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Finally got CIV V

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  • #16
    Originally posted by sparkyal
    I really like the new system of government....the social policies. I think it is much more flexible than any other other systems. I can see taking different approaches to it each time. And for the first time really, a cultural victory may be possible.
    The new government system is IMHO the worst part of the game, unfortunately at the stage it is now social policies can't be fixed anymore
    While how it was in Civ IV wasn't perfect, it was definitely a lot better. I also like how it was in SMAC

    Originally posted by sparkyal
    diplomacy really is weak, it had far less depth than CIV IV. I was a bit surprised by that. but, the AI is no dumber
    IMHO diplomacy is just as weak as it has always been. Diplomacy was weak in all other Civ games too, so I'm having trouble seeing how that can come as a surprise


    Overall I do like Civ V though. So far I have spent more than 300 hours on the game according to Steam. But then I'm not sure how much I trust Steams counting as I have noticed several times Steam said that I haven't played Civ V for weeks, but somehow Steam had registered that I had gotten an achievement the day I looked. Impressive how I could get that without playing
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #17
      I was more surprised by the lack of depth. For example, it seems that no matter what you do, they will denounce you, thus stopping all trade with other civs. then you have to attack everyone to get needed resources. then they have a reason to denounce you.I'm happy to trade fairly with the AI, but then they all become ridiculous after someone denounces you.

      Ok, second game has been finished. And I definitely still like the game. At least the way that it is setup really encourages you to try different civ's to try to go for different victories. One thing I did not like in IV was the fact that a cultural victory seemed impossible to get as did the UN vote. In this it is more possible. And i like the little city-states, the have their uses. I do think there are some good points to the game, but glaring problems too. So, Fireaxis...FIX THE GAME! Do not listen to your own propaganda. I am not spending one more penny on this game until there is some kind of expansion that really revamps the game mechanics.

      Hmmm...well, i think next time I will play as Russia and see how that goes.

      Oh, and i guess me and Adagio simply disagree, I like the social policies. It makes you really think about the direction of your empire and what you need to do. Plus, i like lots of choices.


      • #18
        Try playing a huge map. After you've started a few games that collapse in the later stages of playing you'll sing a different tune.
        For me Civ 5 was the first Civ game that I had problems with. It is the last Firaxis producxt I will buy.
        "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


        • #19
          Why with the huge map will they collapse?


          • #20
            You were smart to wait for the patches. You just didn't wait long enough. :-)

            At least it doesn't crash constantly now, but I have never been able to complete a long game without it blowing at some point.

            1UPT would be easier if the unit path logic wasn't totally brain dead. It's been my experience that if you don't move each unit each time units do really stupid sh!t, like jump in the ocean to go around a mountain when there are enemy naval units in the area. Just go around the mountain on land, dammit. Also I think 1UPT is flawed in that it should allow you to stack a defensive unit on the same tile as an artillery unit. I have lost many catapults and cannons needlessly.


            • #21
              Dr.S, is that you? Never at KP or KG anymore.

              On my fifth game and I still feel exactly the same way.
              I don't know what I've been told!
              Deirdre's got a Network Node!
              Love to press the Buster Switch!
              Gonna nuke that crazy witch!


              • #22
                I am me, but I think there is a different Dr S on the 2K forums. I don't even know what KP or KG are. I'm glad the game works for you, but it doesn't for me even though my system more than meets the requirements. Don't expect me to say anything good about it.
                "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                • #23
                  Ok, playing game 3 now. Decided to go with Russia (Siberian riches, Krepost, and the Cossack are truly cool). Set it on King, and Epic, huge world, continents.

                  I sort of expected the game to cream me since it is only my 3rd game and king should beat me pretty badly. but, that is not the case. I am actually probably going to win this game. i have noticed a couple of key things that could be addressed with the AI.
                  1) It does nto expand properly. I fight most of my wars over resources. While i am happy to trade for resources, if a civ will nto give them to me, i will take it from them, or expand out to a place that has them. The AI does not do this effectively. Nor does it guard its resources. and if it does not have a military...TRADE IT! Why be stupid and get run over by an army. The AI is too proud and arrogant.
                  2) War..ok, there is a lot to write here. But one the first things is fielding a proper army. One that has a balance of units. not just cannons and artillery. then need troops set up to defend their cities (by not letting the enemy get there) and then going after the enemy on his own soil! come on, defense is nice, but you can only win with offense.
                  3) need a navy Mr need a navy...especially if you go and denounce people with a large military.......
                  4) Building choices...the AI has to make better choices...why are building a wall or castle is the city will never see a battle???????
                  5) Planning, the AI must do city and resource planning better. Additionally, victory conditions planning must be adapted to adjust to an ever changing world. and if you are going for domination...find the capitals and go after them.

                  those are the big ones that come to my mind.

                  and...the game still is fun and i think it will continue to be fun for a while. It just has a different philosophy of play than previous versions of the game......


