I started this post to merely complain about one more of those pesky little errors I happen to found in Civ5.
Though while I was writing, I met some inspiration and my post became more of a story than a complain.
I know there are some of you who don't apreciate long post so for those people the short version :
The first error was when the AI player complained about my units near his border, while the only units I had anywhere near that border where submarines.
That AI should not be able to complain about those submarines, since he lacked the technology and the units to detect them.
That border was also at least 4 tiles of his coast, so I was not parked next to his city either.
I noticed in the later war a second error : when I got close to his city's he somehow could see my submarines again and fire with his xbowman and city's at them.
To make sure that was not normal game rules, I gave some submarines away to city states next to my border, and noticed if I could see them, I could not, unless I had a submarine or destroyer of my own nearby.
I could also not fire at a submarine even if it was parked right beside my city, unless I brought in one of my own.
For you who like some entertaining, the story :
First the situation of my game at the moment this occured
*I play Vanilla Civ V
*I play as Siam
*I have 5 remaining rivals and 18 remaining city states on my map
My tech (62%)
*I completed all techs in the renaissance age and those ages before that.
*Of the Industrial age I completed Biology, Electricity, Steam Power and Refrigeration
*Of the Modern age I completed Penicillin and Plastics
*I currenty are researching Ecology
Rivals tech (44% or lower) :
*They just made it in the renaissance age
*I own 40 city's
*My rivals controll 2-4 city's each
*I own all current possible worldwonders except the great library
*One of those 5 rivals owns the Great library, the others have no wonders.
*My army consists of 60 Rifleman 20 Cannons, 20 Cavalry and 10 Lancers
*My Rivals army's consists on average of 4 Crossbowman, 2 Longswordman, 1 Pikeman, 2 Knights and 2 Trebuchet each.
*My navy consists of 10 Caravel and 10 Submarines
*My Rivals Navy's consists on average of 5 Triremes and 1 Caravel each
My worldmap looks like this :
2 continents excist where 12 city's fit (1 completely in my controll, 1 shared by three of my rivals)
5 big islands where 4 city's fit (3 are in my controll, 2 house one rival each)
4 medium islands where 2 or 3 city's fit (1 owned by the city states 3 shared between me and the city states)
15 small islands where only 1 city fits (6 owned by the city states 9 by me)
I want to build a factory in every 40 of my city's but I don't have enough coal for that.
I do controll 6 of the 9 coal reserves on my worldmap, but all but one of the ones I own produce only 3 each.
On the continent owned by 3 of my rivals are two 10 coal spots that happen to be both owned by the same rival.
I can't trade with that rival for that coal since his tech level is to low, and he still has farms on those coal spots.
Even if I could, that trade would be to expensive or my taste, all my rivals are guarded to me and only accept deals that are severely in my disadvantage.
For example to get 1 luxery item from them, they want to have 8 luxery item plus 1000 gold back.
The only thing they seem to part with for an affordable price are their city's, I recently bargained one city of them, they only wanted a mere 3 luxery items for 90 turns in exchange for it.
Sadly they wont part with the city that has the coal.
Understandably I plan to invade them and just take what I want.
And here is where my story begins :
Siam, Capitol City 1404
Frowning I sit behind my desk looking at my new industrial raports,
"industrial progress halted due coal shortage" it reads.
I call for a meeting with my advisors
Later that day I tell them of my troubles, and they bring some solution to my attention..
"The Aztecs happen to own 20 coal my foreign advisor mumbles"
"Yes they do my science advisor sais but they are unaware of that fact, they would not know the difference between normal rocks and stones yet"
"I would try to trade for them if I could my trade advisor replies, but they don't even developt those resources, and they refuse to let us build mines on them for them"
"No worry mister Money" I reply, even if you could, they would ask way to much for it, remember how much that last deal for some incence costed you, no I am affraid this is a job for someone else, where IS that lazy general of mine.."
"He probably is laying drunk in his swimming pool again my science advisor gniffels"
"GUARD go get General McArthur NOW", I shout, "oh and make sure he gets dressed in uniform FIRST"
The Guard salutes and departs..
"I close this hearing for now advisors, you will hear from me again"
Siam, Battle City 1406
I traveled to my generals house to speed our meeting, ariving in Warcity where my best units are trained I banged on my generals door, AUFMACHEN JETZT!
My General opened the door, surprisingly he was dressed..
