What exactly are the specific benefits that you gain from having a Pact of Cooperation or a Pact of Secrecy with/against another Civ? I have been unable to find any descriptions in-game.
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What do Pacts with other civs mean?
Isn't it much better this way? I think that 99% of the time in life, as with women, anticipation and uncertainty is better than the actually knowing anything. This is why I have a huge wishlist on Amazon. I know that once I buy my third electric skillet I will immediately regret it. But as long as it is sitting there on my wishlist, I can't help but wonder if THIS SKILLET IS GOING TO COOK MORE EVENLY THAN MY CURRENT SKILLET. It seems to me that a pact of cooperation will get you better deals with that civilization if you reciprocate. A pact of secrecy will do the same (improve relations), as long as you do not cooperate with the civilization you have the pact against. No one is really sure what "cooperate" means or how far that extends, but then, does anyone really want to know?
Rule 37: "There is no 'overkill'. There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload'."
http://www.schlockmercenary.com/ 23 Feb 2004