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Nuke happy AI

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  • Nuke happy AI

    Any ideas if there is a way to stop the AI using nukes too readily? I've not been nuked when I have them myself but for a second game where I don't have uranium and one of them does I'm getting nukes dropped on me - by Gandhi! (what happened to non violent protest?)

    I could see why Catherine used them the first time this happened to me as I had just captured one of her cities and was about to push for a couple more. This time Gandhi just decided to nuke the only city of mine he could reach (archipelago map) after he and two other AI's declared on me (OK I wiped the Persians out early and the AI's all hate me). My gripe is that there is no disincentive to using nuclear bombs - either an environmental penalty, a negative attitude from other leaders or any apparent reluctance to throw a few around.

    Even more annoying is that there is no defence. Nuclear bombs are delivered by aircraft. Such aircraft can be shot down and fail to reach their target - except in Civ5. Even anti ballistic missile systems are technically possible in RL so why can't they be in the game.

    I'm also not impressed that units within a city are totally destroyed. Damaged yes but destroyed - too much.

    Hopefully the devs will take this back to the drawing board - then again with all the other things that need to go back to the drawing board I'm not going to hold my breath.
    Never give an AI an even break.

  • #2
    I haven't noticed this.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #3
      I have to argee with Oerdin. I have played many games with the only person using nukes is me.



      • #4
        So I need to improve my gameplay skills (this has only started when I stepped up from Prince to King - at Prince I was the only one who got as far as nukes).
        Never give an AI an even break.


        • #5
          I'm playing King and thinking about moving up, so it is possible at King level not to get nuked randomly.



          • #6
            i play most of my games on immortal and this happens every now and then. i hade one game where the ai was dropping a nuke on me every turn for quite awhile. and since nukes are ridiculously overpowered such games really stick out.

            and your right besides capturing all sources of uranium there is **** all you can do to stop them. and other then the hammers/gold it took to build the nuke there is no negative effect for the dropper.


            • #7
              I've been nuke-annihilated by Nappie. And I often see fallout different places on the map. This is the first Civ game where I have been forced to build nukes to defend myself. I like this. It works as a deterrent.
              Fool me once, shame on you.
              Fool me twice, shame on me


              • #8
                there is no deterrent that is all in your head. who ever nukes first win cus nukes kill nukes.


                • #9
                  You misunderstand me. I build them, so I know I'm not **** out of luck when someone comes steamrolling with 5 nukes.
                  Fool me once, shame on you.
                  Fool me twice, shame on me


                  • #10
                    but your ****ed no matter how many nukes you build. cus they will die when they are nuked.


                    • #11
                      Well, if you're silly enough to place all your nukes in one border town, then yes.

                      I place my nukes in different cities, and when I get around to it on a carrier.
                      Fool me once, shame on you.
                      Fool me twice, shame on me


                      • #12
                        wasn't there some civ4 mod where you could have MAD? in other words, you get fired upon, then during the same moment nuke(s) fires back?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jbavon View Post
                          Well, if you're silly enough to place all your nukes in one border town, then yes.

                          I place my nukes in different cities, and when I get around to it on a carrier.
                          not everyone plays on large maps. a fact that not only you but also the civ 5 dev team overlooked.


                          • #14
                            I play on small maps.
                            Fool me once, shame on you.
                            Fool me twice, shame on me


                            • #15
                              then you should know what iam talking about. the range of nukes makes it impossible to hide yours. yes the ai is stupied so he might miss yours. but a human wont. so nukes arent just horribly overpowered they also favour the players.

                              i really cant belive people are actaully defending nukes in civ 5.

