. I relocate rover there. Hurry a former.
                • Pop a pod NE, IoD. 31:16 odds. Attack succesful, 20 EC.
                • Hurry colony pod in SH for 22 EC.

                • All bases completed production. cp, scout patrol, former.
                  SH - sea former, as new item
                  PS - colony pod
                  DT - scout patrol

                • Chat with Deirdre, nothing, as usual.

                • Met Ghosts. Noncommittal. It is transport foil with Batle Ogre MKI.
                  They have (2)-1-5 sea. Demands Centauri Ecology, but I want for Military-KH. Refuses.
                  Then I trade Centauri Ecology for Treaty.
                  MKH for 100 EC, but I refuse.
                • Renewable Energy Sources researched. Next Industrial Base for mineral restrictions lift.
                • Deirdre. She gives MKH for Gene Splicing. Then for 50 EC signs Pact.

                • DT gets scout patrol, next colony pod.
                • Jamaica established. hurried former. relocated rover.

                • Morganic researches get Secrets of the Human Brain.
                • Lal scout approaches Jamaica. The guy is qurrelsome. Demands 75 EC, but he is wanting and us formidable. I refuse. Vendetta.
                  Our rover gets 25:16 odds, so I attack. Victory, but no morale upgrade.
                • Jamaica gets former and it goes finish the forest. Next scout patrol.
                • Hurry colony pod in PS.
                Attached Files
                Map creation contest
                WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                • #9
                  Captain Maniac?
                  Map creation contest
                  WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mart7x5
                    Captain Maniac?
                    This game was meant for others to play, not myself.
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • #11
                      Well, I'm myself too.
                      So, when do you do your 10 turns?
                      The game is very interesting so far, please do not kill it
                      Map creation contest
                      WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                      • #12
                        - Manifold Nexus located @ 72/24. Debated with myself whether to direct the newly created CP towards this, or send it towards the Garland Crater region. After thinking about it realize that someone else might already have colonized Manifold Nexus Island, so decide to send the CP to 2/58.

                        - Adjusted sliders so that I'm getting Ind Base in 4 turns.

                        - Rushed Sea Former @ Safe Haven with the idea of building a CP to colonize Manifold Nexus Island (if its available).

                        - Rushed a scout @ Jamaica.

                        - Popped pod @ 26/76 and got an IoD. Decided discretion was the better part of valor and ran away.

                        - Scouted around the Nexus: no cities!

                        - Established Merchantman Run @ 2/58 and rushed a Former.

                        - Popped an IoD @ 29/79. Realize my ship is trapped by terrain and so fight it out. Ship loses....

                        - get Ind Base. Tech options are Eco Eng, Prog Psych, Social Psych, and Exowomb. Select Eco Eng in 11 turns.


                        - continued exploring around Manifold Nexus Island. Looks like prime real estate to me!


                        - Rush CP @ Safe Haven: destination Manifold Nexus!

                        - Starting to think about the feasibility of making Safe Haven our Super Science Center. There are pro's and con's to this that I'm sure will be discussed. I do use the sea former to start building a tidal harness on the energy square.

                        - Ghost Battle Ogre spotted @ 1/63! Argh! Definately not prepared for this. Switch production at nearby city to Probe Defender, in case the Ogre shows aggression....

                        - podded free sea former for our other sea base!

                        - podded free tech: Inf Networks!

                        - Podded free Recycling Tanks @ Jamaica!

                        - Ghosts gift Battle Ogre to us!?! Anyways, OK, we'll take it!

                        - Podded a monolith @ 78/66

                        - located an already existing monolith @ 70/56, which is right next to Garland Crater! Decide to keep pushing CP forward as a diplomatic bluff in case I encounter a beligerant Faction.

                        - Podded Research Hospital for Port Svengaard!

                        - changed sliders so that we're getting Eco Eng in 3 turns.

                        - Dropped off CP next to Manifold Nexus. Next turn we're in the Green!

                        Good Luck to the next Pirate Leader!
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Moving this to the top as well.
                          SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                          The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                          • #14
                            who's next?
                            Map creation contest
                            WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                            • #15
                              I have a question, is it frowned upon to roleplay in a succession game, let's say a corrupt leader came to power and provided an interesting challenge for the next player