"Yes SIR", he saluted
"save me the formality's we need to derrive a war strategy, right now" I reply
My general took out a map of the continent of our rivals, started to point out our first problem :
"As you can see, Sir, that continent is completely surrounded by ocean, the only way we can get there currently is swimming, now if you just can order the construction of some transports ships...."
"Sorry can't do" I reply
"But.." my general continues, ".. It is INSANITY for our troops to swim that many miles!, It was ok when all they had to carry were there clubs and spears across some coast, but swimming in open ocean with their horses cannons and plate armour on their back is pure TORTURE"
I give my general a calm look and a short silence fall..
"Yes dear general I agree it is insane, but for some reason the Creators of the Civ Universe have forbidden us to build transports any longer and we are unable yet to defile their umnipotent will, so I am sorry those units will HAVE to swim"
My General, not very educated in matters of creation looks a bit uneased, and than revises his strategy :
"At the very least give them some cover, we may have the finest troops in the world but even a backward thireme can kill them hands down when they are caught in the water with their cannons and horses and God forbid what else on their backs"
I reply cheerfull : "THAT I can do, guard get me Admiral Santiago"
A while later Admiral Santiago joins us
"Santiago, meet General McArthur, General, Meet Admiral Santiago"
"Well admiral, show us that new toy of yours" I smile
The Admiral smiles "Gentleman may I proudly present you : the SUBMARINE, our enemy's will never see us coming!"
My general laughs franticly "I LOVE it!"
A plan is divised : we will first send in the submarines to whipe out the enemy's navy, and than have our troops swim safely to their shores.
"But whill that not cause them still be bombarded from shore while still swimming" I wonder
My General replies "Normally yes, but as soon as war has started, our rivals have the flaw strategy to move all their ranged units IN their city's, instead of using them to defend their coast, alowing our units to land safely in the one spot they cannot reach instead of being pounded to death while still swimming at the coast"
"well lets hope they don't change their strategy than, for your sake" I reply
"Well gentleman, pack your things, General, prepare the troops, Admiral let me know when the submarines are in position"
While we depart I am left to wonder about those transportships, they would be handy indeed, and while I think of that I think of one more of those riddles : My Rifleman often ask me, we were once crossbowman ourself 120 years ago, we even have the scars to prove it, why are we forced to use our bayonettes, why cant we shoot those enemy crossbowman down, bullets are supposed to be RANGED weapons aren't they? A valid question but my again I have to rest in the almighty will of the creators of the Civ 5 Universe, to handle this insanity.
Siam, Capitol City, 1407C
I just got a phone from my admiral, my submarines are moving in position, they need to recharge their engines now, but they are soon ready to start the offensive, when my door flies open after a quick knock and a very angy Montezuma storms in, who imeadiatly starts his argument without even taking the time to greet me..
"what are all those TROOPS doing at my border are you planning an invasion on me, like you did on the indians, the Ottomans and those two unknown civs we never even got a chance to meet?"
While I try to hide my surpise about his arrival, I try to find our how much my rival knows :
"Well hello Mister Zuma, What brings you all the way here, have some wine and sit down while we clear this unfortunate misunderstanding, whatever troops you caught swimming they surely are NOT mine"
While I pour us both some Vintage 1372, I show Montezuma all my troops are still here on my own land.
"See.." I say, "they are not even at sea, as you understand Mister Zuma they don't like swimming very much, they just refuse to do that unless I pay them a lot for it, and I dont tend to waste my money to torture my own troops for no reason, so clearly you have nothing to worry about"
Muntazuma reply's furious : "that are LAND troops we both VERY well know you have a NAVY as well and it is at MY border.. take it away NOW!"
I frown, wondering if Montezuma might know more than he should, while I continue :
"But mister Zuma my fleet may not all be here in port but let me take you take you to the top of my big lighthouse so you may see them"
Muntazuma reluctantly follows me while we climb the steps of the big lighthouse, while he is marveling at this big building. He notices how it resembles a design he once tried to build, he even came close to completing it, but as he wanted to place the last stones, it suddenly went up in smoke and a fistfull of gold was there were it once stood.
While he tried, he found himself unable to try again, not only because his blueprint had disapeared as well, but no worker in his kingdom accepted the task for building one anymore, claiming that it would be herracy against the creators of Civ V.
