It's been exactly six months since the release of Civilization 5. Following this event, several patches, hotfixes, and DLC's have emerged to improve on and extend game functionality.
This month's issue of "Game Developer" narrates the development of Civ5 from the lead producer, Dennis Shirk. He explains which issues Shafer's team faced, and some of the solutions that they came up with to counter these. We will be covering varying aspects of this issue later, in the spotlight.
In this topic, we focus on the overall game experience. Our forum has seen plenty of debate on this subject, often leading to heated discussions. Firaxis' Dennis Shirk finds that fans had "high expectations", and he is happy to conclude that the Civ community "feel[s] [that] we've delivered another great Civ game." (p.25).
Do you agree with Shirk's assessment? Which gameplay aspects are urging you to go 'one more turn'? Which overall changes might improve on that experience?
This month's issue of "Game Developer" narrates the development of Civ5 from the lead producer, Dennis Shirk. He explains which issues Shafer's team faced, and some of the solutions that they came up with to counter these. We will be covering varying aspects of this issue later, in the spotlight.
In this topic, we focus on the overall game experience. Our forum has seen plenty of debate on this subject, often leading to heated discussions. Firaxis' Dennis Shirk finds that fans had "high expectations", and he is happy to conclude that the Civ community "feel[s] [that] we've delivered another great Civ game." (p.25).
Do you agree with Shirk's assessment? Which gameplay aspects are urging you to go 'one more turn'? Which overall changes might improve on that experience?