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  • Or maybe everybody has said everything that needs to be said. I think we're waiting for someone to step forward and volunteer to be CMN.

    I've been coming to this forum everyday to see if there have been any new posts.

    I didn't see the need to post just to keep the forum from being silent.

    I'm worried that a "break" might become permanent.
    Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


    • Hi everyone, i've been a bit spotty till recently on my visits here purely because of housing arrangements but everything is stable for me nowdays and i'm coming here alot more. I really would love to be involved in the next diplomacy game and although i have tried to read all 11 pages of this thread i can't do it, so i've tried to get the general ideas as best as possible. RP is a key factor in any sort of game similar as to how you guys play AC diplomacy. I would love to be involved in the next game as a diplomat for any faction willing to employ me. I have a strong love for the Morganites so if we decide on bringing the Morganites in HIRE ME!!!!! Failing that i can RP for any faction that wants me.
      There is always a beginning...


      • Look at this post for a summary of this thread:

        For a general sense of what happened:

        The last demogame ended around February 23rd. This thread had been started before that in anticipation of the end.

        We had a general discussion and there were a lot of views.

        There was considerable sentiment for a single player Alien Crossfire demo game, although there was some effort at seeing if there was enough interest among those who did not own Alien Crossfire in creating an additional Alpha Centauri (non-expansion) demo game.

        Since the beginning of the thread, Maniac suggested using his mod SMAniaC. There was considerable sentiment for that.

        There was also some sentiment for playing a faction that had not been played before in a demo game. That led to the suggestion of playing Miriam.

        About a month ago, there was a suggestion for polls. Polls were posted.

        There was some further discussion about SMAniaC versus vanilla.

        After that discussion, I posted the summary mentioned at the top of this post and asked whether we should begin the next demogame. Five people voted yes and one no.

        At this point, I think we are waiting for someone to step forward and agree to CMN the game.
        Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


        • I know CMN run's the game or whatnot but what does that actually stand for? And what i didn't get a clear picture of in the summary was the final factions for the gamer, except of course the believers which seems like a solid structure for a multiplayed faction.
          Last edited by Dygash; April 27, 2006, 11:16.
          There is always a beginning...


          • Originally posted by vyeh
            Look at this post for a summary of this thread:

            this point, I think we are waiting for someone to step forward and agree to CMN the game.
            I am just waiting for the game to begin.

            And, while I only have SMAC, I don't care about variables (SMAC;SMAX;so on, whatever).

            If someone begins the game, I will jump in.

            Best regards,


            • IT'S HERE!!! So excited, just looked at the game before downloading patch and coming here and wow it's so different. Anyway my reason for posting is it would be a very interesting game to have the 2 alien factions and the believers for the game inhabitant's. heres Miriam stuck between two alien races who are mortal enemies. Throw in a a faction like the Hive or something and you have one extremely messed up diplomacy game. Great fun to roleplay and turn play though.
              There is always a beginning...


              • Originally posted by Dygash before being edited
                ... what do you mean by vanilla in SmAniaC versus
                SMAniaC is a modification to SMAX created by Maniac. Go to his signature in the following post:

                (There are links in "Download SMAniaC, now with 7 new factions and files to boost the AIs. Latest update 2/4/06. Here's the discussion/comment thread." The last link discusses SMAniaC.)

                "Vanilla" means the unmodified version.

                Originally posted by Dygash
                I know CMN run's the game or whatnot but what does that actually stand for? And what i didn't get a clear picture of in the summary was the final factions for the gamer, except of course the believers which seems like a solid structure for a multiplayed faction.
                Creator Moderator Narrator. CMN's create the map, place the AI's and may give the AI's techs, units, etc. They act as referee (hence moderator) if there are disputes. Originally they were suppose to write a history based on the gameplay, but that isn't done in the usual multiplayer game although there was an attempt in ACDGIII.

                From that summary post:

                "d) faction played: Believer"

                Since this is a single player demogame there is only one faction for the gamer.
                Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                • Originally posted by Dygash
                  IT'S HERE!!! So excited, just looked at the game before downloading patch and coming here and wow it's so different. Anyway my reason for posting is it would be a very interesting game to have the 2 alien factions and the believers for the game inhabitant's. heres Miriam stuck between two alien races who are mortal enemies. Throw in a a faction like the Hive or something and you have one extremely messed up diplomacy game. Great fun to roleplay and turn play though.
                  This is the tentative list of opponents:

                  "f) opponents: Gaians, Hive, Morgan, Pirates, Spartans, University"


                  There was one person who wanted the Pirates, but there wasn't much discussion about the rest, although I think someone wanted builder factions and momentum factions in the mix.

                  I have no problems substituting the alien races for two of the original 7. Are there any other opinions?
                  Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                  • Any updates? Are you looking for a CMN or are you waiting to be found by a CMN?
                    SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                    • In the following thread:

                      Maniac & Googlie volunteered in different posts and mart7x5 suggested asking Darsnan.

                      Since there hasn't been any objections recently, I'll PM each of the three to see what is his interest in being the CMN.

                      I find it odd to be sending these messages since I only joined ACDGIII at the beginning of the year.
                      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                      • hey its cool, at least someones doing something about it.
                        There is always a beginning...

