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the hanging garden

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  • the hanging garden

    so they went from haveing wonders that barly mattered to boarder line game breaking ones. okey iam exaggerating a bit. but when you play on small maps like i do it makes a world of diffrance. its almost fun getting nuked and seeing how fast you regain pop. or well it could of been if there was a downside to nukeing.

    one city challanges where pretty easy to pull of before whit a cultural win. but thanks to this wonder i been able to pull of a couple of space races even. oh and if i manage to get temple of artimes(or whatever its called, 10% growth) iam on easy street.

  • #2
    so that has to be balanced out for map size


    • #3
      tbh i think the way this game work they should of stuck whit less map sizes. alot of stuff is very map size dependent. the hanging garden and nukes are the two that stick out the most to me. both look balanced at larger maps but are overpowered on smaller maps. oh and cultrual win is overpowered on small maps aswell.

