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Brave New World is fun

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  • #31
    Hey Aubree - what is your problem?


    • #32
      Everytime I play this game I am reminded of how inferior it is to Civ4.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #33
        I've really enjoyed Brave New World so far. I was going for a culture victory but ended up getting a Time Victory instead. This xpac definitely makes the end game more enjoyable.


        • #34
          I'm enjoying BNW.

          I agree Civ 5 isn't as fun as the full Civ 4, with expansions. Of course, early Civ 4 wasn't that good either, let's compare apples to apples. So here's hoping that Civ 5 ends up being the best Civ ever, after all the expansions are added on.

          Civ 5 has some game mechanic fixes that suggest it will be the better game, in the end. I like the stacking limit quite a bit. Perhaps 1 unit per tile is too few, but some sort of stacking limit was absolutely necessary. It turns the game into a real wargame instead of just a slugfest. Position, maneuver, etc, are finally important. I like the hexes instead of squares, also.

          The things I miss from Civ 4 can all pretty much be added back in to Civ 5 with expansions, and likely will.


          • #35
            It is completely stuck here


            • #36
              It makes Civ 5 a little more enjoyable, but there are still flaws with it. In my opinion Civilization 4 allowed for more war and strategy. Civilization 5 focuses more on government and politics, war is sometimes too heavy a price and dissuades you from expanding. For example, taking too many cities can hurt you, which is kinda silly at times. Maybe if there was a way to pillage cities. What is frustrating is that I get attacked, and hold off the enemy until they retreat, then form a counter offensive taking one of their cities (after they attempted to take mine), and they label me as a war monger.
              Trade video games for FREE!


              • #37
                I agree that Brave New World is great. I'm a Civ veteran: Civ I changed was a defining gaming experience for me (the first time I seriously binge playe for several days in a row. And Civ II was amazing, a dream come true for teenage gamer. I never really played Civ III, but I played a lot of competitive Freeciv back in the days. Later on I tried Civ IV but it just felt boring, ICS as an ultimate strategy was not properly solved. However, I've really enjoyed playing Civ V: BNW, I think they finally found a right balance for different strategies.


                • #38
                  I like your avatar
                  Originally posted by Sava View Post
                  Meh. I don't mind it so much. I like that every game doesn't have to be about conquering. That takes a lot of the sting out of any possible aggravations 1UPT gives me.

                  I'm still on my first BNW game. I'm not noticing any carpets of doom. It seems the AI has been improved, at least diplomatically. I'm not getting any random mood-swings from them. I've noticed England is aggressively spreading their religion. That's making things interesting. Usually I dominate the religious game. It's nice to have some competition in that regard.

                  You should probably pick it up so your complaints can be a bit more... educated. A lot of your issues don't really apply anymore.

                  Or continue to be butthurt about it. Whatever. If you don't enjoy the game because of 1UPT that much... then perhaps BNW isn't going to be fun for you.

                  Mods kept Civ4 alive. Not MP ladders. Nobody gives a **** about ladders.


                  • #39
                    I've been playing some Civ5 with all the add ons and I have to say that even though I'm a fan of the series and I've been playing it since ~1992 when I first downloaded Civ1 from a local BBS... Civ5 is just boring to me. Civ4 was just a much more entertaining game especially since it was faster paced (much less micro management and you could just click a stack and attack), the MP functionality was top notch so that there are still active Civ4 ladder communities, while Civ5 has pretty much been a dog in all the important categories. There isn't an active Civ5 MP community to speak of.

                    If they had made it Civ4 with better graphics, hex maps, and maybe city states then they would have had a hit on their hands but instead we got a turd which went splat.
                    Try for discussion and debate.


                    • #40
                      Holy hell, just shut up already about it, Oerdin. You spam the Civ5 boards constantly with the same complaints over and over. We get it. You don't like it. Yet you've kept playing it and bought all the XPs. Smart move there.

                      Oh, and Civ5 is a hit. It has sold a huge amount of copies, about 1.5 million. That's more than any other Civ game has sold within the same span of time since its release. It's currently the 8th-most purchased game on Steam.
                      Tutto nel mondo è burla


                      • #41
                        Oerdin: ALWAYS wrong.
                        I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
                        [Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]

