Won my game on king (yeah still kinda a noob) as Russians with a cultural victory, and did not fire a single shot in anger (barbarians don't count). Passed up diplo and space victory to hang out for culture. China built the UN 2 turns before my utopia project was done, but I guess they didn't have enough votes... or does it even tell you if someone else won by another method?
Considering I'm usually a warmonger as soon as gunpowder comes up, this is a personal first.
It probably helped that I was on my own continent with 2 decent city states. But they were not far away, just out of air range. I built up my sea and air defenses waiting for the invasion that never came. I traded peacefully with everyone for the entire game. I also was not the first to get nukes (I wasn't pursing it until someone else got it) or modern armor. I guess the AI just didn't deem it worth the effort to launch a sea invasion, but I was sure I would get nuked at some point. Hell I never even got denounced the whole game. And I was luxury poor so I had to trade like crazy, including paying through the nose for good luxury items.
Considering I'm usually a warmonger as soon as gunpowder comes up, this is a personal first.
It probably helped that I was on my own continent with 2 decent city states. But they were not far away, just out of air range. I built up my sea and air defenses waiting for the invasion that never came. I traded peacefully with everyone for the entire game. I also was not the first to get nukes (I wasn't pursing it until someone else got it) or modern armor. I guess the AI just didn't deem it worth the effort to launch a sea invasion, but I was sure I would get nuked at some point. Hell I never even got denounced the whole game. And I was luxury poor so I had to trade like crazy, including paying through the nose for good luxury items.