Than we arrive at the top and can view far and wide and see all of my kingdoms land. I point to little dots at the horizon : "see Mister Zuma there are my ships, all within my own terretorial waters, there is at least 800 seamiles of neutral ocean between them and your precious coast"
Montezuma pauses, than takes a deep breath and shouts : "ALL THESE STEPS I HAD TO WALK TO HEAR YOU LIE AGAIN? YOU HAVE MORE SHIPS AND THEY ARE AT MY BOARDER!"
I begin to worry, he CAN'T know of my submarines! I try one more time :
"Mister Zuma our empire does not own thiremes anymore, carrracks are all we use these these days"
Muntezuma continuous furious : "Not those ships, I would have SHOT them already if you had thiremes at my border, no I mean your.. your MODERN ones."
I frown even more does he KNOW?, one more attempt I make :
"Modern ships you say mister Zuma, do you mean the frigates SS Thunderbold and SS Valient that fought in our war with Ghandi? I can see how you fear frigates, they are big and two times the strenght of caravels and I know you would love to find out how to build them yourself, but you have nothing to worry about them.
Due our big empire size speed matters more than power in our ships and those behemoths were just to slow compared to caravels so we decided to give them away to our allies."
Ï point at two big dots at the horizon :
"See there is the SS Valient under Brussels Flag, and there is the SS Thunderbolt under Quebec Flag near the german boarder far away from yours. I can see how the Valient treatens you, but that matter you have discuss with Brussels not us."
Montezuma, now becomes even more furious, his eyes red from anger shouting at me : "WE KNOW YOU HAVE SHIPS THAT HAVE NO SAILS AT OUR COAST"
Now I really worry, though it is possible I can still talk me out of this so I try again :
"Ships without sails you say, Mister Zuma, do you mean IRONCLADS perhaps? They are nice ships indeed, but they could not be at your borders. We hate to tell others but ironclads can't enter ocean, we tried and they sunk! Since your coast is completely surrounded by ocean you can clearly see how it is impossible they are anywhere near you. Besides we sunk the last ironclads we had, they consume coal, and we happen to have a fuel shortage, our industrial production comes first in this empire"
Muntazuma hearing this blinks :
"You had a secret weapon we know nothing about? and you sunk it? I will personally kill my informant when I get home, but lets end this game I am talking about your ships that move without sails UNDER the waves"
I am shunned : submarines are our latest state project, it was supposed to be a secret first strike! How can he know about them? And even more How can he detect them? Submarines were supposed to be stealthy! I sight and reply
"Mister Zuma, I don't know what spy or traitor told you of them but rest assure he will be executed. About those submarines : you caught us red handed, we were indeed planning an invasion, but we might prevent an conflict after all. To solve our fuel shortage we need Coal, those black stones that burn, I know you don't know of them yet but you happen to sit on the biggest 2 deposits of the world of them, I'd like to trade for them"
Muntazuma calms down but only to change his posture :
"Burning rocks you say? What nonsence is that, rocks do not burn! The only rocks you will see are the ones our Trebuchets Trow at you, The only thing you will burn are your city's and blackness you will have plenty after I killed you all off!"
I smile at Muntazuma : "You and what army?"
My Personal Guard wants to kill Montezuma, but I halt his hand..
"Sir Leobreght let our guest swim back to his backwards kingdom, it will far more fun to see his defeated face later, besides you will need to go get your horse on your back, time for a swim.."
Siam, Capitol City, 1408
While Montezuma swims home, I climb my big lighthouse once more to watch the conflict progressing.
Because the war started to early, it is to late to send my captains some orders, so they will have to manage themselves, unaware they have been detected with their engines empty.
I watch montazuma ordering his troops around, crossbowman move into his city's his ships moving forward..
but than nothing happens, his ships seem unable to detect my submarines and cant fire at them!
I laugh, he cant SEE them? He cant SEE the subs that his SEEING THEM causes this war to start early? Than I turn to face my to my altar and say "You rotten Civ 5 Gods, You give him a vision didn't you? You mischieving lot!"
Siam, Battle City, 1409
After this fiasco, caused by the Civ 5 Creators, I hasted to my battleroom, where I started to order around :
"Now get me the captain of the Submarine Wunderwaffe on the phone, it is time to make some timber!"
A short while later I looked smiling as my submarines reduce his 3 thiremes and his 1 caravel into rubble.
Meanwhile I walk with my bag of gold to my troops to encourage them to start the long swim with their horses and canons on their back....