                  • #24
                    According to Steam, I've played over 1000 hours. I'm sure that number is wrong, but I obviously still enjoy the game. The concepts are much better and the programming is coming around. If you ignore the diplo, which you had to do in every other version, it plays pretty well. I like the 1UPT, the policies and the wonders. It makes the game tough to win as a warmonger and that's how I like to play.



                    • #25
                      Well, an update on the game as Russia....things were progressing a long just fine...until....well, i am not sure what happened. I think it all started when i decided to help a friend (Greece) out with a war against the Iroquois. then my happiness went from like 28 to something like 22. then when i went to peace with them they gave me some cities.....and my happiness was less -2. then Persia attacked me (on my own continent. And since most of the units were overseas, this is a difficult war. Happiness goes lower, -3 or -4. then Greece went to war with me (-9 happiness, they were trading some lux with me), then France attacked -17 happiness and things really really suck.

                      I am trying to trade for lux, but everyone with them is at war with me. Buildings are going up too slowly, and people are really upset. I have some gold but i need to buy city states with this money.

                      All-in-all, inside of 15 turns my happily empire is on attack from several directions and my people are thinking of now killing me. Soon i will get a social policy that should help me out, but it will be a long long wait.

                      but, the good news is that I said i should not be able to beat the game on King with only 3 games under my belt, and they are making it harder on me...that is good ))) (ok, i have played a little CIV I, a lot of CIV II, II, and IV)


                      • #26
                        Wel, once i had a social policy that made people happy things started to go better. and i was able to beat back the invaders...actually, Persia got its butt kicked pretty good. And France...well, i lost two cities to them (they are on another continent than me) and they could not get to my third city there. So eventually they simply asked for peace.

                        So my economy continued to improve, happiness went up to like 30. then i was able to get two golden ages only separated b a few years. then I did what anyone would do if they are accused of being a warmonger (like my neighbors said but it was not true), I became one....I build a huge military and put it on France's doorstep. I started loosing city-states because of France's influence over them.....and my economy was started to go down....people were not trading lux with me, since they were going to think of me as a warmonger anyway...I attacked felt VERY good. so far they have lost 4 cities (about 15% of their empire) and are begging for peace...but peace they will not find...well, i jsut want two more of their cities for economic (i need a trade route) and industrial (uranium, aluminum) needs. then i will go to peace, and get my next wave of troops ready for the next war against them )))))

                        While France has more tech than i do (for the moment) it looks like i am back on track to winning....but shouldn't this be harder??? I had a touch time beating CIV IV on King......


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by mkorin View Post
                          Don't let the neigh sayers affect your opinion.
                          What, even horses are complaining about the game? That's a bad sign.
                          If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman to hear him... is he still wrong?


                          • #28
                            I've played two Civ5 game in the last two weeks. Once with each of the two new civs and both ended up with me winning (one where I was the last with my capital and one science victory) even though I was playing on the second highest setting. That's not a comment about how good I am at the game, I'm not, it's a comment on how bad the AI is.
                            Try for discussion and debate.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Lord of the Isles View Post
                              What, even horses are complaining about the game? That's a bad sign.
                              No, that's the horse whispers, upset since they were not included in V after being a neat quest in IV.
                              Rule 37: "There is no 'overkill'. There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload'."
                     23 Feb 2004


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Oerdin View Post
                                I've played two Civ5 game in the last two weeks. Once with each of the two new civs and both ended up with me winning (one where I was the last with my capital and one science victory) even though I was playing on the second highest setting. That's not a comment about how good I am at the game, I'm not, it's a comment on how bad the AI is.
                                Right. Stuff Civ V, I'm sticking with Civ IV.
                                "You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."--General Sir Charles James Napier

