You can listen in and interact with the representatives from Civ's developer as part of the live audience through the show's chat room or by calling in: five copies of Brave New World, in the form of Steam codes, are to be given away during the recording to those who do so. In addition to Shirk and Beach, three members of Firaxis Frankenstein Test Group -- two of whom are PolyCast regular co-hosts -- are to be present as well as a freelance strategy games writer and aficionado who reviewed BNW for the industry.
If you are unable to make the recording or would otherwise like to make an inquiry in advance, you may do so by completing one of the following:
- Calling the show: (301) 637-7659 (North America), +44 121 288 7659 (Europe);
- Emailing the show (text or MP3 attachment);
- Responding to this forum thread; or
- Tweeting the show.
Currently in its seventh season, PolyCast is an every-other-week audio production in an ongoing effort to give the Civ community an interactive voice on game strategy. You can follow the show on Twitter and tune in to its YouTube channel for caption capability. Sibling show ModCast on Civ modding, RevCast on Civilization: Revolution, SCivCast on Civ social gaming and TurnCast on Civ multiplay.