Sukritact's Global Relations Panel -
Sukritact's Simple UI Adjustments -

Better Report Screen (UI) -

Extended Policy Cards -
One problem with Diplomacy in Civilization VI is that you never really know what anyone else is doing or what they think of anyone else. This aims to fix that.
The Global relations panel, allows you to see, at a glance, what each leader thinks of every other leader. You can see who is a war with whom, if they are allies, and what type of allies they are. It also shows the various deals, such as Open Borders, Defensive Pacts, and Research Agreements (pre-Rise and Fall).
The button to open the panel is located on the top left of the screen.
The Global relations panel, allows you to see, at a glance, what each leader thinks of every other leader. You can see who is a war with whom, if they are allies, and what type of allies they are. It also shows the various deals, such as Open Borders, Defensive Pacts, and Research Agreements (pre-Rise and Fall).
The button to open the panel is located on the top left of the screen.

Sukritact's Simple UI Adjustments -
This mod makes simple QoL changes to the UI. It does not aim to be a complete UI overhaul a la CQUI, but rather to make basic adjustments based on what is there.
Current changes include:
Please be aware that certain tilt and rotation combinations in Screenshot Mode may cause the game to crash.
As this is not a complete UI overhaul, it is compatible with, and is recommended for use with the Production Queue and Better Trade Screen
Many thanks to DivineYuri for their City Panel mod, which was the base for a couple of the modifications in my mod, as well as the inspiration for this thing in the first place.
This mod is not compatible with Concise UI, NQUI, and other UI Overhaul mods.
Current changes include:
City Banners:
- Worked tiles, Next Border Growth and City Yields are displayed on hover.
- May enter Citizen Management on right click.
- Religion Tooltip on hover.
- Moved location of the City-Strike button
City Panel:
- Moves so it is not covered by the production panel on open.
- Yields are now arranged in an Endless Legend-like order.
- The Food Yield now takes into account food consumption and modifiers from amenities and housing.
- The building count has been replaced by district count and limit.
- Your can now rename cities from the panel.
City Overview Panel:
- Added building, district, and wonder tooltips.
- Right-click on buildings, districts, and wonders brings up the Civilopedia.
- Improved how adjacency bonus info is handled (Modders see here
- Screenshot Mode
Please be aware that certain tilt and rotation combinations in Screenshot Mode may cause the game to crash.
As this is not a complete UI overhaul, it is compatible with, and is recommended for use with the Production Queue and Better Trade Screen
Many thanks to DivineYuri for their City Panel mod, which was the base for a couple of the modifications in my mod, as well as the inspiration for this thing in the first place.
This mod is not compatible with Concise UI, NQUI, and other UI Overhaul mods.

Better Report Screen (UI) -
Adds Policy and City-States impact, Units, Deals and many QoL improvements to the Report Screen. The Report Screen can be toggled on/off using F8.
- This is a new tab, that lists all policies with their impact on yields when activated.
- Policies are grouped by type and there are filters.
- Also includes Pantheons and Follower Beliefs.
- Supports any new types of Gov Slots (e.g. from Rule with Faith).
- This a a new tab, that lists all city-state bonuses with their impact on yields when activated.
- Shows separately 3 levels of influence and suzerain bonus.
- "Go to City" function (click on the city name).
- Displays net food with a detailed tooltip.
- Shows city focus markes and city population.
- Adds new lines with detailed yields information.
- Condensed Building and Units expenses.
City Status
- This tab has many improvements (e.g. religion/pantheon icon, Loyalty shown as "change per turn", garrison unit, walls markers, shows governors' promotions).
- Lists built Districts, uses colors to visualize status, many tooltips.
- Status icons for various effects plus info about built Wonders.
- "Go to City" function (click on City name).
- Click on a unit name to go to this unit.
- Extended promotion info showing "hidden" abilities from modifiers.
- Units with moves left (end-turn-blocking) are clearly marked.
- Promotions markers and a tooltip with all promotion names, also for spies and religious units, colored heath value.
- "View unit", "Upgrade unit" functions in Units tab.
- Shows closest city and district icon if a unit occupies one.
- Sorted by name, Filters, visual improvements.
Cities (GS) New tab with city information specific for Gathering Storm.
- Power consumption and production.
- CO2 footprint for a city.
- Nuclear Reactor info.
- Dam and Flood Barrier info inc. number of endangered tiles.
- Number of tiles with railroads.
- This is a new tab, that lists all policies with their impact on yields when activated.
- Policies are grouped by type and there are filters.
- Also includes Pantheons and Follower Beliefs.
- Supports any new types of Gov Slots (e.g. from Rule with Faith).
- This a a new tab, that lists all city-state bonuses with their impact on yields when activated.
- Shows separately 3 levels of influence and suzerain bonus.
- "Go to City" function (click on the city name).
- Displays net food with a detailed tooltip.
- Shows city focus markes and city population.
- Adds new lines with detailed yields information.
- Condensed Building and Units expenses.
City Status
- This tab has many improvements (e.g. religion/pantheon icon, Loyalty shown as "change per turn", garrison unit, walls markers, shows governors' promotions).
- Lists built Districts, uses colors to visualize status, many tooltips.
- Status icons for various effects plus info about built Wonders.
- "Go to City" function (click on City name).
- Click on a unit name to go to this unit.
- Extended promotion info showing "hidden" abilities from modifiers.
- Units with moves left (end-turn-blocking) are clearly marked.
- Promotions markers and a tooltip with all promotion names, also for spies and religious units, colored heath value.
- "View unit", "Upgrade unit" functions in Units tab.
- Shows closest city and district icon if a unit occupies one.
- Sorted by name, Filters, visual improvements.
Cities (GS) New tab with city information specific for Gathering Storm.
- Power consumption and production.
- CO2 footprint for a city.
- Nuclear Reactor info.
- Dam and Flood Barrier info inc. number of endangered tiles.
- Number of tiles with railroads.

Extended Policy Cards -
This mod extends the Policy Cards to display all the relevant effects of selecting each. The information will only be displayed if Better Report Screen (by Infixo) is enabled. If BRS is disabled or not subscribed, the Government Screen will behave like in the default game without issues.
This mod is perfect for players that want the original look of the Policy Cards, combined with the excellent data presentation of Better Report Screen, without having to access the report screen itself.
In my opinion, Better Report Screen is a must, so this plays well on top of it for the specific purpose of Policy Selection. Check BRS at:
Initial release Version 1.0:
+ If the current effects of selecting a Policy Card can be calculated by BRS, the data will be added at the bottom of the description tooltip for the card.
+ The effects data will also be added to a new label at the bottom of the card with the same format as the card's title (for better visibility).
+ The new label also has a tootlip with the effects as a fallback for longer effects lists that would not fit the width of the card.
This mod extends the Policy Cards to display all the relevant effects of selecting each. The information will only be displayed if Better Report Screen (by Infixo) is enabled. If BRS is disabled or not subscribed, the Government Screen will behave like in the default game without issues.
This mod is perfect for players that want the original look of the Policy Cards, combined with the excellent data presentation of Better Report Screen, without having to access the report screen itself.
In my opinion, Better Report Screen is a must, so this plays well on top of it for the specific purpose of Policy Selection. Check BRS at:
Initial release Version 1.0:
+ If the current effects of selecting a Policy Card can be calculated by BRS, the data will be added at the bottom of the description tooltip for the card.
+ The effects data will also be added to a new label at the bottom of the card with the same format as the card's title (for better visibility).
+ The new label also has a tootlip with the effects as a fallback for longer effects lists that would not fit the width of the card.