Captain Pinkbeard: Ahoy matey! Arr, ye be a buccaneer eh? Yarr! Let's set out the seven seas to explore, conquer, rape, pillage, and be generally malignant hahaha!
*Guybrush comes running in*
Guybrush: Guys, guys! We've been made obsolete! Our nation's great scientists have discovered the nuclear-quantum-radiation exploration technology!
Captain Pinkbeard: Shiver me timbers! Back to the petstore ye go, Polly..
Polly: Polly want a hacker! Polly want a hacker! Raak!
Note: nuclear devices can be used to explore unseen lands, with fairly large radiuses.
*Guybrush comes running in*
Guybrush: Guys, guys! We've been made obsolete! Our nation's great scientists have discovered the nuclear-quantum-radiation exploration technology!
Captain Pinkbeard: Shiver me timbers! Back to the petstore ye go, Polly..
Polly: Polly want a hacker! Polly want a hacker! Raak!
Note: nuclear devices can be used to explore unseen lands, with fairly large radiuses.