Though while I was writing, I met some inspiration and my post became more of a story than a complain.
I know there are some of you who don't apreciate long post so for those people the short version :
The first error was when the AI player complained about my units near his border, while the only units I had anywhere near that border where submarines.
That AI should not be able to complain about those submarines, since he lacked the technology and the units to detect them.
That border was also at least 4 tiles of his coast, so I was not parked next to his city either.
I noticed in the later war a second error : when I got close to his city's he somehow could see my submarines again and fire with his xbowman and city's at them.
To make sure that was not normal game rules, I gave some submarines away to city states next to my border, and noticed if I could see them, I could not, unless I had a submarine or destroyer of my own nearby.
I could also not fire at a submarine even if it was parked right beside my city, unless I brought in one of my own.
For you who like some entertaining, the story :
First the situation of my game at the moment this occured
*I play Vanilla Civ V
*I play as Siam
*I have 5 remaining rivals and 18 remaining city states on my map
My tech (62%)
*I completed all techs in the renaissance age and those ages before that.
*Of the Industrial age I completed Biology, Electricity, Steam Power and Refrigeration
*Of the Modern age I completed Penicillin and Plastics
*I currenty are researching Ecology
Rivals tech (44% or lower) :
*They just made it in the renaissance age
*I own 40 city's
*My rivals controll 2-4 city's each
*I own all current possible worldwonders except the great library
*One of those 5 rivals owns the Great library, the others have no wonders.
*My army consists of 60 Rifleman 20 Cannons, 20 Cavalry and 10 Lancers
*My Rivals army's consists on average of 4 Crossbowman, 2 Longswordman, 1 Pikeman, 2 Knights and 2 Trebuchet each.
*My navy consists of 10 Caravel and 10 Submarines
*My Rivals Navy's consists on average of 5 Triremes and 1 Caravel each
My worldmap looks like this :
2 continents excist where 12 city's fit (1 completely in my controll, 1 shared by three of my rivals)
5 big islands where 4 city's fit (3 are in my controll, 2 house one rival each)
4 medium islands where 2 or 3 city's fit (1 owned by the city states 3 shared between me and the city states)
15 small islands where only 1 city fits (6 owned by the city states 9 by me)
I want to build a factory in every 40 of my city's but I don't have enough coal for that.
I do controll 6 of the 9 coal reserves on my worldmap, but all but one of the ones I own produce only 3 each.
On the continent owned by 3 of my rivals are two 10 coal spots that happen to be both owned by the same rival.
I can't trade with that rival for that coal since his tech level is to low, and he still has farms on those coal spots.
Even if I could, that trade would be to expensive or my taste, all my rivals are guarded to me and only accept deals that are severely in my disadvantage.
For example to get 1 luxery item from them, they want to have 8 luxery item plus 1000 gold back.
The only thing they seem to part with for an affordable price are their city's, I recently bargained one city of them, they only wanted a mere 3 luxery items for 90 turns in exchange for it.
Sadly they wont part with the city that has the coal.
Understandably I plan to invade them and just take what I want.
And here is where my story begins :
Siam, Capitol City 1404
Frowning I sit behind my desk looking at my new industrial raports,
"industrial progress halted due coal shortage" it reads.
I call for a meeting with my advisors
Later that day I tell them of my troubles, and they bring some solution to my attention..
"The Aztecs happen to own 20 coal my foreign advisor mumbles"
"Yes they do my science advisor sais but they are unaware of that fact, they would not know the difference between normal rocks and stones yet"
"I would try to trade for them if I could my trade advisor replies, but they don't even developt those resources, and they refuse to let us build mines on them for them"
"No worry mister Money" I reply, even if you could, they would ask way to much for it, remember how much that last deal for some incence costed you, no I am affraid this is a job for someone else, where IS that lazy general of mine.."
"He probably is laying drunk in his swimming pool again my science advisor gniffels"
"GUARD go get General McArthur NOW", I shout, "oh and make sure he gets dressed in uniform FIRST"
The Guard salutes and departs..
"I close this hearing for now advisors, you will hear from me again"
Siam, Battle City 1406
I traveled to my generals house to speed our meeting, ariving in Warcity where my best units are trained I banged on my generals door, AUFMACHEN JETZT!
My General opened the door, surprisingly he was dressed..
