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My new favorite leader - Ghandi

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  • My new favorite leader - Ghandi

    The elephants look really cool. More importantly, I think I have finally found the answer to the crippling Happiness problems I've been having in all of my other games.

    India's special is that they gain double the unhappiness from number of cities, but half the unhappiness for population. In every game it was the Pop number that was killing me. Easy to control the number of cities, but hard to manage the population effectively I found. At leas hard to manage it and still get them to pay their maintenance costs.

    If I can get the Forbidden Palace built (always thought it was a meh wonder, and it is for everyone else), this wonder seems made for India.

  • #2
    Also, even having doubled city unhappiness, you can expand to as many cities as you want with a net savings, as long as the average population is over 4. I agree, they are a powerful civ.

    Actually, the more I study different civs, the more the last one I played is my favorite. I just played China, and they kick ass. Their UU is super powerful, a crossbow w/2 attacks per turn. However their real powerhouse is their unique building. It replaces the library, usually the second building I put in every city, and also provides 4 gold per turn. This 4 gold applies to the base income... so with a market and bank, it really provides 8 gold per turn. With ten cities, that's 80/turn for something you're going to build anyway.
    What's up, hot dog?


    • #3
      Bank & market each provide +25% gold. So together they are +50% gold, which means 6 gpt from the Chinese libraries, not 8. Still a nice UB though.
      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


      • #4
        Originally posted by OzzyKP View Post
        Bank & market each provide +25% gold. So together they are +50% gold, which means 6 gpt from the Chinese libraries, not 8. Still a nice UB though.
        I really should check these things as my memory doesn't work like it used to. I was thinking they were 50% each. Either way tho, I was super rich as the Chinese in my last game. No matter how you look at it, having the paper maker building is like having two standard TP in action in every city.
        What's up, hot dog?

