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How should I prioritise my production

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  • How should I prioritise my production

    ATM i'm aiming for science above all else followed by gold, then culture then food and its working well for me but i'm a noob playing on noob skill level so I dont know how much of this is the low difficulty setting and how much is my genius strategy

    the game before last I was last in tech (it was pretty early though) and last game i was around 20 techs ahead, but I did go for every wonder or social thing that gave free techs or great scientists, so a good half of my lead could have been them.

    Thing is, I figure if I ever quit being rubbish at civ (all civs) and get to play on prince or something and live more than 100 turns then will this strat still work?

    also, another unrelated question. the map I was on was continents and alexander steamrolled everyone (6 people) and then he started mocking my lack of an army (i had maybe 3 archers) so i paniced and bought submarines from every coastal city and started building battleships. but his capital was right on the border, I managed to take it with 3 battleships and one paratrooper and game over, i won? he was still way way stronger and larger than me, is there any way I can change it so capital elimination doesnt auto mean I win?

  • #2
    Food is an indirect way of getting science, since population is the base stat used to determine beakers. You might want to go for population first, and let science work itself out.
    John Brown did nothing wrong.


    • #3
      and buy a few maritime CSs for the extra food so you grow faster and work more science specialists.
      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        I tend to prioritize gold and production, and keep my growth to a minimum, like +2 food per turn in each city. I'm usually near last in population and land size, so I don't worry about competing there. I build a collosseum and monument in every city, but only build additional happiness or culture buildings as needed. I build all the possible science and money buildings in every city. I don't bother with workshops, forges, or such, although I usually do factories in my production cities. I also don't bother with city states and try to maintain just enough army to not be invaded. I only build enough of a navy to have fun, there's not much use for it otherwise.

        Maybe it's an unconventional strategy but it's brought me several space race victories, the latest on Emperor difficulty... basically, with practice it becomes easier to build only what is needed.
        What's up, hot dog?