"Yes SIR", he saluted
"save me the formality's we need to derrive a war strategy, right now" I reply
My general took out a map of the continent of our rivals, started to point out our first problem :
"As you can see, Sir, that continent is completely surrounded by ocean, the only way we can get there currently is swimming, now if you just can order the construction of some transports ships...."
"Sorry can't do" I reply
"But.." my general continues, ".. It is INSANITY for our troops to swim that many miles!, It was ok when all they had to carry were there clubs and spears across some coast, but swimming in open ocean with their horses cannons and plate armour on their back is pure TORTURE"
I give my general a calm look and a short silence fall..
"Yes dear general I agree it is insane, but for some reason the Creators of the Civ Universe have forbidden us to build transports any longer and we are unable yet to defile their umnipotent will, so I am sorry those units will HAVE to swim"
My General, not very educated in matters of creation looks a bit uneased, and than revises his strategy :
"At the very least give them some cover, we may have the finest troops in the world but even a backward thireme can kill them hands down when they are caught in the water with their cannons and horses and God forbid what else on their backs"
I reply cheerfull : "THAT I can do, guard get me Admiral Santiago"
A while later Admiral Santiago joins us
"Santiago, meet General McArthur, General, Meet Admiral Santiago"
"Well admiral, show us that new toy of yours" I smile
The Admiral smiles "Gentleman may I proudly present you : the SUBMARINE, our enemy's will never see us coming!"
My general laughs franticly "I LOVE it!"
A plan is divised : we will first send in the submarines to whipe out the enemy's navy, and than have our troops swim safely to their shores.
"But whill that not cause them still be bombarded from shore while still swimming" I wonder
My General replies "Normally yes, but as soon as war has started, our rivals have the flaw strategy to move all their ranged units IN their city's, instead of using them to defend their coast, alowing our units to land safely in the one spot they cannot reach instead of being pounded to death while still swimming at the coast"
"well lets hope they don't change their strategy than, for your sake" I reply
"Well gentleman, pack your things, General, prepare the troops, Admiral let me know when the submarines are in position"
While we depart I am left to wonder about those transportships, they would be handy indeed, and while I think of that I think of one more of those riddles : My Rifleman often ask me, we were once crossbowman ourself 120 years ago, we even have the scars to prove it, why are we forced to use our bayonettes, why cant we shoot those enemy crossbowman down, bullets are supposed to be RANGED weapons aren't they? A valid question but my again I have to rest in the almighty will of the creators of the Civ 5 Universe, to handle this insanity.
Siam, Capitol City, 1407C
I just got a phone from my admiral, my submarines are moving in position, they need to recharge their engines now, but they are soon ready to start the offensive, when my door flies open after a quick knock and a very angy Montezuma storms in, who imeadiatly starts his argument without even taking the time to greet me..
"what are all those TROOPS doing at my border are you planning an invasion on me, like you did on the indians, the Ottomans and those two unknown civs we never even got a chance to meet?"
While I try to hide my surpise about his arrival, I try to find our how much my rival knows :
"Well hello Mister Zuma, What brings you all the way here, have some wine and sit down while we clear this unfortunate misunderstanding, whatever troops you caught swimming they surely are NOT mine"
While I pour us both some Vintage 1372, I show Montezuma all my troops are still here on my own land.
"See.." I say, "they are not even at sea, as you understand Mister Zuma they don't like swimming very much, they just refuse to do that unless I pay them a lot for it, and I dont tend to waste my money to torture my own troops for no reason, so clearly you have nothing to worry about"
Muntazuma reply's furious : "that are LAND troops we both VERY well know you have a NAVY as well and it is at MY border.. take it away NOW!"
I frown, wondering if Montezuma might know more than he should, while I continue :
"But mister Zuma my fleet may not all be here in port but let me take you take you to the top of my big lighthouse so you may see them"
Muntazuma reluctantly follows me while we climb the steps of the big lighthouse, while he is marveling at this big building. He notices how it resembles a design he once tried to build, he even came close to completing it, but as he wanted to place the last stones, it suddenly went up in smoke and a fistfull of gold was there were it once stood.
While he tried, he found himself unable to try again, not only because his blueprint had disapeared as well, but no worker in his kingdom accepted the task for building one anymore, claiming that it would be herracy against the creators of Civ V.
Than we arrive at the top and can view far and wide and see all of my kingdoms land. I point to little dots at the horizon : "see Mister Zuma there are my ships, all within my own terretorial waters, there is at least 800 seamiles of neutral ocean between them and your precious coast"
Montezuma pauses, than takes a deep breath and shouts : "ALL THESE STEPS I HAD TO WALK TO HEAR YOU LIE AGAIN? YOU HAVE MORE SHIPS AND THEY ARE AT MY BOARDER!"
I begin to worry, he CAN'T know of my submarines! I try one more time :
"Mister Zuma our empire does not own thiremes anymore, carrracks are all we use these these days"
Muntezuma continuous furious : "Not those ships, I would have SHOT them already if you had thiremes at my border, no I mean your.. your MODERN ones."
I frown even more does he KNOW?, one more attempt I make :
"Modern ships you say mister Zuma, do you mean the frigates SS Thunderbold and SS Valient that fought in our war with Ghandi? I can see how you fear frigates, they are big and two times the strenght of caravels and I know you would love to find out how to build them yourself, but you have nothing to worry about them.
Due our big empire size speed matters more than power in our ships and those behemoths were just to slow compared to caravels so we decided to give them away to our allies."
Ï point at two big dots at the horizon :
"See there is the SS Valient under Brussels Flag, and there is the SS Thunderbolt under Quebec Flag near the german boarder far away from yours. I can see how the Valient treatens you, but that matter you have discuss with Brussels not us."
Montezuma, now becomes even more furious, his eyes red from anger shouting at me : "WE KNOW YOU HAVE SHIPS THAT HAVE NO SAILS AT OUR COAST"
Now I really worry, though it is possible I can still talk me out of this so I try again :
"Ships without sails you say, Mister Zuma, do you mean IRONCLADS perhaps? They are nice ships indeed, but they could not be at your borders. We hate to tell others but ironclads can't enter ocean, we tried and they sunk! Since your coast is completely surrounded by ocean you can clearly see how it is impossible they are anywhere near you. Besides we sunk the last ironclads we had, they consume coal, and we happen to have a fuel shortage, our industrial production comes first in this empire"
Muntazuma hearing this blinks :
"You had a secret weapon we know nothing about? and you sunk it? I will personally kill my informant when I get home, but lets end this game I am talking about your ships that move without sails UNDER the waves"
I am shunned : submarines are our latest state project, it was supposed to be a secret first strike! How can he know about them? And even more How can he detect them? Submarines were supposed to be stealthy! I sight and reply
"Mister Zuma, I don't know what spy or traitor told you of them but rest assure he will be executed. About those submarines : you caught us red handed, we were indeed planning an invasion, but we might prevent an conflict after all. To solve our fuel shortage we need Coal, those black stones that burn, I know you don't know of them yet but you happen to sit on the biggest 2 deposits of the world of them, I'd like to trade for them"
Muntazuma calms down but only to change his posture :
"Burning rocks you say? What nonsence is that, rocks do not burn! The only rocks you will see are the ones our Trebuchets Trow at you, The only thing you will burn are your city's and blackness you will have plenty after I killed you all off!"
I smile at Muntazuma : "You and what army?"
My Personal Guard wants to kill Montezuma, but I halt his hand..
"Sir Leobreght let our guest swim back to his backwards kingdom, it will far more fun to see his defeated face later, besides you will need to go get your horse on your back, time for a swim.."
Siam, Capitol City, 1408
While Montezuma swims home, I climb my big lighthouse once more to watch the conflict progressing.
Because the war started to early, it is to late to send my captains some orders, so they will have to manage themselves, unaware they have been detected with their engines empty.
I watch montazuma ordering his troops around, crossbowman move into his city's his ships moving forward..
but than nothing happens, his ships seem unable to detect my submarines and cant fire at them!
I laugh, he cant SEE them? He cant SEE the subs that his SEEING THEM causes this war to start early? Than I turn to face my to my altar and say "You rotten Civ 5 Gods, You give him a vision didn't you? You mischieving lot!"
Siam, Battle City, 1409
After this fiasco, caused by the Civ 5 Creators, I hasted to my battleroom, where I started to order around :
"Now get me the captain of the Submarine Wunderwaffe on the phone, it is time to make some timber!"
A short while later I looked smiling as my submarines reduce his 3 thiremes and his 1 caravel into rubble.
Meanwhile I walk with my bag of gold to my troops to encourage them to start the long swim with their horses and canons on their back....